DIY car decoration for a wedding

Waiting for a wedding is no less happy time than the event itself. Prepare for it in advance, because you need to purchase outfits, decide on a restaurant and think carefully about the decor. An important task is to decorate a car for a wedding, which should fit into the general theme of the celebration. Many brides and grooms turn to specialized agencies, but you can deal with the design of cars yourself.

car decoration for a wedding photo

What do cars decorate with?

You can decorate cars with a variety of decorative elements and accessories. It all depends on the theme of the wedding, fantasy and personal preferences. For example, retro cars almost do not make out, but just attach a few nice details to them. But modern brands can be decorated in several ways:

  • Balloons
  • Fabrics and ribbons.
  • Flowers.
  • Big wedding rings.
  • Toys and dolls (pigeons, hearts, etc.).
  • Figures of the newlyweds.
  • Stickers with interesting inscriptions and dates.

Rules for registration

You can see successful decorating ideas on photos of agencies that are engaged in decorating a car for a wedding (in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities). But when you design a wedding car, you need to adhere to some recommendations.

Do not make transport colorful, loading it with all kinds of decor and an abundance of shades. By car should be no more than three colors. At the same time, on light cars dark saturated tones look good, and on dark ones - on the contrary, light and muffled ones.

Decor elements need to be fixed firmly so that they do not fall off when driving. But you definitely need to think about a mount that will not damage the paint and varnish. Also, decorations should not close the view to the driver, otherwise there is a great chance of an accident.

Pay attention to how decorating car decorations for a wedding in Abakan. There are some very good examples in this city. Also, study the laws of colorization and decorating technology in advance, so that the design goes easily and without nerves.

car decoration for wedding abacan

Wedding procession decoration

If you plan to machine, then all cars will have to dress up. To do this, you need to find out how many people will arrive on their transport in order to craft the decor in advance. Of course, you can ask the guests to arrange their cars themselves, but then it is unlikely to be able to maintain the overall style. Therefore, it is still better to think through simple fastenings and hand out the decor in the morning.

It is worth remembering that the car of the newlyweds should be the most beautiful and slightly different from other vehicles. Ahead of the tuple is better to put light or similar in shade of the machine, and it is recommended to complete the column with dark and bright models.

Balloon Decoration

Perhaps the design of balloons is the cheapest and easiest way. However, recently this option of decorating a car for a wedding has become boring to the newlyweds. But nevertheless it takes place.

The easiest way would be to inflate bundles of balloons and tie them on the roof, to the bumper, mirrors or radiator grilles. Simple, but tasteful, the main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity. However, this method is not considered reliable in terms of fastening.

All kinds of designs are also made from balls: flowers, bows, hearts, lines, check marks and other unusual compositions. They are tied with thread to tight twine and pulled between two support points on the hood, roof or trunk.

DIY car decoration for a wedding

Fabric decoration

As a material, you can take any fabric, but they behave best as an organza or tulle decor element. They are transparent, light and hold their shape well.

There are several options for decorating a car. The fabric can be pulled onto the hood with a neat drapery, securing it from the inside, where the engine is, with the usual linen elastic.

Original garlands look beautiful. It is necessary to cut strips measuring 200 by 20 centimeters. Then, every 20 centimeters, the fabric is collected on a needle and thread. At the places of bends, flowers or other decorations are fixed.

You can also make original pompons on a car for a wedding with your own hands. From organza or tulle, you need to cut strips of 70 by 20 centimeters. Then a thread is laid along the center and pulled together. The resulting pompons are used as independent elements or as an additional decor.

Dressing ribbons

For decoration, take paper, nylon or satin ribbons. Usually, three different colors are chosen to decorate the hood on one side. The following tones are well combined with each other: white, blue, red (national flag of Russia); blue, blue, pink; yellow, red, blue; red, pink, raspberry; three shades of pink or any other color.

car decoration for a wedding spb

Determining how many centimeters of tape you need is very easy. The length of the hood needs to be multiplied by 1.5, and preferably by 2, so that there is a margin just in case. One of the ends of the tape is doubled up and a piece of linen gum is sewn to it. Next, the workpiece is put on the hood. It remains only to sew the free ends of the tape and elastic to each other. You can do it easier: do the same thing, only without a needle. The ends of the gum and tape are simply tied to each other.

