Vargan is a musical instrument with a rich history. There is evidence that he appeared in South Asia. Similar instruments are found in many nationalities. Let's look at how to make a harp.
Vargan production sequence
First you need to make a drawing, it will take no more than 20 minutes. Mark the tongue, for example, with a lilac color, and let the bevels be brown. By the way, many of them are faced with certain difficulties in their manufacture, but there is nothing to be done - newcomers always have a hard time.
Then do the following:
1. Take a piece of wood (it is recommended to give preference to beech - it is best suited for musical instruments) and make a rectangle from it, the dimensions of which are 93x38x5 mm.
2. Cut a little along the edges to get a truncated trapezoid.
Do not underestimate the second point - it is extremely important, because the more faithfully the outer bevels are made, the more correctly the inner ones will turn out, which will serve as guides. Therefore, try to take this seriously, since it is not easy to make a harbor, keep this in mind.
Further actions are as follows: it is necessary to process the guides on both sides with a manual milling machine to form a cut. Then you should make a hole with a drill and start manufacturing the tongue. For him, a piece of saw is quite suitable, but you can take, for example, a ruler made of metal. Next, you need to finish the frame with a file and fix the tongue. That’s all, you made a harp with your own hands. Let’s now consider how to play it properly.
How to keep a harbor
At the first stage, you need to learn how to position the vargan between your fingers in such a way that you are comfortable and convenient. You can hold it in both your right and left hands, but it is recommended to use one that is not your primary one. All musicians have vargan in their hands in different ways, and this is quite normal. But there is a special way recommended for beginners.
Hold the harness with the tips of your index and middle fingers on bent sections so that the edge of the tongue is pointing in the opposite direction from your hand. Pay attention to this, it is very important. The thumb should be in the area where the tongue is fixed. But nothing should interfere with his movement. Your fingers should not obstruct it. This method of holding the Vargan can be used on almost all types of tools. It is quite comfortable. At this stage, you will probably want to learn more about how to play the harp, but do not rush - you need to start with the basics.
How to have a harp when playing
The main part of the instrument during the game should be placed between the teeth or lips.
It is necessary to ensure that between the jaws there is a place for the unimpeded movement of the tongue of the vargan. Pay attention to this. The edge of the tongue should be approximately in the center of the mouth. If all these conditions are met, the sound of the instrument will be perfect.
When the vargan is sandwiched between your teeth, its “voice” turns out to be more expressive, beautiful and long-lasting. In this position, you can best control the sound. Please note that the lips should not be pressed strongly against the instrument. If for the time being something isn’t doing very well, don’t be discouraged - if you have already made your own harp, then you will certainly master the game on it.
How to extract sound
When you have learned how to hold the instrument correctly, you should move on to extracting sound. Let's look at a few ways.
First option
The elbow is in the lowered position. The index finger "looks up". He needs to be a little tense. The remaining fingers are clenched into a fist. What's next? The tongue should be touched with a pad or the edge of the index finger, while the brush must be bent and unbent.
This method of sound extraction is widely used in European countries and in America. It is very convenient, using it, you can play both quickly and slowly. Well, if you do not stop at this option, but master a few. Remember that you made a harp with your own hands, so you can do a lot!
Second option
The elbow is on par with the shoulders or slightly higher. The brush is located above the harbor, relaxed, calmly hanging over the instrument. The fingers, with the exception of the index, are clenched into a fist. This is a prerequisite. The tongue is touched by the index finger (namely, the edge), while the brush must be rotated. This method is widely used in Asian countries.
Third option
The elbow is in the lowered position. From the fingers you need to make a "boat". Then they should be put on the tongue of the tool. The thumb should be off to the side. Do not neglect this recommendation. The tongue is touched by the center of the thumb, for this you should bend and unbend the arm. This method of sound extraction is used for a leisurely, slow game. It is also good in cases where it is necessary to hide the tool from observers or, for example, from rain.
So, you learned how to make a barbecue with your own hands, and also learned how to play it. Now you can enjoy the beautiful sound of this instrument and feel like a shaman.