The birth chart of each person provides basic information about his character and behavior in different life situations. Astrologers in the interpretation of information obtained using the natal chart, can predict some events in human life. Venus in the 3rd house gives the person special characteristics. A detailed description of this aspect will be presented later.
Natal chart
Venus in the 3rd house of a man and a woman has a definite effect on fate. To determine the features that are inherent in a person’s personality, astrologers build a birth chart in a special program. A series of data is taken into account. The program includes the exact time, date and place of birth.
The program allows you to build an accurate natal chart. It shows the signs of the zodiac, home and planet, as well as their combinations. The combination of these data forms a portrait of a person’s personality. Horoscope also allows you to make predictions for the future. Different methods are used to interpret the result.
Today, astrologers study ancient Vedic texts to interpret the results. People are beginning to show great interest in such sciences. Some associate their lives with the search for truth, to penetrate into the deep connections of the micro- and macrocosm. Astrology allows you to get answers to many questions, properly organize your life. Some people are so imbued with this approach that they associate their business with astrological concepts. For example, the guest houses in Dzhemete “Venus-3” and “Venus-2” are named after the patron saint.
Existing forecasting techniques make it possible to forecast future events. Even if the horoscope is unfavorable, you just need to take this into account and work out your karma. In this case, even negative aspects will serve the good, developing a personality.
Venus in Astrology
Venus in the 3rd house of a woman and a man indicates the characteristics of relations with the opposite sex. Venus is responsible for our feelings, understanding of beauty, love and sympathy. This is a person's understanding of the beauty of the world, art. In addition, Venus is responsible for harmony and finances, material well-being. This is a person’s personal happiness.
Venus in the 3rd house of a woman indicates her prototype. This is the image that she wants to match. In the male birth chart, this planet is responsible for the idea of a woman whom he considers ideal. Moreover, according to the aspects of the planet, you can determine how a person manifests himself in relations with women.
If Venus is harmonious in the birth card, it gives a person happiness in his personal life. He is also successful in the financial sector. This is a charming, pleasant person for others, who has different talents. He loves art. With stressful aspects, difficulties may arise in relations with the opposite sex and others. Making a living can also be quite difficult.
With disharmony in the natal chart, Venus makes a person too attached to the topic of sex. He does not notice the beauty of the world. Sometimes, on the contrary, he is not interested in intimacy. Man needs to do art. This directs his negative energy in a positive direction. So he can work out negative karma.
Third house
The third house of the horoscope is responsible for the development of personality, the exchange of information. This is primary and secondary education, advanced training. The third house is associated with Gemini. This sign is responsible for communication, public relations. A person with harmonious aspects in the third house likes to talk with other people.
Also, the third house gives a thirst for travel. A person likes to change his place of residence or work. His happiness is associated with moving, gaining experience on trips. The third house shows how a person can speak and express his thoughts. These are intellectual abilities.
It is important, when interpreting the natal chart, to consider in which zodiac sign the cusp of the house is located. This determines his steward. If the cusp of the house is in the sign of Taurus, Venus is the ruler of the 3rd house. It affects both the house itself and the planets that fall here.
Venus in the third house
If Venus enters the third house of the horoscope, it awakens a person's intellectual interest in art. Such a person can actively communicate with other people, especially with younger brothers and sisters. He develops harmonious relations with neighbors and relatives.
Foretells marriage with a foreigner Venus in the 3rd house of a man. A woman devotes a lot of time to her person. With this position of Venus, she likes to talk a lot about art, to express her thoughts about the work of famous artists, poets. When defeated, this situation gives a strong craving for sex. Moreover, both women and men like to talk a lot about him.
With positive aspects, Venus, who is in the third house, speaks of the help in love that comes from relatives or neighbors. In contacts with people, a person shows great charm. His speeches are pleasant, they are heard by others. A person knows how to exchange thoughts harmoniously. Also, fateful meetings can occur on the road.
With a defeat, a person cannot find a common language with neighbors, relatives and friends. In communication with others, he does not find aesthetic satisfaction. A person believes that he is surrounded by uneducated, narrow-minded people. He is not able to see the beauty in every person. Also, this situation makes a person lazy. He is not interested in anything.
The horoscope may indicate the place of dating Venus in the 3rd house. This is a meeting with a foreigner or on a long trip.
Vedic astrology
Ancient teaching reveals the features of the manifestation of Venus in the third house. Vedic astrology is called jyotish. Venus in the 3rd house, according to this teaching, gives certain difficulties in marriage. In other aspects, it will be seen how this effect manifests itself.
