Lactolan Peeling Cream: composition, instructions for use, a positive effect on the skin and reviews

The peeling procedure is often associated with unpleasant consequences after it. Indeed, before you get the desired result, you need to endure a lot of discomfort and a week to "hide" at home. After that, I do not want to appear in the light with a red, swollen face after cosmetic manipulations. But there is a way! This is Israeli peeling Lactolan Peeling Cream. It is an excellent alternative to salon procedures with a mild effect on the skin.

How does he work

White peel

Cosmetic products from Israel are quite popular among professionals and ordinary people. Holy Land Lactolan Peeling Cream is especially fond of. Customer reviews indicate its positive effect, without side effects in the form of swollen, red skin. The fact is that this product belongs to the type of “surface” peelings. It works only with the upper part of the dermis, without affecting the deeper layers. A mild cleansing effect due to the presence of beneficial components in the composition.

  • With the help of alpha acids, a thorough and gentle cleansing of the upper part of the epidermis is achieved. The complexion improves, and regenerative processes are also accelerated.
  • Beta acids have a calming effect. They do not allow the development of inflammation.
  • Vitamin A and B have a stimulating effect on collagen production.
  • Milk protein nourishes, moisturizes.

In addition to the main ingredients, peels of this brand include various minerals, salts, oils and vitamins. Such an extensive and useful composition has a beneficial effect on the skin condition, perfectly exfoliating and updating, without causing unpleasant sensations. The Israeli company has temporarily (or maybe forever) suspended the release of Lactolan peeling cream, replacing it with White Peel. The manufacturer declares that the "filling" of these two cosmetics is identical.

Who is suitable for

Holi Land products

Israeli cosmetics Lactolan Peeling Cream is perfect for home use, aimed at obtaining a professional result. It is recommended for those who want to get rid of pigmentation, say goodbye to black dots and prevent premature skin aging. Also, such a composition helps in the following:

  1. Accelerates the regeneration process after other (chemical, hard) peels.
  2. Soothes irritated and flaky dermis.
  3. It makes the complexion uniform and healthy. Smoothes the relief of the skin.

People with such requirements will like this tool. Even cosmetologists recommend it for home care. It’s best to prevent the consequences than to spend a huge amount of money and time to remedy the situation.

When not to use

Before and after face peeling

Almost everyone can use Lactolan Peeling Cream. Thanks to its gentle action, it is suitable for all skin types and ages. However, there are times when you should not use such a tool, namely:

  • the presence of individual intolerance to any components that make up the composition;
  • girls who are in an interesting position;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • herpes;
  • open wounds;
  • psoriasis.

It is also not recommended to carry out the procedure during the treatment of infectious, colds. If you have abnormalities in the endocrine system (thyroid gland), then this is also a contraindication. Before you start using Lactolan Peeling Cream, it is advisable to consult a professional (dermatologist, cosmetologist).

How to apply

beautiful girl with perfect skin

There is nothing supernatural in the instructions for use. After reading it immediately becomes clear how to use Lactolan Peeling Cream. A specific list of "steps" to achieve the correct result is as follows:

  1. It is first necessary to cleanse the skin of impurities (washing with gel or foam, then a cleansing lotion).
  2. Using a cotton pad, a special solution is applied to the epidermis with a tonic effect, which helps open the pores.
  3. Now we proceed directly to the application of the Lactolan Peeling Cream peeling cream on the face with a cosmetic spatula. You need to move from bottom to top, from the chin towards the cheeks and forehead. At the end of the treatment, the area around the eyes is last lubricated.
  4. After a short time (about five minutes) you need to “walk” on the skin again with the composition. Leave on for 20 minutes.
  5. After a while, you need to carefully remove the remnants of the product from the skin with a damp cloth or a cotton pad.
  6. Then, a “neutralizer” is applied to the cleaned face. Its working time is about 10 minutes.
  7. Now you just need to wash (cool water). Do not use soap.
  8. Finishing the process, you can use a nourishing mask or just apply a moisturizer.

Three applications

Lactolan Peeling Cream can be used in several ways. Each of them has its own advantages and features.

  1. The first way is enzymatic cleaning. Aloe gel (of the same production, so that they “make friends”) must be added to the recipe. On a clean face, a thin layer is applied to the finished mass. Then top you need to cover your face with a cloth dipped in hot water. Hold for ten minutes, and then everything is as in the instructions.
  2. The second way is gommage. To do this, it is enough to apply a small amount of product on the cleansed face surface. Hold for about fifteen minutes, and then “roll” with your fingers. To wash without soap.
  3. The third option is a mask. The product is distributed in an even thick layer over the face. Fingers moistened with water make massage (so that the mask does not dry out). You need to work about half an hour, after which the rest of the actions are according to the instructions.

Using the first method, the face is well cleansed, the skin becomes smooth and tender. The second option has a nourishing, healing effect. The third method cleanses and nourishes, making the look younger and more beautiful.

The opinion of cosmetologists

Beautician applies peeling

Professionals believe that Lactolan Peeling Cream is an ideal option for the care of any type of skin. It helps to quickly put the epidermis in order in the presence of frivolous cosmetic imperfections. This product is not suitable for solving "global" problems. A special set of procedures is needed here.

The cream is recommended to be used a couple of times a week for those who have sebaceous, prone to acne dermis. And for dry skin owners it is better to limit themselves to the use of the product every seven days.

Customer and customer reviews

Lactolan peeling

After trying a lot of store tools, users came to the conclusion that Lactolan Peeling Cream works best. Reviews are also negative. More often from those women who expected much more from this remedy. Although they are satisfied with the result, after all, the skin after its exposure becomes much "better." Most girls praise the versatility of this product, because it can be used in various ways, getting one or the other effect, which was described earlier.

It should be understood that peeling "Lactolan" is designed for a cosmetic effect, and not a solution to serious issues (with skin diseases you need to go to a dermatologist). The tool has established itself on the good side in safe home skin care. After its application there are no unpleasant consequences, as can be with other professional products. Easy to use, amazing result - all this is Lactolan peeling cream.

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