Primary professional education in Russia

In society, education has always been considered a sign of education and intellectual level. In this sense, higher education is more quoted, and secondary school graduates tend to get into prestigious universities and institutes for fashionable professions, while in the country there are not enough highly skilled workers. Primary vocational education, now trying to live with the times, is responsible for their preparation. This will be discussed in the article.

The system of educational institutions of vocational education

Educational institutions involved in vocational training of students are divided into three levels. These are primary (vocational schools), secondary (technical schools), and higher (universities). Secondary vocational schools (secondary special educational institutions) are called the union of vocational education institutions of secondary and primary levels. GOU NGOs and LEU NGOs are ranked among the initial ones, respectively, state and non-state educational institutions of primary vocational education. In Soviet times, initial vocational education was presented by vocational schools (their full name was: urban secondary vocational schools, or SSTU). Modern Russia renamed them vocational lyceums.

The set is based on nine and eleven classes. For admission, you need to submit an application and pass the competition. As a rule, NGO institutions are popular among students living in single-parent and dysfunctional families, because primary vocational education is a great opportunity to master a profession and get a certificate of a comprehensive school.

Popular majors in vocational education institutions

In the modern labor market, there is an acute shortage of specialists trained to work in the manufacturing sector. This is because high school graduates consider working professions to be prestigious and incorrectly assess the level of salaries in this area. Institutions that provide primary vocational education prepare comprehensively developed graduates, whose training is carried out by real masters and teachers who are constantly concerned about improving their skills. Modern training programs in professional lyceums are close to secondary vocational education. The duration of the course depends on the student. In that case, if primary vocational education is received on the basis of 9 classes of secondary school, then the duration of training is from two to three years. Graduates of schools with a certificate of secondary education (after grade 11) study in professional lyceums from 1 year to 2 years. Vocational lyceums offer two forms of training: full-time and evening.

The list of specialties taught by NGOs has been greatly reduced since Soviet times (one thousand four hundred), and has been substantially revised. Now training is in the integrated two hundred and eighty professions. The most popular were professions from the services, food, transport and trade sectors. Of the completely new specialties demanded by society, we can list ecologists, social workers, designers, and small business organizers. All this increases the competitiveness of graduates and allows them to find jobs guaranteed. And the number of specialties associated with production and construction has declined.

To this day, primary vocational education in Russia is classified as secondary specialized, while abroad it can also be classified as higher. And at the same time, NGO institutions are one of the important parts of the education system, training high-skilled workers from the service sector and industrial production.

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