Determining the sex of a child by maternal blood in the early stages: method and advantages

There are many ways of reliable (according to the authors of the methods and happy parents who have “all coincided”) determining the sex of the child by the blood of the mother and father, the year of birth of the parents, ovulation, horoscopes and folk signs. But do not mindlessly trust various pseudo-scientific methods. Indeed, only scientifically based methods work - ultrasound diagnostics, some instrumental diagnostic procedures that are performed according to indications (amniocentesis, biopsy of chorionic villi or fetal tissues), and a DNA test of the mother’s blood.

determining the sex of the child by maternal blood in the early stages

Determining the sex of the child by blood type

With the development of medicine and science, the need for fortune telling and predictions about the child’s gender has disappeared. Replaced by equipment and education. If the doctor of ultrasound diagnostics for some reason could not guess who the couple is expecting - a boy or a girl - parents often use special tables to determine the sex of the child by the blood of the mother and father. So, if a woman has the first group, then the boy will be born, if the partner has the second and fourth, in other cases there will be a girl. If a woman has the second group, then if the future father has a second or fourth, we should expect a girl. Future mothers with a third group are more likely to give birth to a boy. So it will be, if the husband has the second, third or fourth group, if the first, then it is worth waiting for the birth of the girl. A woman with the fourth group can become the boy’s mother if the partner has the first or third group. So, to find out the gender of the baby, it is enough to compare the data of the parents. This is a very simple way, but how reliable is it?

determining the sex of the child by the blood of the mother in vitro

Determination of the baby's gender by Rhesus factor

In approximately the same way it is possible to determine the gender of the fetus by the Rhesus of the parents. It shows the presence of type D antigen in red blood cells in human blood. In the presence of a special protein, the indicator will be positive, in the absence - negative. In clinical practice, not only the definition of the group, but also the Rh blood is important, because positive recipients are allowed to transfuse only Rh-positive blood, and vice versa. There is also the concept of conflict (in this case, the mother and the child have different Rhesus), which can lead to serious complications. How to determine the sex of a child by maternal blood? Reviews about this method are mixed, but worth a try. So, if mom is Rh-positive and father is Rh-negative, a boy will be born, if a man is also positive Rh - there will be a girl. A Rh-negative woman will have a son, if the partner has a positive Rhesus, and if the spouse also has “-", then most likely a girl will be born.

Sex determination by the period of renewal of blood of parents

Early determination of the sex of the child by the blood of the mother and father is also possible based on the timing of updating the biological material. Judging by the reviews, the results coincide with reality in 68-88% of cases, which is a lot. The method is based on the calculation of which of the parents turned out to be “younger” at the time of conception of the unborn baby. If mom has a daughter, a daughter will soon appear in the family, and if father has a son, he will have a son. The fact is that in every person the blood is renewed at regular intervals: for the stronger sex this happens every four years, for women - every three years. It is enough to calculate at what age the blood of future parents was renewed in order to try to predict the gender of the future crumbs. For example, if a woman and a man are 27 years old, it turns out that the pregnant woman’s blood was renewed at the same age, and her husband’s blood - three years ago. It turns out that the future mother has “younger” blood, which means that a girl will soon be born.

determining the sex of the child by maternal blood in the early stages

Another way to plan sex for blood renewal

Determining the sex of the child by the blood of the mother is carried out in other ways. According to the second theory, based on the timing of updating the biological material, it is not the birth years of future parents that are taken into account, but their age at the time of conception. There is an assumption that in women biological material is updated for the first time at 15 years old, and then repeated every three years (i.e. at 18, 21, 24 onwards), and in men - at 16 years old, repeated every four years (20, 24, 28 and so on). It is necessary to calculate whose biological material at the time of conception was "older", that is, stronger. According to the authors of the methodology, it was precisely that of the parents who “passed” his gender to the unborn child.

Determining the sex of the unborn baby by blood: the third method

This technique for determining the gender of the crumbs contradicts the first method (according to the frequency of blood renewal), but it still works in some cases. This is evidenced by reviews. So, the coefficients of the difference in the timing of updating the biological material are taken into account. If the future father, for example, is 27 years old, then you need to divide this figure by 4 (update rate for men in years), it will turn out 6.8. If the spouse is 23 years old at the time of conception, the coefficient will be 7.7. Dad’s blood is “younger”, that is, the couple is likely to have a boy.

early determination of the sex of the child by maternal blood

When are sex determination methods not working?

