How to remove wrinkles above the upper lip: reviews of cosmetologists. How to remove wrinkles over the upper lip at home with folk remedies?

With age, the amount of collagen in the human body decreases. This substance is known to be responsible for supporting muscle fibers. One of the first age-related changes begins to affect the nasolabial region and the skin around the eyes. Today we will consider how to remove wrinkles above the upper lip.

Ways to eliminate nasolabial wrinkles

  1. Special creams. You can get rid of wrinkles with the help of cosmetics. Beauticians note that in this case it is very important to choose the right product that is ideal for your skin type. Good quality anti-aging creams are quite expensive, so you need to get a competent consultation before purchasing them. Anti-wrinkle products are enriched with complexes of vitamins, antioxidants and intensely moisturizing substances. The manufacturers of these products know exactly how to remove wrinkles above the upper lip.
  2. Botox Under the skin, a substance is introduced that blocks the flow of nerve impulses to the muscles of the face. This allows you to very effectively smooth out wrinkles.
  3. Laser polishing. During this procedure, the upper part of the skin is removed. Wrinkles are removed along with the eraser. After such manipulations, fresh skin appears on the treated area.
  4. Peeling. The specialist treats the wrinkles with the chemical over the upper lip. How to remove these folds forever? Perform the procedure in courses. It perfectly stimulates the production of collagen by the skin.

Wrinkles over the upper lip how to remove

The most effective salon wrinkle treatment

  1. Facelift. It's about plastic surgery. This is the most radical way to get rid of wrinkles. Not everyone will decide to use it, both because of the big risks and because of the high cost. However, as a result of a tightening, the skin looks much younger and more beautiful.
  2. Paraffin therapy. This method is offered in almost every beauty parlor. Paraffin is melted in a water bath. Then it is cooled to a temperature of 50 ° C. The mixture is gently applied to the area between the lips and nose. On top of the problem area is covered with film and cloth. Paraffin is removed after 25 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the skin is treated with a special cosmetic product.
  3. Mesotherapy If some of the ladies manage to carry out the previous procedure at home, then this method is used only by professionals. Medicinal products are introduced into problem areas under the skin. They are rich in vitamin complexes, organic acids, natural collagen and elastin.
  4. Contour plastic. If you have wrinkles above the upper lip, how to remove them is a natural question. During plastic surgery, the folds are treated with a gel filter enriched with hyaluronic acid. This method allows you to get rid of wrinkles for about 6 months.

How to remove wrinkles above the upper lip

Wrinkle Prevention Tips

Wrinkles over the upper lip in most women appear after 40 years. We examined the methods of rejuvenation, which are recommended by modern cosmetologists. Let's look at how to remove wrinkles above the upper lip at home:

  • Vitamin C and protein rich foods should be consumed daily. Such a diet will preserve the elasticity and beauty of the skin for a long time.
  • To maintain the dermis in good shape, it is necessary to abandon bad habits and play sports.
  • When asked how to remove wrinkles above the upper lip, cosmetologists have to answer often. To get rid of wrinkles, they recommend using such a useful biological supplement, like fish oil. In capsule form, it can be purchased at every pharmacy.
  • It is necessary to constantly moisturize the skin with special creams and masks. This will prevent dehydration and premature aging.

Anti Wrinkle Products

It turns out that many products help eliminate wrinkles. Beauticians recommend using these simple recipes:

  • Honey is a good helper in the fight against wrinkles. They should lubricate the problem area.
  • It is necessary to apply slices of fresh tomatoes to the wrinkles.
  • Collagen production stimulates avocados.

How to remove wrinkles above the upper lip at home

Lip Wrinkle Exercises

The following set of exercises, cosmetologists recommend to those who wondered how to remove wrinkles above the upper lip. Feedback on this technique is extremely positive. Exercise with proper regular use gives a quick effect:

  1. Inflate cheeks - 15 times.
  2. Pull lips with a tube - 20 times.
  3. Round lips and say “O” - 20 times.
  4. The lower jaw needs to be pulled forward, and then lips tightly pressed - 10 times.
  5. With a closed mouth we move air from one cheek to another - 10 times.
  6. First you need to inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. At the end, stretch out the lips with a tube - 5 times.
  7. With the cheeks pulled in, inhale with the nose, exhale with the mouth at least 10 times.
  8. Gritting your teeth, you need to inhale with your mouth, and when you exhale, inflate your cheeks - 10 times.

How to remove wrinkles above the upper lip reviews

Beauticians are convinced that by performing these simple exercises daily, you can get rid of wrinkles.

How to remove wrinkles over the upper lip with folk remedies?

From generation to generation, women pass effective recipes for wrinkles to each other. We will meet some of them right now. Beauticians note that it is easiest to remove the folds that have just appeared.

  1. To smooth wrinkles around the lips, use the following recipe. Take one part of sour cream, honey and a small amount of cottage cheese. These components need to be mixed well and applied to the skin around the lips for 10 minutes. Then you should wash with warm water and apply a compress of any warm vegetable oil. Leave to act for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  2. Take the yolk of a home egg and mix it with a teaspoon of may honey and a little oil. Apply to the problem area for 20 minutes. Wash off the nourishing mask with warm water.
  3. Whisk the protein of a homemade chicken egg with a whisk. Using a cosmetic brush, apply three layers of the resulting mass. Wait 10 minutes and rinse with water.

how to remove wrinkles over the upper lip folk remedies

All these masks are very effective. After any of them, it is recommended to wipe the skin with a small ice cube. It should be prepared in advance from the infusion of any herb or tea. Also, a good anti-aging effect is given by drugs that contain spermaceti or lanolin. They can be used after home masks.

Now you know how to remove wrinkles above the upper lip, and you can choose the method that you like the most.

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