Composition "Zinol". Specifications. Using

"Zinol" is an anti-corrosion composition containing zinc up to 95%. From the point of view of chemistry, this is a solution of a high molecular weight synthetic polymer into which highly dispersed zinc powder is added.

It is used to protect the metal from the influence of atmospheric factors. It withstands the effects of water (including marine), as well as aqueous salt solutions (with a pH of 6 to 9), but is destroyed by the action of gasoline and other organic solvents.

Zinol Specifications

It is a smooth matte layer having a light gray color deposited on a metal surface.

Application area

It is used for cold galvanizing under various climatic conditions (regardless of location). It is used in three main cases:

- as an independent coating;

- to restore metal coatings from zinc;

- in the complex protective system as a primer for coating materials.

The quality of the welds does not deteriorate after applying a layer of the Zinol composition, the technical characteristics of which, on the contrary, improve the reliability of the work performed. This is one of its features.

Zinol paint specifications

The composition “Zinol” can be used not only by individuals (for covering canopies, fences and other products). It is ideally suited for use in plants for the production of metal structures, in shipbuilding, bridge building, as well as for art forging. If enterprises know all the intricacies of working with this composition, then the average buyer does not always possess the necessary information. Often, it is necessary to tell various details about such a tool as Zinol: technical specifications, surface application, scope. This information can be found in the article, as well as from a consultant in the store.

"Zinol". Specifications

The Zinola layer applied to the metal surface has a light gray color, not glossy. To give shine, use a combination of paints "Zinol" - "Alpol", the technical characteristics of which allow them to be combined.

primer zin technical specifications

The estimated consumption of material for coating one layer of 200-320 g / m 2 .

Drying at 20 degrees occurs in half an hour (to the third degree). Full drying - per day. The protective film is formed within two days.

The thickness of one layer after drying is 40-50 microns.

In a dry atmosphere, the temperature resistance of the product is 120 degrees Celsius.

Surface preparation and application

For better concealment and protection after applying a layer of Zinol, the technical characteristics of the treated surface should be consistent. To do this, it is cleaned of dust and dirt, then degreased. It is recommended to carry out abrasive blast cleaning of the surface whenever possible. Then the primer "Zinol" is applied. Technical characteristics of the product allow it to be used under the following conditions:

- temperature from minus 15 to plus 40 degrees;

- relative humidity up to 90%;

- factory or living conditions.

Zinol application specifications

In some cases, there is a need to apply the composition in several layers. In this case, between the layers you need to wait time to the previous dried up. The interval depends on the temperature factor and layer thickness. Therefore, it is determined by “stickiness”: if there is no stickiness when touching and no traces remain, then it has dried out.

Other covering materials are applied no earlier than 24 hours. An exception is the case when "Alpol" is used - a special paint. "Zinol", the technical characteristics of which are suitable for this paint, should dry out in only two hours.

A special approach should be to products that are planned to be used in liquid media. They are dried at least 7 days after painting, and only then can they be placed in an aggressive environment.

In all cases, drying should take place under natural conditions, without the use of fans and blowers.

The composition "Zinol" is applied in various ways:

- by spraying (air and airless);

- with a brush;

- roller.

Quality certificates

The high quality of the product is confirmed by a number of certificates and test results, which were carried out in various fields, such as construction (civil, transport, industrial), energy.

The safety of the product is confirmed by the sanitary-epidemiological conclusion.

There is a certificate of state registration.

Storage conditions

Keep the composition in a tightly closed container away from sources of light and heat. Shelf life in compliance with all recommendations no more than a year. Under the wrong storage conditions of the Zinol product, the technical characteristics deteriorate sharply.

Storage is allowed in the temperature range from minus 40 to plus 40 degrees. The product is transported under the same conditions.

If Zinol is stored at low temperatures for a long time, it must be kept warm for at least 24 hours before use.

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