Do dead relatives see us: scientific facts

Do dead relatives see us? This problem worries many who lose loved ones. Believers are convinced that after death, a person’s life continues, only in a different form. Orthodox claim that a person can go to hell or paradise, depending on whether he kept the main Christian commandments. In this article we will tell you what theories about life after death exist, whether there is a grain of truth in them.

Scientific fact

What happens to the soul after death

The problem, whether dead relatives see us, was even attended to by scientists. At the same time, it is worth recognizing that the conclusions they reached are not so clear-cut and categorical, as skeptics and convinced atheists believe.

For example, in 2012, curious scientific facts appeared. Do dead relatives see us, experts in the field of quantum physics examined. In particular, numerous media reported that scientists were able to find out where the human soul goes after death.

Specialists from the UK and American University of Arizona said they were able to understand why people see black and long tunnels with light at the end at death, as well as their own long-dead relatives. In their opinion, such visions appear at that moment when the human soul leaves the body, going to the expanses of the universe.

Study of the near-death experience

Scientists have examined the near-death experience experienced by people who have experienced clinical death. These patients said that at the same time they met with their long-dead relatives, and they watched their own body from the side. Prior to this, it was believed that these are reactions of the brain, which is faced with oxygen starvation, in which some areas begin to die.

British and American scientists came to a completely different conclusion when they studied this experience from the point of view of the quantum theory of consciousness. They found that the human soul is contained in certain structures of our body. They were called microtubules or microtubules. They are located in the brain cells. When a person sees such pictures at death, this is explained by the effect of quantum gravity, which develops in microtubules. The soul gradually leaves the nervous system, becoming part of the universe.

It is noteworthy that this point of view coincides with the ideas about the afterlife of Hare Krishnas and Buddhists. They also believe that the soul of a deceased person becomes a part of the Universe, and later returns to the world as a result of reincarnation.

What do the dead after death see?

Life after death

If we turn to the options that the world religions offer, then they can be conditionally divided into two groups.

Representatives of the first claim that after the death of a person eternal bliss awaits in some other place, while the rest are convinced that the soul is reborn.

It is noteworthy that in each of these options there is the possibility of seeing the living after death.

Understanding whether deceased relatives see us after death, some argue that dreams confirm this. After all, often completely unknown people appear in them, who in a dream communicate with you as if they had known for many years.

Dream meeting

Do the souls of deceased relatives see us

There is an opinion that these are the people we met during the day. You do not know them, you do not remember them, but for some reason they have been put aside in your subconscious.

There is another version. It's like your dead relatives visiting you in your dreams. They themselves have already moved to another world, but sometimes they have the opportunity to see you, and you - them.

Moreover, it is believed that they are speaking from parallel reality. In this situation, we can safely say that this is one of the few ways of communication between souls. According to this version, it is obvious whether the dead see their living relatives.

Help from Heaven

Do the dead see their living relatives

According to another version, a person ended up in a different world. In Heaven or Nirvana - it doesn’t matter. What matters is that it is an ephemeral reality in which the soul connects with the general mind.

Such a person receives a large number of new opportunities that were previously inaccessible to him. However, he is still connected by common experiences and emotional bonds with those who survived. Answering the question, do the dead relatives see and hear us, the supporters of this theory are convinced that they are capable not only of this, but are also trying to help in one way or another.

You can find a lot of evidence of how deceased friends or relatives warned the living of impending dangers, advised how to act in a difficult situation.

Of course, everything can be attributed to intuition. But why then do we see images of deceased relatives? There is no logical answer to this question.

Are both versions correct?

Finally, there is a third option when trying to answer the question of whether deceased relatives see us. It can be argued that both versions are correct.

In this case, it turns out that after death, a person finds himself in a different world in which he thrives while he has someone to help from the living. He remains there while he lives in someone else's subconscious. But since human memory is not eternal, sooner or later the last relative or descendant who knew him dies.

After this, the deceased is reborn to begin a new cycle. Get a new family and acquaintances, repeat this circle again.


Are dead relatives seeing and hearing us

Understanding what a person is capable of seeing after death, one can come to the conclusion that before the very end a certain state of catharsis sets in. This is the limit of physical suffering when a thought begins to fade out until it fades out completely. Often the last thing a person hears is a doctor’s words about heart failure.

At the next stage, a person begins to watch from the side for his body. Moreover, he most often hangs a few meters above the ground, sees how doctors save him, trying to bring him back to life. What happened to him, he finally understands only when everything calms down.

After that, a person reconciles to the current situation, realizing that he now has a new path. A way to another world, from which he will be able to observe his relatives for some time, help them and support them in difficult times.

What does our soul see?

Do deceased relatives see us after death

Understanding whether the souls of deceased relatives see us, we need to understand that in this case we are talking about what the human soul can see. It is believed that the human mind is concentrated, turning into a bodyless shell, at the moment when he finally reconciles to death by accepting it.

Up to this point, his spiritual body looks exactly the same as his physical one. But after he realizes that the peculiar fetters are falling from him, the force of gravity no longer has power over him, the body begins its transformation, losing its outlines familiar to the eye.

Then the relatives begin to appear around the soul of the deceased before. In this situation, they seek to support us, so that it would be easier for a person to move on to the next stage of his existence.

When the soul begins to move, it is believed that a strange creature appears in front of it, which cannot be described in words. One can only understand that love emanates from him.

Among those who suffered a clinical death, having been beyond this line, there is an opinion that this is our very first ancestor from whom all people on earth descended. He is always in a hurry to help the dead man who still does not understand. This creature begins to communicate, asking questions, but not in voice, but in images. In these moments, a person sees before himself his whole past life, only in the reverse order.

At the barrier

It was then that the realization came that an approach to a certain barrier had taken place. It may not be visible, but it is already felt. Logically, believers come to the conclusion that this is a barrier that separates the world of the dead from the world of the living. What happens behind her is unknown to anyone living. One can only guess about this, build various versions and assumptions.

Now it’s clear whether deceased relatives see us. Obviously, they are not only able to observe us, but also exert influence on loved ones who remained on the earth, help them, give practical advice.

Having considered all the versions that exist today, believers claim that the dead can really see us.

Mysticism in the life of children

Do children see the souls of deceased relatives

If adults see their deceased relatives quite rarely, exclusively in critical situations, then there are much more stories about young children who have felt a connection with the other world.

In such a situation, it is important to understand what it is: prank or indefatigable fantasy. Can children see deceased relatives?

Skeptics and atheists claim that the point is in the excessive sensitivity of the kids. Indeed, this happens especially often with relatives, whom the children knew and remember well. In the event of their death, they begin to fantasize, imagining that they again come to them, as in life, play with them, tell tales, and admonish.

Of course, it is impossible to answer unequivocally whether children see the souls of deceased relatives. Among believers, it is considered abnormal when a relative of his who has gone to another world appears without a special need. It is one thing when they are in a hurry from the next world to warn of impending disaster or to give vital advice. A completely different situation, when the soul comes only to play with the baby.

It is believed that in this situation, the surest decision would be to go to the priest. There is a high probability that it is not your relative, but demons or fallen souls who are naughty in this way. The child must be communed, it is better to consecrate the house.

You should not be encouraged if nothing bad happens to the child and the family. Demons are very insidious, only a priest can give practical advice on how to act in such a situation.

If the baby is really a recently deceased relative, then service should be ordered for him. Apparently, his soul in the next world can not find peace. It is important to calm the soul of the deceased so that there is no trouble for the child himself or his relatives.

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