What are the oil reserves in Russia?

The upcoming global energy crisis is forcing the calculation of available natural resources. The main source of energy on Earth is oil. It is thanks to her that most power plants operate, cars and buses drive. Oil has become the main engine of modern civilization. But the amount of "black gold" is gradually running out.

oil reserves in Russia
Against this background, Russia stands out not only for its natural resources, but also for the fact that every year their volume only increases. Modernization of production allows not only to increase the amount of extracted "black gold", but also allows you to develop already "old" wells.

More sophisticated equipment allowed Russian oil companies to increase proven oil reserves by 5-15%. Within 3 years, from 2001 to 2004, the total explored oil reserves in Russia increased one and a half times. To date, the Russian Federation has tripled this indicator, the total volume today fluctuates around the figure of 120 billion barrels.

oil and gas reserves in Russia
Oil reserves in Russia are growing not only with new discovered fields, but also thanks to unique production methods. The drilling of horizontal wells, the use of modern means of automation of production, lead to the fact that at already mastered, and, it would seem, already developed wells, you can get a considerable amount of "black gold". The volume of extracted raw materials from one well, after the introduction of modern technologies, increases by 50%.

Proven oil reserves in Russia are increasing due to new discovered fields. So, for example, the Vankor field is estimated at 3.5 billion barrels of oil. Its development was started by Rosneft. An additional geological exploration is currently being conducted to study not only the terrestrial, but also the sea depths of the Arctic Ocean for subsequent oil production from its bowels. Actively developing technologies for the construction of modern floating platforms.

The main oil reserves in Russia are located in the northern regions. The development and development of these regions is associated with huge investments. The quality of oil also leaves much to be desired, therefore, before transportation, oil is cleaned at special oil treatment facilities. They make it possible to distill to the buyer oil that has already been purified from external impurities, increasing its cost and the profitability of the well itself.

proven oil reserves in Russia
The Russian Federation has a quarter of the world's natural gas reserves, which automatically puts it in the lead in the export of โ€œblue fuelโ€. More than half of the largest gas fields explored are located in Russia. The main problem in the development also lies in the poor knowledge of Siberia. Remoteness from the center and severe weather conditions make it necessary to carry out work only when necessary.

Oil and gas reserves in Russia are one of the main sources of income. The Russian economy at the moment is completely dependent on world prices for these natural resources. Despite the fact that Russia has very rich oil and gas reserves, their production, and most importantly, export is associated with great difficulties. The construction of new gas and oil pipelines requires large financial investments. Naturally, each dollar invested later will bring considerable profit, but a lot of time passes from the moment of depositing funds to receiving dividends. This makes investments in Russian oil unattractive for foreign capital, which makes it easier to buy it from Middle Eastern competitors. Be that as it may, oil reserves in Russia will contribute to its prosperity for a long time to come.

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