Reconstruction of the Yaroslavl highway in the region (2014): scheme and timing

One of the large-scale road construction projects in Moscow (reconstruction of the Yaroslavl highway in the region and within Moscow) is considered completed. During the modernization, the number of lanes was increased, sideways were equipped to distinguish between the local flow of cars from transit, public transport stops, and several transit overpasses were built. The reconstruction of the Yaroslavl highway in the region (2014), the modernization scheme of which is shown below, allowed to unload the traffic flow and create comfortable conditions for public transport.

reconstruction of the Yaroslavl highway in the region 2014 scheme

Reasons for reconstruction

Prior to the start of modernization in the region, the main formative highway of the Yaroslavl region passed about fifty to sixty thousand cars per day. And this despite the fact that at 700 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road the highway narrowed to three lanes, and at the twenty-eighth kilometer, in Tarasovka - to two. The level of congestion, according to the Yandex.Traffic service, in the summer season (even at night) rarely dropped below seven points.

The government intended to solve the problem of traffic jams more thoroughly. Reconstruction of the Yaroslavl highway in the region in 2014 (the scheme provided for the modernization of several sections) allowed to efficiently unload the traffic flow. The Governor of the Moscow Region said that after completion of work, the throughput of the Yaroslavl highway will be about two hundred thousand cars per day, that is, will increase four times.

In addition, in some sections of the route there were no noise screens and braking bands. Yaroslavka was poorly adapted to public transport, which, moving in the main stream of cars, impeded the maneuvers of other road users and created interference. The end of the reconstruction of the Yaroslavl highway brought one of the main Moscow highways in the proper form.

Yaroslavl highway reconstruction timeline

The purpose of modernization

The complex of urban planning policy and construction of the city of Moscow, the goal of the reconstruction project of the Yaroslavl highway is to reduce the traffic load of the road and create conditions comfortable for public transport. The Yaroslavl highway should become more modern and convenient for both drivers and pedestrians.

Terms of modernization

The plans for the next modernization of the highway became known back in 2014. At that time, reconstruction of the Yaroslavl highway (2014) was already carried out in some areas. The scheme, presented to the public, provided for the expansion of the route and the construction of facilities, including outside the Moscow Ring Road.

reconstruction of the Yaroslavl highway in the region

When will the reconstruction of the Yaroslavl highway end? The modernization of the road section in Moscow (from the Moscow Ring Road to the Garden Ring) was completed back in 2013. The Moscow Region sections of the Yaroslavl Highway were commissioned in October-November 2015 (from the sixteenth to the twentieth and from the twenty-second to the twenty-seventh kilometers) and at the end of 2016. The deadlines for the reconstruction of the Yaroslavl highway coincided with the planned.

Reconstruction Plots

At present, three sections of Yaroslavka have been reconstructed: one within the Moscow Ring Road and two in the region. Full-scale work was carried out from the ring road to Mytishchi, then to the city of Pushkino and bypassing Tarasovka - the Yaroslavl highway was already modernized there. Reconstruction (the timing of which is not yet specified) from the city of Pushkino to the Small Ring is at the design stage.

the end of the reconstruction of the Yaroslavl highway

Reconstruction Results

As a result of the road modernization, the capacity of the highway increased and the conditions for the movement of public transport (Yaroslavl highway) were improved. The reconstruction, the terms of which were met according to the design documentation, ended with the following results:

  • built sideways from the even and odd sides of the Yaroslavl highway to Malyginsky passage;
  • increased pedestrian crossing in the area of ​​one hundred and thirteenth houses along the Yaroslavl highway by the length of side passages;
  • an overpass was erected at the intersection with Malyginsky passage;
  • lateral passages were built from the Severyaninsky overpass to the Malyginsky passage;
  • a soundproof screen in front of Sergeant and Palekh streets;
  • a transit overpass was erected along Veshnye Vody Street;
  • before the congress on Yeniseiskaya and Pilotka Babushkina streets, the braking strip was extended and the width of the congress was increased;
  • near the house two hundred and eleven on Mira Avenue an underground pedestrian crossing has been arranged;
  • at the suppression of the Agricultural Street, passages are arranged;
  • from ninety-first to ninety-seventh houses on Prospekt Mira, three-lane passage is equipped.

Construction objects

The list of facilities built during the modernization of the Yaroslavl highway includes:

  • pedestrian crossings (three crossings within the MKAD were reconstructed);
  • transit overpasses (in the area of ​​Veshnye Vody street and at the intersection of Yaroslavka with Malyginsky passage);
  • lane for public transport and sideways.

when the reconstruction of the Yaroslavl highway

Reconstruction in numbers

It was planned that the reconstruction of the Yaroslavl highway as a whole would cost the government eight billion rubles. The cost of the project within the MKAD (7.5-kilometer section to the Garden Ring) amounted to almost five hundred million rubles.

Problems of the new Yaroslavl

The reconstruction of the Yaroslavl highway in the region (2014) brought many difficulties. The scheme represents the project in a rather favorable way: pedestrian crossings, a separate lane for public transport and side β€œpockets” are provided, which allow pedestrians waiting for transport to be away from the stream of cars, which is much safer than if the buses stopped directly on the road. But the construction and subsequent commissioning of the modernized sections revealed several problems in the new Yaroslavl.

Firstly, during the construction or reconstruction of construction sites (overpasses, side passages, pedestrian crossings), concrete blocks were laid along the roadbed, which became the cause of emergency situations. The most serious situation in this regard was on the site from Mytishchi to the village of Tarasovka, where several interchanges were being built.

The inconvenience was a forced narrowing of the route for the period of construction work, as well as a change in the path of the highway. Thus, the Yaroslavl highway (reconstruction, the completion date of which many drivers were waiting for, only worsened the road situation) has become a rather dangerous section.

deadlines for the reconstruction of the Yaroslavl highway

Secondly, at the end of the reconstruction, the following inconveniences for pedestrians were discovered:

  1. The road has become unlucky. Of course, underground passages were built instead of the ground , but using them, as you know, is rather difficult for people with limited mobility.
  2. Stops are located far enough from the underpasses. To maintain objectivity, it is worth noting that the problem is not relevant for all public transport stops on the Yaroslavl highway.

Drivers, more than half of whom are unhappy with the reconstruction, note that after work the traffic jams not only remained, but also became not uniform, but concentrated in several narrow places of the new highway. However, the reconstruction of the Yaroslavl highway in the region (2014), the scheme of which is presented in the article, is planned further, so that, perhaps, problems will be eliminated over time.

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