Star Biography: Erica Herceg, Way to VIA Gro

Not so long ago, a new star dawned on Russian show business, and fans of the VIA Gra group are interested in all the details of her personal and creative life, and especially her biography. Erica Herceg was literally born between Ukraine and Hungary. Not far from her village lies the border between the two countries. Erica is distinguished by her outstanding beauty, and the seductive Hungarian accent of the girl gives her singing an incredible flavor.

Eric Herceg biography

Childhood and youth of the singer

Erica was born near the Ukrainian-Hungarian border, this fact explains both the girl’s unusual appearance and her specific accent. In fact, the Russian language is not native to the singer, because at school and in her family she always spoke Hungarian and Ukrainian. The girl’s solo career began quite early, as evidenced by her biography. Erica Herceg sang for several years in a church choir, where she received an excellent opportunity to improve her vocal abilities.

After graduating from Ukrainian school, the girl entered the Hungarian Institute, where she devoted herself to the study of economics and management. Due to the difficult financial situation in the family, after receiving a bachelor's degree, Erica refused to continue her studies, deciding to seriously take care of herself and her life. Due to the difficult schedule and the need to work as a waitress in parallel with her studies, in her young years, Erica looked a fat and insecure girl. Realizing that this could not be tolerated further, she decided to change her life.

Change for the better

First of all, Erica was unhappy with her weight, which was 80 kg and was the main reason for the singer's complexes. With the help of a strict diet and constant sports, the singer managed to lose 30 kg in just 8 months! It is hard to imagine what difficulties Erica Herceg faced on her journey to fame. Height, weight of the singer today are 187 cm and 48 kg. Bringing the appearance to perfection, Erica began to build a career.

Erica Herceg height weight

For the first time, the girl tried herself in the modeling business, advertising underwear and jewelry. When the career of the model went uphill, Erica moved to Kiev in search of more profitable and prestigious contracts. At this stage, there were many rumors about the personal life of the girl, which her biography hides. Erica Herceg became quite popular among men, and in Kiev she had a stormy romance with a famous businessman who helped her survive in a big city. Unfortunately, because of the busy schedule, the lovers decided to leave.

Erica's career before VIA Gra

songs of Misha Romanova Erica Herceg

So, when the girl’s career gained stability, Erica decided to undergo plastic surgery, as she had long dreamed of enlarging her breasts. In 2011, she finally accumulated a sufficient amount of money and realized her dream. The results were not long in coming, and already in 2012, Erica signed a major contract with a French company to advertise expensive underwear. Then comes the shoot in Playboy magazine, after which the girl becomes even more famous. This shooting was a cherished dream that had long been cherished in the heart of Eric Herceg. By that time, the girl’s height and weight had found perfect balance, so Playboy magazine invited Erica to the second photo shoot a year after the first shootings.

Success in the show "I Want to VIA Gru!"

In 2013, Erica decided to try herself in music and boldly went to the casting to Konstantin Meladze, where she proved herself to be a charming, bright and courageous candidate. The jury immediately drew attention to the girl, skipping her in the show. The program has become perhaps the most important and bright stage that illuminates its biography. Erica Herceg teamed up with two other talented candidates (Anastasia Kozhevnikova and Misha Romanova). Together, they developed as singers and artists, showing the jury unsurpassed numbers every week.

Once, because of their waywardness, the girls almost left the project, however, one of the previous participants of VIA Gra persuaded Konstantin Meladze to give the group to her for education. Under her leadership, the team brilliantly reached the finals and won the project, becoming a professional pop group.

how old is erica herceg

Erica's personal life

After the enormous furor that Konstantin Meladze produced, the new line-up of the legendary VIA Gra group came under the scrutiny of the press and fans of the group. Especially the public was worried about the question of how old Erica Herceg was, whether she was going to get married and what was going on in her personal life. What is characteristic of young stars who are not used to such a clear intervention in their lives, all 3 girls tried to carefully hide their relationship with the opposite sex.

The network began to spread information that Erica, who is now 25 years old, allegedly is in a relationship with a Hungarian businessman, but the girl herself denied this information and immediately stated that her heart was not free - she had an affair with one of the Russian businessmen.

The theme of love and relationships is close to all three girls, which is reflected in the songs written for them. Misha Romanova, Erica Herceg and Nastya Kozhevnikova recently released an incredibly beautiful single entitled "It was beautiful." The talent of the girls and Konstantin Meladze will bring many more beautiful songs to the public.

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