Let's start with the biography of Marina Borman.
Marina Alekseevna Borman was born on May 13 in the city of Almaty in Kazakhstan. Currently lives in Moscow.
Almost nothing is known about the biography and personal life of Marina Borman. She positions herself as a magician, psychic and parapsychologist.
She is very famous both in her native Kazakhstan and in Russia. She leads her receptions in person, conducts various individual consultations, and also consults remotely, helps people: predicts the future, removes negative energy, all this through Internet resources, and also spoke on the TDK channel, participated in the program "Your Personal Psychologist". The latest release of Marina Borman at TDK was at the end of 2017.
The main goal of each of us is to learn to think positively.
In his parapsychology classes, the magician Marina Borman tries to make it clear to her clients that the most important thing in the life of every person is to learn to think positively. After all, it is correct thinking, as the healer believes, that the key to success and attraction to life is only the most positive: events, people, circumstances, and so on.
The most important and most effective advice from Marina Borman is to love yourself. Moreover, to fall in love not as you are in the present tense, but to love the one you see yourself, who you want to become. This is necessary for this, the healer notes, so that each of us has our own goal, where to grow, what to strive for. If we change our negative attitudes to positive ones, we will like to attract only the best and the most positive into our life, like a magnet. "Your personal psychologist Marina Borman!" - This is exactly how she most often positions herself.
In addition, Bormann has paranormal abilities. That is, in addition to the fact that she knows how to properly configure people, she is able to remove damage, evil eye, envy. Thanks to her rites, people seem to begin to live anew, someone regains mutual love, happiness, receives help, finds mutual understanding. And someone just becomes healthy.
As the healer herself notes, in each of us there are both negative energies in the form of envy, resentment, and positive in the form of joy. And if negative energies outweigh positive ones, then this is very bad, because in this way bad events will be attracted to a person, people, such a person will get sick. And precisely in order to prevent all of this, so that each of us can always be happy, live in harmony with ourselves and others, Marina Borman has special rites. Very strong, and most importantly - effective, which can help many of us.
Some recommendations on healing while performing any magical rites
If you still can’t reconfigure yourself, psychic Marina Borman gives some tips from long-proven magic.
Bormann warns that each rite is individual. What does it mean? If after it you didn’t feel anything at all, it means that this ceremony is simply not suitable for you, you can’t do it any further, since there will still be no effect. If, on the contrary, it became easy for you, a surge of strength appeared, then this is it. And no less important advice - you should not apply several ceremonies at a time, one should wait a while, just wait, let the first act first, but it must work.
The most important thing - during the rituals there should be absolutely no evil intentions and wishes for anyone. Why? The answer is simple, as the healer herself explains, magic can act not in the best way, that is, a person who has performed this rite can bring trouble into his life, and evil, according to psychic Marina Borman, can return seven times.
Most ceremonies should be performed in the dark, for example, before bedtime. Attributes should not be left and stored in your home, worst of all, if you throw them away. The healer recommends that all used magic items be either buried in the ground or washed with water.
Many of the rituals of Marina Borman were taken from the Simoron rites and ancient Indian practices.
This may be evidenced by her everyday rituals. Every morning, Marina Borman recommends singing a special “Ohm-ohm” sound vibration to everyone. This vibration can adjust thoughts, direct the flow of energy in a positive direction.
The healer himself recommends working out the desires themselves. That is, to specifically think over the goal, for example, to buy an apartment, and be sure to say the terms for the realization of your desires, such as, for example, buy an apartment by the end of the month.
Whatever ceremony you perform, Bormann recommends always adhering to a few of the most important rules. Firstly, for starters, you should imagine, come up with a specific goal in your head, what you want. Secondly, to imagine that this is already happening or has happened, thirdly, to believe in what you want, and most importantly - any rite, any sacrament does not like when someone is told about it.
Bormann's Little Guidelines for Working with Energies
Negative energy is called negative, it pulls a person down. It’s like a scale: on one side of the scale is positive energy, and on the opposite - negative. And if the cup with the negative outweighs, a black stripe sets in a person’s life. He becomes a magnet for everything bad. Negative is able to block any undertakings.
And in order not to drag along a series of unpleasant circumstances, a person needs to start changing.
And not someone to change, you should start with yourself. Since, without changing our thoughts, we will attract the same people and the same circumstances into our lives.
Borman advises in order to get rid of the negative, to make positive prevail.
Periodically, at least once a year, the healer recommends visiting magicians. When choosing this person, you should also trust your intuition. If this magician is nice to you, pleasant, inwardly you are comfortable with him, then you should go to him.
Various magical rites and spells are performed in order to drown out the negative, that is, negative energy.
