Aluminum loggias - a high-quality and affordable way to warm the balcony

Modern apartments delight new settlers with beautiful glazed loggias, which are not afraid of rain, snow or wind. This can not be said about the balconies in old-built houses, many of which are equipped with old rickety frames, or even do without them. Of course, not everyone can afford the purchase of expensive double-glazed windows, but today there is a worthy alternative - budget aluminum glazing of balconies and loggias, which perfectly copes with the functions assigned to it.

aluminum loggias

The loggia, even if not too large, can be successfully used as a source of additional space. And there’s no reason to make a warehouse out of it for storing glass containers or old things; it deserves a much better fate. True, in order for this room to become more functional, it is necessary to carry out a number of works on its insulation, for which the first thing is to install aluminum loggias. Of course, this type of insulation will not allow you to set the room temperature on the balcony, but it certainly protects against wind and precipitation .

A similar method of glazing today is very popular and in demand. Aluminum loggias are half the price of double-glazed windows, however, they are in no way inferior to them in quality (with the exception of lower thermal characteristics). They have an attractive appearance, durable, easy to care for and use. These structures are made of a narrow profile, so that good light conditions are maintained on the balcony. In addition, aluminum sliding loggias allow more rational use of the free area, as they do not take up much space.

aluminum sliding loggias
The aluminum from which the systems are made is a natural and therefore environmentally friendly material. Aluminum loggias are safe for health, which is especially important in our time, when the production of almost all goods is based on the use of artificial synthetic materials. In the process of manufacturing frames, the material is subjected to additional processing, as a result of which such sliding systems are resistant to corrosion and retain an attractive appearance throughout the entire life cycle.
aluminum glazing of balconies and loggias

Aluminum loggias come in various configurations, which allows you to install these systems not only in a strictly straight line, but also in more difficult conditions. Of the other advantages of this glazing system, it is worth noting the possibility of manufacturing frames from a profile of any color, the weightlessness of the structure, silent and easy sliding of the wings, as well as affordable cost.

Today, aluminum sliding loggias are a great way to protect the room from weather and rain. And also give the loggia a beautiful appearance. Representing a budget version of glazing, these modern fixtures enable all apartment owners in old-built houses to make their loggias and balconies warm, beautiful and functional.

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