Jean-Michel Jarre proved to the world that perseverance can do anything!

Jean-Michel Jarre is an outstanding French musician who became famous thanks to his electronic compositions. His performances are always accompanied by a grandiose laser show and vivid special effects. Through his musical creations, he reveals to the listener his own variation of the Universe, that is, his attitude to it.


Jean-Michel Andre Jarre came to this world on August 24, the 48th. Music surrounded him from birth, because both his father and grandfather had a direct relationship to this wonderful art. Dad was a composer of film soundtracks, and achieved considerable success. But grandfather was one of the creators of the pickups for turntables.

Michelle's first mental trauma was the divorce of his parents, because at that time he was only five years old. My father went to the USA for the American dream, and the baby stayed with his mother somewhere on the outskirts of Paris. Jean-Michel practically did not communicate with dad, however, he decided to actively develop the musical talent he received. He entered the Paris Conservatory.


In his youth, Jarre could be called a difficult teenager, since instead of school, he disappeared at rehearsals of small-town groups, playing the guitar. Once, with one of them, he even managed to get a prize at the Paris Street Festival.

In 68, he joined the "Group of Musical Researchers", where he experimented a lot. Then Jean-Michel did not have the money to create a full-fledged studio, but tried his best, and gradually equipped it and acquired the necessary tools.

By the mid-70s, the musician’s style was finally formed, it became clear that it was built on the “wonders of technology”. Jarre wrote a pair of instrumentals for the debut album, naming them Erosmashina and Cage.

The first pancake is always lumpy

Jean is a man of extraordinary fortitude, and if fate drives him to a standstill, he simply seeks a different path, creating something new. He managed to do the impossible - to present the large-scale Aor project (seven-part opera) in the huge hall of the Paris Opera.

early years

The first full-fledged vinyl was Deserted Palace, released in the 71st, but the expected excitement among the French was not observed. Despite the fact that Jean was crushed by failure, he did not even think to give up. In order to gain experience and “not be left without pants,” he, like his father, wrote soundtracks for films and short tunes for TV.

Cardinal changes

After analyzing his previous defeat, Jean-Michel with devilish zeal began to experiment with sound and composing compositions for the synthesizer, which ultimately paid off. Producer Francis Dreyfus could not get past the talent, as he knew a lot about not only jazz, but also electronic music. It was he who helped Jean in the promotion, believing in his talent.

Now the career has gone uphill, and labels that have refused Jarre's recording of the Oxigen album have bitten their elbows, as he is on the first lines of the French charts. And the next vinyl called Equinoxe brought the musician the coveted world fame.


jean michel

Many people confuse the work of Jean-Michel Jarre and Didier Marouani, but the compositions of the first are more multifaceted and differ in a more subtle depth of musical depiction. However, it is more correct to say that both are good in their own way and worthy of honor, because how many people have so many opinions.

When Jarre became popular, an audience of more than 100,000 people gathered at his concert, held on Place de la Concorde! It is thanks to this that the talented electronic engineer got on the page of the Guinness Book of Records and became the founding father of the new style.

Jarre was constantly in creative search, creating something unique time after time, so subsequent albums did not leave the top of the most advanced charts. During a tour of China, the musician was inspired by the sound of folk instruments of the Celestial Empire, and soon their sounds were woven into his new compositions. This caused even greater interest in him, the audience increased at times.

Something grandiose

Electronic genius

The famous Frenchman received a unique proposal - to create a melody that Ronald McNair had to play on the saxophone, while in space. The event was planned to mark the 25th anniversary of NASA and the 150th anniversary of Texas. At the same time, new compositions were written, the release of which was planned a little later.

This could be a grandiose event in its scale, about which a deep trace would remain in history, but God has all his plans. The Challenger shuttle, on which Ronald was located, crashed, and the planned concert was a dedication to the suddenly dead astronauts.


The main thing is not to betray the dream

The best composition by Jean-Michel Jarre is rightfully recognized as a collaboration with Armin Buren called Stardust. According to lovers of such music, the track as if sends its listener into space swimming and awakens long-forgotten childhood dreams.

In 2016, a new hit, Brick England, was released, which became the fruit of the composer's collaboration with the Pet Shop Boys. He is also recognized as the perfect work of the musician - one of the best with Jean-Michel for his entire career. Among other things, the composer's account included such achievements as a performance with the astronauts of the Mir station, the anthem of the 2002 football championship and volunteer work at UNESCO.

Great creative hunger does not allow him to sit still, so the musician is in search of new inspiration 24 hours a day and seven days a week. The success of Jean-Michel Jarre is vivid proof that you need to constantly improve yourself and work on yourself, then the world will lie at your feet and your plan will be realized.

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