Diet number 8: sample menus and recipes

Scientists estimate that today every ninth inhabitant of the planet is obese. This disease is the scourge of modern society, when almost all products and dishes are available, and the food culture is not instilled in all families and countries since childhood.

People with excess weight significantly exceeding the norm fall into risk groups for many types of diseases. All organs and systems of the body are weakened by the constant pressure of excess weight and poor blood supply.

The disease must be fought both individually, with the goal of healing the body, and everywhere, with the goal of healing the whole of humanity. For this, a lot of techniques and wellness diets for overweight people have been created. One of the most effective is considered a diet (table) No. 8.


An unhealthy increase in body weight occurs with excessive formation of fat, when the balance between consumed and burned calories is disrupted. Most often this happens with a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work or the consumption of high-calorie foods in unlimited quantities.

A similar metabolic disorder can occur for the following reasons:

  • Behavioral and cultural. The food culture has not been brought up in a person since childhood due to the social environment, where this type of behavior is considered the norm and even defends itself under the guise of a "fight for human rights."
  • Genetic. This refers to a hereditary predisposition with delayed metabolic processes.
  • Hormonal - due to a violation of hormonal regulation, the body can not cope with the metabolism.
  • Ecological - a polluted environment can disrupt the natural balance of all processes in the body, as well as cause an unhealthy appetite and cravings for junk food.

In addition to these factors, there are others:

  • pregnancy;
  • tumor formation;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • taking hormonal and psychiatric drugs.

With the manifestation of the main symptoms of excess weight or obesity, you do not need to leave this phenomenon to chance, but you should pay attention to your diet or consult specialists on the issue of improving eating behavior.


They are as follows:

  • Increased body fat.
  • Shortness of breath during any physical exertion.
  • Lethargy, drowsiness and apathy.
  • Excessive sweating with an unpleasant odor.
  • Fast fatiguability.

How it works

In the case of a diagnosis of “overweight” or “obesity”, nutritionists most often recommend diet number 8, the main idea of ​​which is to limit calorie intake per day and increase dietary intake of fiber-rich foods.

healthy and unhealthy food

This type of food prescribes a change in eating behavior in order to restore normal metabolism in the body. Diet No. 8 is designed for people who are overweight, obese or have a painful craving for junk food and excesses.

The diet is simple and clear, and most importantly does not limit the number of meals per day, therefore, it occupies a key place among such health-improving nutrition practices.

Pevzner diet No. 8 for fatty hepatosis is also prescribed. This disease is associated mainly with metabolic disorders due to eating disorders. In advanced cases, the disease can have serious consequences for the operation of all functions and systems of the body, primarily the cardiovascular one.

Features of a diet (table) No. 8

The main feature is the reduction in calories per day, including restrictions on the intake of carbohydrates, salt, spices and animal fats. In general, calories for all meals (4-5, including a mid-morning snack and a small glass of kefir or low-fat milk at night) are accumulated from 1800 to 2000 per day. The feeling of fullness is achieved through the use of fiber. Foods are mainly boiled, stewed, baked or steamed, without the use of any animal fats and vegetable oils. A day should drink 1-1.5 liters of water.

water rate per day

Diet number 8: foods

Having found out what foods it is better to forget during the diet, you can make an approximate list of what will go into the menu. The duration of the diet is determined by the attending physician.

allowed foods when dieting

During the therapeutic diet No. 8, it is recommended to use low-fat products of animal origin, paying particular attention to their preparation, as well as products containing a large amount of fiber. Those ingredients that require heat treatment should be baked, boiled or steamed.

Allowed to include such products:

  • Meat is low in fat and calories. This includes beef, turkey and chicken, rabbit and veal.
  • Low-fat fish.
  • The use of 1-2 eggs per day is recommended, the method of preparation is not limited. You can boil or fry the omelet in low-fat oil.
  • Allowed bread made from coarse wheat and bran.
  • In therapeutic diet No. 8, dairy products of low fat content are allowed. Particular attention should be paid to cheese: it can be consumed in small quantities and not every day.
  • You can include crumbly cereals. However, when any cereals are included in the diet, their simultaneous use with something starchy should be avoided.
  • Almost all dishes in diet No. 8 should contain vegetables, as they consist of a sufficient amount of essential fiber and should form the basis of the diet.
  • Among the drinks during the diet, you should choose still water, fruit drinks, various fresh and smoothies diluted with water in a ratio of one to one, as well as juices and stewed fruits without sugar. Tea or coffee with a little added low percent milk is also allowed.
    healthy foods

    It is forbidden to include in the diet menu number 8:

  • Sweet soda, cocoa and alcohol.
  • Any desserts containing sugar and a lot of calories.
  • Smoked meats, pickles, convenience foods, ginger and any seasonings and spices that stimulate appetite.
  • Fast food, milkshakes and convenience foods.
  • It is better to avoid fatty cheeses and cheese containing high amounts of sugar.
  • White bread and sweet pastries are prohibited.
  • Sweet fruits like bananas, apricots, peaches, grapes and more.
  • It is forbidden to use sugar, only sweeteners: sorbitol, xylitol, saccharin.

The essence of the method

You need to eat 5-6 times a day. Due to the fractional low-calorie diet saturated with fiber, the excess waste products will be slowly but surely removed from the body, the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates will be normalized, as well as the balance between consumption and burning of calories.

Ideas for Recipes

With a sharp change in the type of food, it is very difficult to choose recipes that would diversify the diet and at the same time be fully consistent with the chosen diet.

The following recipes for diet menu number 8 will form the basis for further diverse and proper nutrition in order to get the maximum benefit and pleasure from the prepared dishes.

