Causes of plum on the nose and treatment methods

There are probably no people who have never in their life encountered bruises. And some were not even lucky enough to become the owner of a plum on the nose. This phenomenon greatly spoils the appearance. This means that it is necessary to get rid of plums on the nose as soon as possible.

Possible causes

The bruise on the nose is popularly called simply cream, most likely due to the outward resemblance to this fruit. The mechanism of plum formation on the nose is very simple. The main initiating factor is tissue damage:

  • bruises;
  • squeezing;
  • frostbite.
Bruised nose

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that even the simplest squeezing of acne or harmless suction made by a partner can make the nose blue. Other factors that contribute to the formation of bruises on the nose are:

  • pale and delicate skin;
  • blood vessels are too close to the surface of the skin;
  • defects in the blood coagulation system.

With mechanical damage, trauma to small capillaries is observed, which have increased vascular permeability. The formed elements of blood pass to nearby tissues, first of all, these are red blood cells. As a result, a small subcutaneous hematoma is formed, after which the red bodies begin to break down and secrete a pigment called hemoglobin. For this reason, the nose acquires a crimson hue. After this, hemoglobin is formed into other substances, due to which the nose becomes bluish, lilac-cherry or yellow-green.

Elimination methods

A blue nose can take on its usual appearance over time, about a week after a bruise. But this can be called a very long time, taking into account the special localization and unattractive appearance of such a phenomenon. Therefore, those people who have a swollen nose want to know how to get rid of a bruise in the shortest possible time.

The girl covered her nose with her hand

First aid

Much will depend on how the victim behaves in the first minutes after the injury. Therefore, it is necessary to keep a guide to special first aid measures. Immediately after damage, do the following:

  • to feel the back of the nose to understand if there is a fracture or not;
  • make sure that there is no bleeding;
  • apply cold to the affected area.

The last point in this case is the most basic aspect, since it is aimed at preventing the appearance of a bruise. As a rule, under the influence of cold objects, small vessels begin to be squeezed, and blood ceases to flow under the skin. To do this, you can take ice from the freezer, a bottle or a glass of cold water, any metal objects and other improvised cold products. However, do not keep the nose cold for too long, every 5 minutes you need to take a break.

Nose patch

At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to carry out actions that can have the exact opposite effect, that is, that which enhances blood circulation and expands the capillaries. In order to get rid of a bruise, in no case should you rub your nose, massage and put pressure on him, drink alcohol and hot drinks. All this can lead only to increased release of blood into the tissue, which will definitely provoke the formation of plums on the nose.

Further treatment

If the moment for first aid was missed, and after an injury more than two hours have passed, then in this case no cold objects will help. During this time, the blood has already managed to get into the tissues, which means that now you should use other methods of treatment that will help to quickly deal with the bruise. First of all, you should protect your nose from repeated injury, without pressing on it, carefully washing and dressing, lying on your back.

In order to speed up the resorption of the bruise, it is recommended to use special creams, ointments, gels and balms, which include absorbable components. These drugs include:

  • Troxevasin;
  • Lyoton
  • "Bruise-off";
  • "Tramp 911";
  • Zhivokost.
The girl covered her nose with a napkin

The use of these funds must be agreed with the attending physician. To get rid of concomitant disorders in the tissues, you can use anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs that are made in local form: Voltaren, Nise, Nurofen.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that in the treatment of bruises in no case can you use drugs that can reduce blood coagulation.

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