Learn some ways to draw a skier in pencil in stages.

Skis are universal equipment for sports. They are engaged in biathlon, jumping from a springboard. There are skiing, and there are water skiing . Many people find it very easy to ride them. In fact, no matter what skiing you choose, there is always a risk of falling and hurting your limbs. Skiing is very popular and is included in the program of the Olympic Games. Today we’ll figure out how to draw a skier with a pencil in stages.

For children

how to draw a skier with a pencil in stages
In order to portray a person, it is better to start with a drawing of the head. Next, draw a skier whose arms are bent. Draw a torso. Then the legs. After that we finish sticks and skis. This very simple way of drawing is suitable even for a child who begins his artistic work.

From the mountain

Now let's see how to draw a skier with a pencil in stages, moving down the mountain. To portray such an athlete is a little more difficult. To get started, consider a photo of a skier on a descent. Please note: it leans forward and sideways. Before you begin to draw a figure, you should outline the angle of inclination. In this case, the bottom line should be parallel to the slope of the descent. The greater the descent, the sharper the angle of inclination. Mark the connection point of the legs. It should divide the figure into equal parts. The elbow point should be at the same level as the skier’s waist. After all the auxiliary constructions are ready, you can start drawing the head. Next, you need to depict the upper body. After that, designate the athlete's bent arms. When depicting the skier's legs, it should be noted that one limb should be slightly bent, and the second will be located at right angles to it. In front of the hero of our picture, you need to draw a special mask. It remains to display the skis and poles.

draw a skier


Next, we will look at how to draw a skier with a pencil in stages, which performs a ski jump. Take a good look at the pose of the person. In the jump, the athlete crouches. The upper torso leans forward. Legs and skis are parallel. As in the previous figures, it’s worth starting from the head. Do not forget about the mask of the skier. Since the athlete's arms are extended, their length should be shortened. At a slight angle, draw the sticks. Sometimes they can be located parallel to the ski. A rounded back is displayed at an angle of 45 degrees. The hip line is about 60 degrees. The lower part of the legs is located at the same slope. Next you need to draw the skis. They will be with a slight bias. After the drawing is finished, you can take up colored pencils. Paint the skier’s hat blue, as well as the skis. If your athlete is a beginner, then it is better for him to draw shoes. Professional shoes are more suitable. They can be painted red. The tracksuit jacket may also be red. The pants are blue. You can color your picture in other colors. According to your desire. Remember that the skier should not be dressed too warmly. This makes movement difficult.

Side view

how to draw a skier with a pencil
Now let's see how to draw a skier with a pencil on the side. Start with a sketch. An oval of the head is drawn. Further sticks are depicted, which in the future will be the body, legs and arms. Since the limbs will be bent, the lines should be drawn broken. After the skeleton of the sticks is outlined, you can proceed immediately to the clothes. Imagine warm pants, a jacket, a hat, boots. Do not forget about the scarf and mittens. In order not to draw eyes, you can depict a mask. We finish skiing and sticks. Also add the track on which the athlete rides. Drawing can be painted with paints.

Drawing skills

So, in this article you learned how to draw a skier with a pencil in stages. Of course, in order to portray a person, certain skills and knowledge are required. But this can be quickly learned. How to draw a skier in motion? It is necessary to understand the structure of the skeleton, the dynamics of movements. The parts that are close should be drawn larger and the distant parts smaller. You also need to use perspective to make the body look voluminous. Without this, the pattern can turn out to be flat. Movement must be natural. If you have difficulties with the image of any part of the body, try to stand in the position that you need and look in the mirror. So it will be easier to navigate.

how to draw a skier in motion
First, try to draw a person who is standing with arms extended along the torso. Of course, portraying an athlete in motion is extremely difficult. But if you really want to, and you are not familiar with the anatomy, try to observe people. Use a soft pencil to easily erase bad touches. Use anchor points to facilitate operation. Try to determine the ratio of body parts. Find the axis of symmetry. Draw a person in relation to her, as she does not change. When moving, the fulcrum is transferred. When you need to draw a moving person, you must correctly depict the turns of the body. You should not immediately draw precision in details.

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