Modern products are able to stay fresh for a long time. This feature is due to the presence of preservatives. However, there are categories of goods that have a rather short shelf life. And soon after a person acquires such a product, his palatability changes. But this does not mean that this food can not be used. For example, a lot of dishes can be prepared from curdled milk.
Product Features
Many varieties of foods should be cooked before use. This statement also applies to milk. It is usually placed in a pot, placed on the stove and heated over a fire for several minutes. And then they use it on their own or add to other dishes and drinks. Sometimes housewives notice that milk curdled upon boiling. In this case, the product looks like a liquid consisting of two layers. The first (upper) layer is colorless and is called serum. It contains water and a small amount of proteins that have retained their original structure. The second layer, thick and dense, includes carbohydrates, amino acids and lipids.
Similar changes in product texture can often be observed during heat treatment. Many housewives believe that curdled milk is unsuitable for consumption and should be discarded. However, it is not. Despite the unsightly appearance, such food is by no means useless. It is part of many homemade dishes.
Reasons for product texture changes
Why did milk curl? This phenomenon can be explained by the following factors:
- The presence in its composition of special protein molecules that are not able to maintain their original qualities for a long time.
- Acquisition of a product in which the denaturation process has already begun.
- Milk was obtained from different yields of milk. It is a kind of mixture, one of the components of which can be spoiled.
- The presence of a latent form of mastitis or other pathology in a cow.
- Insufficient degree of pasteurization.
- Foreign substances (soda, citric acid, vinegar).
How is the process going?
The main components of milk are animal proteins. In addition, this product contains lipids and sugar. All of these ingredients are a breeding ground for bacteria. Propagation of microorganisms leads to chemical reactions. As a result of these processes, the structure of proteins changes. Curdled milk acquires a thicker texture, and colorless serum appears on its surface.
How to prevent?
The product often changes its structure as a result of non-compliance with storage rules. Room temperature can provoke a chemical reaction. Its result is curdled milk. Therefore, to prevent this process, this type of food should be stored in a cold place.
In addition, pasteurization and sterilization helps keep the product fresh. The first type of treatment involves heating to 60–80 degrees. After this procedure, milk must be left at this temperature for thirty to sixty minutes. Pasteurization increases the shelf life of the product by several days as a result of the fact that many bacteria die.
Sterilization involves heating the liquid to a boil. After such a procedure, the milk is placed in a sealed package in which it can be stored for several months. However, such processing can reduce the useful qualities of the product.
Sometimes this type of food is specially fermented. Special bacteria are added to it. As a result of their impact, the properties of the product undergo significant changes. Such milk is used to prepare various dishes.
Many housewives feel sorry for throwing out a spoiled product. Fortunately, this is not necessary. Clotted milk can be used for culinary purposes as one of the components that make up various dishes. However, it should be used as quickly as possible so as not to spoil the taste of the food. There are many recipes that are popular among housewives.
What to cook with curdled milk?
If the properties of the product have changed during the heat treatment, it is boiled and cottage cheese or panir is obtained.
You can use special bacteria necessary for the fermentation. They are used to produce yogurt. Such a dish can be prepared from sour milk. This dish has many positive qualities. Yogurt is consumed both independently and with additional components.
Clotted milk can be obtained using a special enzyme. Such a product is used for the preparation of hard cheese (Swiss, cheddar).
This liquid is formed on the surface of curdled milk. It is used as a food supplement. In Switzerland, whey is used for the manufacture of various types of soft drinks. It is also used for the production of cheeses and cottage cheese.
In addition, a liquid and watery layer of curdled milk is often added to home baking. Serum is a part of charlotte, pancakes, pancakes and pies.
Such products have a delicate, pleasant taste. The unique properties of these dishes are explained by the fact that they contain a minimum amount of lipids and carbohydrates.
If milk is curled, what to do, everyone decides for himself. Some people throw it away. But this is optional. After all, there are many ways to use the product for culinary purposes.