Recipe 1

Salad. Vegetables and low-fat cheese

  1. Cut the vegetables in neat, uniformly sized pieces.
  2. Add lettuce leaves and herbs.
  3. Add olives and cubes of salted feta cheese or Adyghe cheese to the mixture obtained (optional).
  4. Stir the ingredients.
  5. Add olive oil and a little lemon juice, mix again. Important to remember! Following a diet, do not use any spices or salt.

Recipe 2

Stew with sour cream

How to cook:

  1. Prepare a frying of finely chopped onions and carrots in cubes. Use olive oil for frying.
  2. Pour some water into the frying pan, extinguishing the mixture for about 5 minutes.
  3. Fight off pre-chopped meat by adding aromatic herbs as spices. Add to the roast.
  4. Wait until the veal turns white, then transfer everything to a deeper pan. Pour mixture into hot water.
  5. Wait 10 minutes and add sour cream. Simmer meat for about an hour.
  6. After an hour, add flour, evenly distributed over the surface, and simmer for about 7 minutes.
  7. After that, remove from the stove and cover the pan with a lid. Strain for another 15 minutes.

Recipe 3

Banana and Fruit Jelly Cheesecake

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the cottage cheese to a pasty state. Beat in two eggs, pour in two tablespoons of low fat condensed milk and a tablespoon of flour. Mix everything in a blender.
  2. Add pre-prepared banana puree to the resulting mass.
  3. Grease a baking sheet or mold with butter.
  4. Put the "dough" in an even layer and bake for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. When a golden crust forms, cover the dish with foil and leave it in the oven for another 20 minutes.
  5. Cool slightly and put fruit jelly on top.

About efficiency

According to reviews, diet number 8 is very effective. It allows you to slowly but steadily reduce weight. A weight loss of 26 kilograms was noted. The weight loss technique is designed for smooth stress-free weight loss. The duration of medical nutrition is determined by the attending physician, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

the right products

Sample menu

The menu for the week for diet No. 8 for obesity should be carefully and carefully paying attention to all the ingredients. There are many examples and recommendations on what is best to cook.

In addition to a full variety of food at the same time, it is worth paying attention to the need for fasting days.

All dishes described in the sample diet for a week should not contain sugar, high fat content, salt or spices. The list is given as an example to determine the individual type of food, not as a clear instruction for action.


  • For breakfast number 1. A glass of yogurt or low fat kefir and an egg.
  • For breakfast number 2. Boiled veal, green peas from a jar, unsweetened apple, a cup of coffee.
  • For lunch. Lean vegetable soup, fresh carrots, boiled meat (any low-fat), sugar-free compote.
  • For an afternoon snack. Apple, savory again.
  • For dinner. 100 grams of boiled pollock or other low-fat fish, boiled potatoes, coleslaw and tea.
  • For the night. Low-fat kefir.


  • For breakfast number 1. Kefir and a slice of boiled beef.
  • For breakfast number 2. Boiled egg, apple and a cup of coffee without sugar.
  • Dinner. Lean borsch, mashed potatoes boiled in water, 200 grams of boiled beef and unsweetened compote.
  • An afternoon snack. An Apple.
  • Dinner. 100 grams of boiled chicken, green peas and tea.
  • For the night. Low-fat kefir.


  • For breakfast number 1. 100 grams of boiled meat to choose from and kefir
  • For breakfast number 2. Banana Cheesecake (as described above), a cup of coffee and an apple.
  • Dinner. Lean soup without meat on vegetable broth, boiled potatoes with herbs, boiled pollock, compote.
  • An afternoon snack. Apple (you can bake).
  • Dinner. 100 grams of boiled chicken, tea with milk.
  • For the night. Low-fat kefir.


Milk fasting day. It is recommended to evenly distribute portions of milk. You need to drink 1-2 liters of nonfat milk.


  • For breakfast number 1. Egg, fish aspic, tea.
  • For breakfast number 2. Freshly grated carrots and kefir.
  • Dinner. Braised veal (from the recipe above), fresh vegetables to choose from, compote.
  • An afternoon snack. An Apple.
  • Dinner. Boiled egg.
  • For the night. Milk or yogurt.


  • For breakfast number 1. Egg, steamed fish cakes, sugar free coffee.
  • For breakfast number 2. A glass of milk.
  • Dinner. Lenten vegetable soup, veal stew and smoothie from any fresh vegetable.
  • An afternoon snack. Any berries.
  • Dinner. 50 grams of boiled meat, egg and unsweetened tea.
  • Before bedtime. Yogurt.


  • For breakfast number 1. Steamed potatoes and pollock, cabbage salad, unsweetened coffee.
  • For breakfast number 2. A glass of yogurt.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup, 100 grams of boiled chicken, cucumber, compote.
  • An afternoon snack. 200 grams of berries to choose from.
  • Dinner. Egg and boiled meat, tea.
  • Before going to bed - a glass of yogurt.

Fasting days

Diet number 8 can be combined with fasting days, when during the day not a variety of foods are consumed, but only one type. The point is that a one-day decrease in calories to, for example, 500-600, will help the body feel less acute in the following days. This will develop the habit of eating less and more wholesome food.

1. A day containing meat and vegetables.

meat day

For the whole day, it is necessary to divide small portions of the total amount (500 grams) of meat or fish and 500 grams of vegetables (more can be). Meat products are best cooked without adding salt and other seasonings, and vegetables are best eaten raw. Vegetables are included on a fasting day in order to dilute protein concentration and increase fiber levels.

2. Curd.

For the whole day, from 400 to 600 grams of cottage cheese of low fat content, 500 milliliters of kefir or milk to choose from are offered.

3. Milky day.

milk day

All day you need to drink exclusively non-fat milk. 1-2 liters are calculated per day. Milk, if desired, can be replaced with kefir or yogurt.

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