Determining the sex of the child by the mother’s blood (reviews confirm this) in some cases can give erroneous results. This is likely if one of the parents underwent surgery, in the past there was an injury with severe loss of blood, transfusion, donation (both blood and organs), childbirth in a woman. In such cases, the update date must be calculated from the date of the incident. For example, if a woman gave birth to her first child at 22, her blood was renewed at that age. That is, the next time the blood was renewed at 25 years old. Another feature is that the chance of giving birth to a boy and girl is equal if the data on the parents' blood matches.

Can the blood of parents determine the gender of the baby

Is it possible to determine the sex of a child by maternal blood in the early stages? The reviews confirm that the methods listed above do not always work. Do they really have a scientific basis? Blood sex can be found, but not with the help of unambiguous tables comparing the data of parents. Moreover, the blood of the future father (neither the group, nor the rhesus) in no way affects the fact that a boy or girl will be born nine months after conception. Only the chromosome carried by the sperm determines the sex of the unborn baby - if it is an X chromosome, there will be a girl, and if Y is a boy. Female reproductive cell always contains chromosome X, Y cannot be in principle. This process is in no way affected by antigenic characteristics and blood type. According to this information, you can only determine the probable gender of the baby, and even then not with 100% probability. But judging by the logic of the above methods, for all couples only sons or exclusively daughters should be born (blood type and rhesus do not change during life), but both boys and girls are born in families.

determination of the sex of the child by maternal blood Moscow

Genetic study of maternal biological material

Despite the scientific groundlessness of many methods for determining the sex of the child, it is possible to predict the fetus's affiliation in the early stages of pregnancy. This is confirmed by official medicine. It is possible to determine the sex of the child from a maternal blood test, which gives the correct result in 99% of cases. In laboratories, highly sensitive research methods are used, which suggests sex even at the fifth to seventh weeks of pregnancy or after the eleventh (the most reliable result is obtained during the first screening). This is especially important if the family has genetic diseases (including those incompatible with life), the inheritance of which is related to gender. In such cases, the analysis is especially important to determine whether it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy for medical reasons.

The essence of the method is the possible detection of the Y chromosome in the biological material of the mother. So, if a chromosome is detected, then with a 99% probability a boy will be born. The absence of the Y chromosome indicates that there will be a girl, but in this case, the study is recommended to be carried out again after a few weeks to confirm the result. As mentioned above, initially this method of determining the sex of a child by maternal blood was used in medical practice for the early detection of special markers that cause the transmission of severe hereditary diseases. Today, any woman (even in the absence of medical indications) can do this test.

determination of the sex of the child by maternal blood

You can order an analysis to determine the sex of the child by maternal blood in Moscow and other regional centers in private laboratories. Usually, any nurse can call a specialist at home or for blood, and then the material is sent by courier to the laboratory. Biological material from a vein is used, blood can be donated after eating or on an empty stomach, there are no time limits. The deadline for receiving the result is 1-5 business days. In "Invitro" the determination of the sex of the child by the mother’s blood is not carried out, and in the Center for Genetic Research, for example, the procedure costs 9-11 000 rubles.

The question of the reliability of the result

Determining the sex from a mother’s blood test for DNA is the most reliable way to find out if the future baby belongs to a certain gender at the initial stages of gestation. The analysis is more reliable than ultrasound diagnostics. The accuracy of the test at 5-7 weeks of pregnancy reaches 98%, and after 11 weeks is 99-100%. But if with multiple pregnancy the test shows that there will be a boy, then it will be impossible to reliably find out the gender of other babies.

determining the sex of the child by maternal blood test

Conclusion: how to find out the sex of the future baby

So, it is absolutely correct to predict gender, based on the regularity of blood renewal, the age of the parents, groups and the Rh factor. These are unscientific methods that are denied by official medicine. Antigens in the blood structure do not affect the sex of the future baby, and cases where the results of such tests coincide with reality are simply statistical coincidences. The probability of having a daughter or son is always 50%. The only proven method to find out the sex of the baby is a DNA test, during which the biological material of a woman is checked for the presence of chromosomes containing a small amount of Y marker. Before conception, sex crumbs cannot be determined by any of the known methods. This is determined precisely at the time of the merger of the female and male germ cells.

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