This is a great way to decorate a car for a wedding. I Yaroslavl, Volgograd and other cities to buy tapes is not difficult. In addition, from them you can make roses and bows, which perfectly brighten up the antenna, trunk lid, mirrors and handles.

Flower decoration

It is best to choose artificial flowers, because the living will not withstand either frost or heat and will quickly fade. It is recommended that the buds and vegetation be collected in advance before being placed on the machine.

Flowers are fastened together by stems and, if necessary, floral tape. The resulting bouquet is installed on the hood or roof with rubber and tape.

It will be safer to take a floristic sponge with suction cups and stick flowers and leaves throughout the area. This design will definitely last all day. Also, bouquets can be attached with magnets, after wrapping them with a soft cloth so as not to damage the paintwork.

car decoration for a wedding photo

But the example of decorating a car for a wedding in the photo above is not entirely successful. Individual flowers placed throughout the car only spoil the big picture. It is better to fasten large bouquets and supplement them with ribbons or fabrics.

Wedding rings decor

Often on the car of the newlyweds place large crossed rings, which are an indispensable attribute of any wedding. In specialized stores, such an accessory is quite expensive, and making it yourself is very simple.

It will take 1.5 meters of a gas hose, three finger batteries, a roll of golden satin ribbon and a glue gun. Other decorative elements can be added as desired.

The hose must be cut into three parts (60, 50 and 40 centimeters), and fasten the ends of each part with finger batteries. Wrap the resulting rings with tape, lubricating with glue in parallel. The middle workpiece will serve as a stand. The remaining rings and other jewelry for a car for a wedding with their own hands are glued to it. The master class is very simple, anyone can master it. At the junction of the rings are usually placed figures of pigeons, swans and children.

Bonnet Decoration Options

Some decorating methods have already been mentioned. These are balloons, fabrics, satin ribbons and flowers.

car decorations for the wedding I'm Yaroslavl

If you plan a walk at a later time or a wedding in winter, when it gets dark much earlier, then you can’t do the usual decorations here. The original decor will be LED strips, which can effectively illuminate both the entire machine and its individual parts. They are very flexible, so you can lay out simple stripes as well as various shapes (hearts, rings, etc.) from them.

If you have a talent for drawing, decorating a car for a wedding can be done with paints that can easily be washed off after the celebration. This is a spectacular and jaded option. Additionally, you can use stickers with interesting inscriptions.

Butterflies of different colors and sizes look very nice on a wedding car. They can dot almost the entire hood and trunk, while they will not look overloaded. On sale there are butterflies on suction cups and magnets that behave perfectly when driving.

Outfits for door handles

The handles themselves are very small, so they should not be overloaded with decor, so that everything looks harmonious, and the door can be easily opened. There are a lot of ideas for decorating, but in any case it’s worth stopping on one thing. For example, it could be:

  • artificial flower;
  • ribbon bows;
  • lace or lace fabric;
  • buttonholes from satin ribbons;
  • rhinestones or beads.

We select one of the above and make inconspicuous decorations on the car handles. At a wedding, such decor can be crafted with a supply and given to guests so that they transform their cars.

decorations on car handles for a wedding

Car interior

To create a festive atmosphere for the bride and groom, it is important to design not only the outside of the car, but also the interior. It also matters if a photographer works inside the car.

You can start from the steering wheel by wrapping a ribbon on it that matches the color of the wedding style. You can hang luminous garlands on the glass, attach luminous stickers or photographs of the newlyweds. The figure will perfectly complement the figure of swans, hearts or a couple in love. If opportunities and finances allow, it is better to replace covers in the cabin with those that fit into the overall color scheme of the celebration.

Is it worth it to do your own car decoration for a wedding?

The definite answer: worth it. If you correctly approach this issue, it will turn out no worse than with expensive designers. So why overpay for such a simple job that you can do yourself? The creation of wedding decorations for cars will bring special pleasure to needlewomen who always like to craft something. Enough to show imagination, a little patience - and everything will work out!

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