ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series Graphics Accelerators. Specifications, Drivers, and Setup

The ATI Radeon HD 4600 series graphics cards were introduced by AMD in 2008. This lineup included two models. Their parameters, the order of tuning will be further considered. Although at the time the sales started, this device belonged to a niche of mid-range accelerators, but now such adapters are absolutely outdated. These two accelerator models will be further fully considered in terms of technical specifications and performance.

ATI Radeon HD 4600 drivers

Lineup of graphics accelerators

The ATI Radeon HD 4600 lineup included the following graphics accelerator models:

  • The youngest of them was labeled 4650.
  • The eldest is 4670.

The key difference between the two is the frequency. In the first case, its value is 600 MHz, and in the second - 750 MHz. Therefore, the accelerator HD4670 had a slightly higher level of performance.

Specialization of information output devices

This series of video cards was intended for the assembly of mid-level gaming computer stationary devices. Such graphics devices allowed you to run most of these programs, but at medium image settings. Today, a series of these accelerators is completely outdated and needs to be modernized.

Accelerator Specifications

The junior graphics accelerator of the series in question was based on the RV730PRO chip. This chip is assembled using 55nm technology. It included 514 million transistors. Its clock frequency was fixed at 600 MHz. The type of chip used is DDR3. The capacity of the RAM connection bus was only 128 bits. The clock frequency of the video buffer is 500 MHz. The amount of RAM could be equal to 512 MB or 1 GB. The chip included 320 stream processors.

The older model of the accelerator provided higher performance only due to the increased clock frequency of the GPU and video buffer. In the first case, it was equal to 750 MHz, and in the second - 1,000 MHz. Otherwise, it was an identical device.

Short setup

The procedure for configuring the adapters in question is as follows:

  1. Mounting in the connector of the system board and fixing in the computer case.
  2. Turn on the PC.
  3. Download the latest ATI Radeon HD 4600 driver modifications and install them.
  4. Reboot the PC.
  5. Adjust the picture settings if necessary.
ATI Radeon HD 4600


This review described the ATI Radeon HD 4600 series of graphics devices. A lot of time has passed since its release. It’s time for users to change such accelerators to newer ones. This is due to the fact that they can no longer cope with the opportunities on them.

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