It is extremely undesirable for people suffering from any psychological illnesses and disorders to visit magicians and psychics, as this can negatively affect their health, their body condition can deteriorate sharply.
You should not turn to several psychics at once, since they all work differently. And the result can be disastrous.
Borman also notes that if you followed all of the above recommendations, but the psychic wasn’t able to help, this does not mean that this person does not have any abilities, in fact he is not a charlatan, his treatment simply did not suit you.
Notebook of wishes
The notebook of wishes of Marina Borman is especially popular.
This is a special collection of rituals, conspiracies and various ceremonies.
In the notebook of wishes of Marina Borman, even specific methods of treating certain diseases are given. There are some recommendations for fulfilling desires, for love, for improving health, and much more.
An interesting plot of Marina Borman from alcohol. Rather, not a conspiracy, but a little advice.
To ease alcohol dependence, you need to drink a glass of warm milk. If you drink a glass of milk together with alcohol, then gradually the craving for the latter will disappear, a person will be able to get rid of his cravings.
Rite of fulfillment of desires
Rites to fulfill the wishes of Marina Borman are also in demand.
The following items may be required to perform this ritual: granulated sugar, a piece of paper, a pen, a magnet (it should be small) and a white candle.
First you need to pour granulated sugar in a clean dish, then on a piece of paper we write your desire. You can wish anything, the main thing is to remember that it must be something positive, good. They wrote, we confirm it with the words "So be it!". We put the leaf in the bowl, then put the magnet on top and again sprinkle it all with sugar. Everything is ready. In order for the ceremony to work, its attributes must be hidden from prying eyes. To do this, put the cup with desire on the highest and at the same time hidden place from prying eyes. Now it remains only to wait for the result, it will soon have to appear necessarily.
It should be remembered that it will be more effective to carry out this rite during the new moon, that is, on the growing moon, before the full moon. As for the days of the week, it is recommended to do it from Thursday to Friday.
During falling asleep sugar and recording desire, the white candle should burn. Then it, like the cup, must be hidden.
Another rite for fulfilling wishes with a coin
To make it, the following attributes will be required: a white candle, any silver coin, a sheet of paper, a pen, a glass of water and a half-liter jar. First you need to light a white candle, then pour a glass of water into a half-liter jar. On a piece of paper we write our most cherished desire. It can be absolutely anything: from mutual love to health for someone close to you. First put a coin in a jar of water, then a sheet with a desire, close the lid on top. And we put the jar with its contents in any secret place for three days. On the fourth day we get it, at night we pour its contents into a previously prepared hole in the garden, then we need to bury the hole.
Why this is done, you ask. Everything is simple - water, like a sponge, can absorb information. Therefore, it is believed that such "charged" water contributes to the rapid fulfillment of desire.
Special rite to achieve cherished desires and to eliminate various obstacles
The following items are necessary for this rite: granulated sugar, earth, preferably from a fertile plot, a sheet of paper, a pen, a red thread, a small bag and, of course, a white candle. The candle must be lit, then in any clean dishes, it is necessary to mix granulated sugar with earth. On a piece of paper we write a wish (remember the phrase “Let it be so!”), After which we burn the sheet of paper completely. We do not throw out the resulting ash, but mix it with earth and sugar. Put the resulting mass into a small bag and tie it with a red thread. Everything is ready. However, this bag should not be removed far away, it should always be carried with you, so luck will always be with you.
A special rite to get rid of a female or rival
Despite its seemingly unpleasant name, the rite has an exclusively positive meaning. Since here we are not talking about how to kill or destroy his spiteful woman, but about how to take such a person away from him. This rite is also suitable for the exclusion from your life of any envious, ill-wishers, in general, people who are negatively inclined towards you.
It will require: two new small mirrors and a white candle. Mirrors should be placed opposite each other, between them light a candle. For this rite, the following spell should be read: "As this candle burns out, and (we pronounce the name of the opponent (rival) will forever leave my life with all his problems, disappear and will not appear again. As this candle burns out, so does my husband ( pronouncing the name of the spouse, all thoughts about her (about him) will be gone forever and irrevocably. "This rite is considered to be finished after the candle burns out. The wax formed must be thrown into the river (water must be flowing). The rite is very effective, the result is required won't push itself up It’s easy to wait, but don’t forget that you need to conduct it with a positive attitude, without any bad wishes to the offender, otherwise you can bring trouble into your life.
One of the most powerful and truly effective rites for money
The rites of Marina Borman for money are in great demand.
Let's talk about the strongest of them.
To carry it out you will need: a small magnet, a sheet of paper, a pen and any banknote.
