The idea of ​​how to draw a Snegurochka usually comes on the eve of the New Year’s holiday, in a family circle, so to speak, when preparations are being made for the “celebrations”:
a Christmas tree is being dressed up, toys, all kinds of balls-lanterns are taken from the shelf, and with them - dusty Santa Claus and a slightly crushed Snow Maiden - these are our original Russian New Year characters, familiar to us from childhood. And then the children ask: draw yes draw the Snow Maiden! And you begin to think up, draw, invent a "wooden bicycle". But in fact, nothing needs to be invented, you just need to carefully read the following manual!
A manual for parents who have forgotten how to draw a Snow Maiden
Some people think that it’s easy to draw Grandfather Frost’s granddaughter, some that it’ll be difficult to do. Yes and no, dear parents. Having some skills is easy. If you first picked up a gun for painting, then this will be quite difficult to do. But in any case, there is a certain instruction on how to draw a Snow Maiden in stages with a pencil.
What do you need?
We need drawing paper (or an album), pencils, an eraser to erase the blots (and they will!). It is advisable to take paper for watercolor, and not for drawing - it is softer to draw on it, take the softest pencils, the eraser should also be soft! Don't know how to draw a Snow Maiden? Well, of course, we also need all your imagination and ingenuity!
We start with a simple: the head of the Snow Maiden (it should be oval!). Therefore, first (preferably at the top of our sheet) we draw a small oval, which we divide in half with a vertical line. We outline the eyes, nose and lips of the future Snow Maiden. We mark the girl’s hat with two more oval lines.
Torso and arms
We draw a cone-shaped body to the oval of the head. It schematically resembles a thimble, slightly expanding downward. We connect the body of the girl with the head in two straight lines. Now we add hands to the body in the form of strips, bent inward. So far, everything is working out for us, although it looks pretty sketchy, but it's nothing.
Exterior finish
We finish the fur coat of the snow girl. Wide fur strip in front, lower fur, collar, finally! We draw the image of a warm cap of the Snow Maiden. It’s not necessary to finish the girl’s hands. Usually they are covered by a wide sleeve. The legs of the figure are also hidden "from prying eyes" by a long fur coat. A braid is sometimes drawn along the entire length of the fur coat, and a small bow at the end of the braid.
Detailing: how to draw a Snow Maiden with a pencil
Our Snow Maiden is almost painted - in general terms. It remains only to add some details of the image. You can draw lush cilia around your eyes, your face will become much more expressive. You can draw patterns on a fur coat - ethnic motifs are now in fashion. You can also draw a braid weaving, so it will look more realistic! On the folds of the sleeves of the fur coat, folds can be drawn in zigzag lines. Everything is in your hands - show and consolidate your imagination!
Final stage
And now, carefully paint our Snow Maiden. To do this, use colored pencils or felt-tip pens. Pencils should be soft, greasy, so that it is better to draw details. If felt-tip pens, it is better to be water-based, without alcohol, since the drawing is still intended for children!
Our drawing is ready. Now you know how to draw a Snow Maiden. It remains only to add that Snow White, and Cinderella, and Mulan, and Belle, as well as an image of virtually any princess, at the first request of your own child, are drawn in a similar way! We hope that this valuable knowledge gained as a result of the drawing lesson will help you instill a sense of beauty in your child.