Artillery Day is celebrated on November 19 by officers and soldiers, cadets and contract soldiers, all military personnel for whom defending their homeland is not just a profession, but a vocation.
It is worth saying “thanks” to the shooters, first of all, for the peaceful sky above our heads and free land under our feet. Indeed, if it were not for these courageous, strong and fearless guys with good hearts, we probably would not have breathed deeply in our beautiful and powerful country!
Artillery - a closed society
Before congratulating the heroes of the occasion, it is worth recalling their story. What exactly are we celebrating by celebrating Artillery Day.
It has long been believed that the shooter is not a warrior, but a special class of military society. Work on firearms, as well as their use, was a privilege only of its creators. The gunners were primarily masters. They hired workers, owned their own workshops and did not obey the orders of the highest military leadership. Thanks to the cover of secrecy that prevailed in the workshops, even the rulers of the states did not know exactly what was happening there. In general, it was a kind of closed group, a society with its secrets, interests and ideas.
The history of artillery dates back centuries. And back in the Middle Ages, the Chinese used gunpowder to launch shells at the enemy.
History of Russian artillery
In the early 1700s, a rocket laboratory was created in Moscow, which worked to a greater extent on the manufacture of light rockets in the likeness of fireworks. Since 1820, the first military missiles with a firing range of more than 2500 meters appeared in the arsenal of the Russian army.
The next step in the development of artillery was taken at the beginning of the twentieth century. Military scientists began using smokeless gunpowder, which helped increase jet propulsion. Now it was possible to increase the mass of the rocket and the range of its impact. A few years later, the first missile school was opened.
Subsequently, it was from such educational institutions that such cosmic masters as Sergei Korolev and Valentin Glushko were released.
The first missiles in the Soviet army, and part-time main armament during the Great Patriotic War, were the PC82 and PC132, in accordance with the diameter of the projectile in millimeters.
The only girl in the artillery regiment
In June 1941, a cloud of Nazi invaders covered the Russian land. The Barbarossa plan and the unexpected war captivated people.
It was this period that glorified the only girl in the artillery regiment, a strong, graceful and fast Katyusha. This is a rocket artillery fighting vehicle.
Back in 1938, military scientists decided to develop machines on which launchers could be placed. The main function is mobilization speed and ease of attack. When the project was ready, the vehicles were named BM13 (combat vehicle with a projectile 13 cm in diameter). People began to call them simply - “Katyusha”. Over the years of the war, more than 10,000 such combat vehicles came to the front. According to one version, the installation got its “name" thanks to a song popular in the pre-war era. But a more beautiful explanation is that Katyusha is a partisan girl who destroyed a large number of opponents.
The introduction of the holiday - thanks for the merits
Artillery Day is celebrated on November 19, because it is this number that became a turning point in the history of the Great Patriotic War. Then, in the distant 1942, Stalingrad, after a long blockade in one gulp, announced to the enemy that he would not put up with the yoke imposed on his neck. At 7.30 in the morning, the artillery showed the full power of its fire, which inflicted irreparable damage on Hitler’s troops. Opponents received a blow of similar strength for the first time. Artillery Day was established in memory of this momentous event.
The law on the establishment of a new tradition was filed at the height of the war, namely in 1944. After the successful Stalingrad breakthrough, by order of the Presidium of the
Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Soviet Union decided to appoint a new military triumph and thereby honor the heroes. A few years later, in 1964, Artillery Day was combined with the festival of
missile forces. After all, they are not just “neighbors”, but “brothers”. Since then, the two celebrations merged into one - Rocket Artillery Day.
Artillery Day Restoration
For a while, the country forgot its heroes. But by order of the head of state on May 31, 2006, in connection with the deployment of a program to establish professional holidays in honor of the military, November 19 is designated as the Day of Celebrations of the artillery forces of the state. Artillery and missile troops are the basic basis of the troops of the Russian Federation. Parts of this specialization are most in demand in hostilities. The further course of operations depends on their maneuvers. The main task of artillery is to maintain superiority over the enemy in fire.
Cinema: gunners
Films of the Soviet era cost more than one Oscar. Most of us grew up on good old comedies. The military theme has always been one of the most sought after. Therefore, the theme of gunners was often filmed. The guys from the regiment are always good-natured, sincere and interesting. They have a sense of humor, they are not stingy with beautiful words and at the same time extremely modest.
Perhaps not one boy, watching a war film, in his heart decided to become a gunner in the future. Well, imagine the film "Wedding in the Robin" without Yasha-gunner? Would we fall in love with the movie “Ivan Brovkin” if the main character were not a shooter? Holiday Artillery Day - the triumph of our youth. Together with the parade, he carries a share of nostalgia for the past, good and bright times.
Gunners still inspire: girls - to write romantic letters, directors - to make talented films, and little boys - to dream of a military career.
Museums of fame
Military shooters, like no other, have earned their fame. They do not hide under water, do not hover in the sky and do not drive large tanks, but without their work, we could say that the victory would be much harder. Therefore, it is not without reason that in every school, village, museum of a big city, one corner will certainly be devoted to heroes-gunners.
For example, “Battle Glory of the Urals” - a gallery of military equipment - is proud of numerous pieces of artillery and armored vehicles. The city is proud of more than 50 units of armored vehicles, among which there are cars, starting in 1911.
Where they teach on gunners
Boys have been instilled a love of army affairs since school. Every second of them, during the parade on Artillery Day, November 19, secretly dreams of the military profession. It is for such future defenders of the Fatherland that special schools work. One of them, the oldest and most prestigious institution, is the Mikhailovsky Military Artillery Academy in St. Petersburg. Since the distant 1701, the school trained professionals in their field.
Artillery Day Greetings for Defenders
Like any of the military, on a holiday gunners should wish to fight only in the classroom.
“Let weapon shots thunder in your honor only in parades. You are the main fire in military operations, so let no less strong fire of faith, hope and love always burn in your life. ”
“We wish that there was always one, faithful friend, whose
fortitude would not yield to Katyusha. Salutes and fireworks let the road of your life be illuminated. Let the orders hanging on the chest be not only a symbol of success, but also a sign that stimulates further exploits. ”
“Let the medals be only one-sided. Accept Congratulations on Artillery Day at the national level, because millions of lives are behind wide breasts. We wish you to go through life with a fair wind, which will inflate a highly raised flag in a peaceful sky, thanks to you. Strive for the stars - not only in uniform, but in heaven. We wish you victory without loss. ”
Artillery Day is a holiday for all military personnel. Indeed, in the arsenal of each army unit there is a firearm. This day is a solemn day for all those who courageously and fearlessly defend their land.