On a piece of paper you need to write your desire about improving financial well-being, then wrap a piece of paper, put a banknote on top, then a magnet. So, everything is ready. You do not need to carry this with you, you just need to put it in a secret place. Unlike the previous ones, this rite for money is urgent. That is, he will only work for the first three months. Further, if necessary, you should repeat all this again. It is also worth remembering that a new banknote will be required for a second ceremony. Well, as for the previous one, it’s better to spend it on yourself, buy yourself something sweet, for example.
Another very effective rite for money with a needle
The following attributes will be required for this rite: 2 large white candles and one needle.
Why do you need to use white candles , you ask? White color is a symbol of the energy of the universe.
It is necessary on each candle to scratch the following words with a needle - "wealth, wealth, money." After that, it is necessary to mentally count from 7 to 1, that is, in the reverse order. Next, light the candles themselves. And say three times the following words: "These candles will help me in receiving money, so be it!"
While casting this spell, candles should be held in hands.
This ritual must be performed on Thursdays, the greatest effect you can get if you do everything from 22:00 to 23:00 (local time).
Programming method using a TV screen to fulfill wishes
The rite is urgent. Judging by the reviews, only 1 month of its action is enough, after which it can be repeated again or try something else.
Marina Borman offers a unique method of fulfilling desires - this is programming (in another way - the mood of her thoughts) to fulfill. To do this, you need a TV screen. This way of programming is to visualize your desires. The TV screen is just used for this. First you need to imagine, imagine that white light comes from the screen. It is this color, as you remember, that symbolizes happiness. Introduce yourself in the state you want to see yourself, for example, happy. In this case, you want to pronounce your desire, you should repeat it several times. And another important point - the desire should not be formulated in the present tense, such as, "I have a lot of money," but in the future tense, such as, "Soon I will have a lot of money." Five minutes is enough to visualize. It is also worth paying attention to the moment at which, unlike other ceremonies, the phrase "So be it!" in this case it will be generally inappropriate.
Now consider Marina Borman's latest discovery.
Programming method using a TV screen to improve health
The same visualization method, also using a TV screen, but aimed at improving health.
For starters, looking directly at the screen, you should imagine the appearance of blue. It is this color that is responsible for human health. Introduce yourself healthy, young, strong. The healer gives some recommendations on this subject: if you can’t visualize at all, you can just say it all, for example, “I see myself young”, etc.
As such, spell words do not need to be pronounced, the only thing required is just to ask for forgiveness from your body. The words may be pronounced as follows: "Body, please forgive me, for all those tortures and torments that you had to endure for all my years of life, forgive me for not being able to save you. I will definitely try to improve myself. Just get better, please." After the words are spoken, it is necessary to imagine how the blue light coming from the TV screen penetrates directly into the body, you need to feel it with your every skin cell. Thus, your body is completely healed, and you become younger, healthier. This ritual for the greatest effect should be carried out more than once a day, preferably twice.
Reviews on the activities of the healer
Consider reviews of Marina Borman, her activities and teachings.
Many people believe that after a certain rite or ritual, some material wealth must necessarily appear in their life, for this there is absolutely no need to take any action. The opinion of such people is erroneous.
In fact, any rituals and rituals of Marina Borman, as the healer herself explains, only create the necessary energy, direct it in the right direction, give strength to achieve something. That is, lying on the couch a person will not be able to get a large amount of money. , , .
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Reviews of psychic Marina Borman, her advice confirm the fact that it all really works.
Marina conditionally divides all the rites into 2 groups:
- Rites for the fulfillment of any desires.
- Conducted in order to remove the negative.
In order to get rid of negative energy, firstly, cleaning is necessary. Second - you need to believe that everything will work out. Thirdly, you really want this.
After purification, you need to fill your voids with positive energy. Otherwise, everything will be meaningless, negative energy will come back.
Rites for the fulfillment of desires should be carried out at night, preferably before bedtime.
For rituals, you must use an exclusively white sheet of paper.
To perform any magic rite, you will also need a white candle. White color symbolizes the purity and energy of the universe, as noted earlier. And once again we recall that in no case all used attributes can be thrown out or left in a conspicuous place. In this case, the rite may not work at all or it will work, but not in the way we would like.
So, the attributes are ready, thoughts are set up positively, it remains to put yourself in order. Yes, the appearance for the ritual is also very important: clean clothes, light makeup. All this can, according to Bormann, contribute to the rapid fulfillment of desires.
And one more effective advice from Marina Borman, which has only positive reviews. Desire is necessary with all your soul, with all your heart, and only good. And then the Universe will see how much you need it, and give you a great opportunity, present your gift, Marina Borman assures everyone.
About her school of learning, the opinions of visitors are also given. In addition to extrasensory activity, Bormann also teaches. The reviews of those who studied at her school are extremely positive. They say that Marina Borman willingly shares her knowledge and skills with her students.