Types of human perception

Throughout his life, a person tries to know everything that surrounds him, what to rejoice and what to fear. Meeting daily with an unfamiliar situation or objects, he is faced with the dilemma of how to behave, how to figure it out and understand everything. Insufficient knowledge and the impossibility of explaining this and that phenomenon compel us to comprehend the new and the unknown. As a result of this, a person tries to perceive everything around from the position of new knowledge gained.

So what is human perception? What types of perceptions exist? According to psychologists, this is a reflection of the world in the form of a holistic image. And also it is a complex of sensations that possess new, previously unfamiliar properties. If we consider perception in development, then the chain will look like this: sensation, then perception, then thinking. Human perception is a unity of the logical, sensual and semantic. Perceiving, a person not only looks, but also sees, not only listens, but also hears, considers, peers, listens.

There is a classification of types of perception. In this process, some kind of analyzer is involved to a greater extent, which plays a major role in perception. It can be an organ of hearing, sight, smell, or touch.

Perception is divided into two forms: involuntary, which is not associated with a willpower; and arbitrary, in other words, intentional. Each form of perception, in turn, is divided into simple types (by modality): auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory, and taste.

Psychologists distinguish four levels of this process. Firstly, this is sensory perception, as an initial level, with the help of which an object that has fallen into the field of vision of a person is covered. Secondly, the perceptual level is the process of comprehending what is seen, the definition of its class and category. Thirdly, the operational level, which contributes to the coverage of a certain function or side of an object or object. Fourth, this is an active level that facilitates interaction with an object or object as the goal of an activity.

Types of perception in psychology are classified taking into account the specifics of an object or object (human speech with intonations, artwork). Perception can be either an independent process, or included in any activity.

A specially organized planned perception, which will be a way to solve a problem, is called observation. All these are simple forms of perception. Complex forms of human perception include the integrity of an object or event, structurality, objectivity, constancy, apperception, meaningfulness, illusion, selectivity.

Perceiving individual objects, we try to highlight their signs, properties and strive to see everything as a whole. Thanks to this, we present a holistic image.

A huge role in human activity is played by more complex types of perception in psychological structure, such as perception of space, time and movement.

The spatial perception is based on motor, visual, vestibular and skin sensations. In a single complex, they allow a person to determine his position in space and the distance from a specific object or object in a timely manner.

Complex forms of perception are divided into such as:

- illusions caused by physical, psychological or physiological causes;

- detection of an object, which is determined by its contrast and shape;

- the perception of the object is determined by the color and size of the object itself;

- the perception of time is a series of sensations that summarize the signals of the brain about the activity, speed and sequence of all events of the world, as well as the inner rhythm of a person;

- The main characteristic of the perception of movement is speed and direction, observation and observation. This is an arbitrary activity with deliberate actions. A person in the process of observation identifies certain details, signs and properties of an object or object.

Perception is the processing of certain information received through the senses , the process of forming the integrity of the image. Different types of perception contribute to a more specific vision of images. Perception depends on the experience gained. The world around us is perceived not only as structural and organized, but also as stable and permanent.

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