Company anniversary in Russian

Anniversaries can be treated differently. You can not notice them, but you can celebrate solemnly and pompously. This is when it comes to the anniversary of one person, but if the anniversary of the company is at stake, the issue is not discussed. Not because itโ€™s so customary, and not because I want to spend a fun evening in the company of employees. Any anniversary of the company - a year, ten or twenty years - is the result of the conscientious work of the entire team, and all employees are entitled to enjoy their achievements and congratulate each other in a festive atmosphere.

company anniversary
Of course, this evening you canโ€™t do without summing up, without listening to reports with a lot of dry numbers, without discussing plans and prospects. But the anniversary of the company is not limited to this. Let's immediately decide - what is it and how does it differ from any other holiday? The anniversary of the company, even the most modest one, is a large-scale event, a certain milestone, therefore, its implementation should be treated with particular care and reverence.

This is a serious and justifiable reason to arrange a happy holiday to all members of the team who deserve it with their dedicated work, responsibility and serious attitude to business. You can invite your customers to the anniversary, thereby demonstrating your good disposition to them. With this you will demonstrate your competitors your ever-increasing power.

A well-spent company anniversary is an indicator of the stability of your company. It must be made solemn and memorable for everyone. First of all, the question arises: โ€œWhere to hold this celebration?โ€ Stop your choice on the best restaurant in your city, you can use the services of country restaurants or night

company anniversary

If your city has a navigable river, spend your company anniversary aboard the ship. Believe that such a holiday will be remembered for a long time. Take care of beautiful bouquets and flower baskets in advance for your employees, partners. Organizing the anniversary of the company, you need to think through all the little things. You should worry about the presence of professional photographers who capture a significant event.

In many companies, there is a good and very good tradition when its employees, together or individually, prepare a gift for the anniversary of their company.

A gift for the anniversary of the company should be special, if only because it is not intended for one person, but for the whole team. There is a place for creativity. It is better to approach the issue of choice collectively, thus, as a result of general discussion, the most optimal one will be selected from the mass of the proposed options.

company anniversary gift
Of the many gifts that are often used, but have not lost their originality, one interesting idea can be distinguished. It is quite original and meets the solemnity of the moment. Present for the anniversary of the company its managers a collective portrait of all employees with their wishes for the anniversary. Such a portrait can be created on the basis of individual photographs, and you will not need to get together all to pose for the artist.

A long-used, but, nevertheless, win-win option is the presentation of comic commemorative medals ordered specially for the anniversary.

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