Marriage in a woman with Venus in the 3rd house may be more than one. She may also encounter some difficulties in choosing a life partner. In a man, this position of the planet can also give a tense family life. He will constantly leave home, possibly for a long time. It is possible that he will enter into relations with other women while on a business trip.
Vedic astrology claims that a person with this position of Venus is very talented. He can become an artist, dancer, designer, etc. Since childhood, such people have shown their abilities. This man came to life to create beauty. However, the younger brothers or sisters of the owner of such a horoscope can be more beautiful, more talented and more successful.
Such a person gains the courage and power to achieve his goals. At the same time, he shows gentleness and diplomacy in communication. Thanks to such qualities, a person can achieve what he wants.
Venus in the signs of the zodiac
It is important to consider in which zodiac sign Venus is. The features of its influence on character depend on this.
Venus in Aries makes a person emotional. He craves passions. However, life is on display. A man can go for everything for his beloved.
If the planet is in the sign of Taurus, women get a pretty, attractive appearance. Men also have a special appeal. These are people who create coziness and beauty around themselves. Women and men look good, dress with taste. They seek to ennoble their home.
Venus in Gemini in the 3rd house makes a person charming, restless, but he lacks constancy. Experiment with style. They do not like monotony.
If Venus is in Cancer, the person will be emotional, sensitive. They have some kind of mystery. It is she who attracts the opposite sex. Feelings are expressed only if the partner is fully trusted.
Venus in Leo gives a person the ability to clearly express his feelings. He loves to flaunt, longs for recognition from the partner. Man wants to live in luxury. He gravitates to communication with friends, loves noisy companies.
If the planet is in Virgo, man becomes a realist. He puts reason above feelings and emotions. Romance is alien to these people. They do not like to waste time on unnecessary sentiments. They strive for excellence, so they work tirelessly on themselves. Stingy on the manifestation of feelings and signs of attention to a loved one.
Venus in Libra gives a person a beautiful appearance. They have a sense of taste. They achieve success in communication, in contacts with other people and in travels. They can find an approach to any interlocutor. Strive for justice and harmony.
If the planet is in the sign of Scorpio, the person is a passionate, alluring nature. He craves passions, strong emotions and emotions. These are jealous. They can’t live in peace. They find fault with their loved one, control him in everything.
Venus in Sagittarius gives a person the desire to be the main thing in a relationship. These are friendly people, optimists. They like to make beautiful gifts. Relations are built free, but sooner or later they bring Sagittarius and his half to the altar. They don’t like changes, although sometimes they happen without the knowledge of a person. However, in any situation do not lose optimism.
In Capricorn, Venus does not allow a person to show his emotions. He is emotionally cold. Spend money deliberately. In a relationship honest and faithful. They are not capable of betrayal.
Venus in the sign of Aquarius gives the character the desire for free relations. Such people are friendly to others. Tips are not heeded. As a result, they are right.
Venus in Pisces gives a person the ability to empathize. He wants to help everyone who needs it. These are creative people. They seek in their partner the same sensuality, the ability to empathize.
Retrograde Venus
Venus in the birth chart can take a retrograde (reverse) movement. Karmically, this indicates that a person in a past life paid great attention to wealth or was a womanizer. In this incarnation, he must fulfill his duty. Breaking the hearts of people in love with him in a past life, he himself will experience distrust of his partner.
A person with this position of the planet may not be interested in loving relationships at all. Sometimes the manifestation of retrograde Venus can be the opposite. In this case, a person craves relationships, but they do not add up; he cannot get what he wants.
You may want to buy, steal anything that glitters. To jewelry, a person becomes indifferent. It becomes difficult for a person to express his feelings. He is afraid that they will not understand him. Marriage may be late.
Venus in the 3rd solarium house influences the person’s communication style. He becomes lucky in contact with others. Thanks to his charm, he can establish the necessary connections. Also at this time there will be meetings with friends, with noisy companies. If the aspects at this time are unfavorable, the contacts will be unpleasant. However, a person will try to find a common language with them.
At this time, the circle of communication expands. Often there is talk of beauty. A person may have a romantic relationship with a foreigner or a person who lives far away. Meetings on the trip are possible. Traveling brings a lot of pleasure at this time.
There is a desire to communicate with brothers and sisters, younger relatives and neighbors. This is a good time for people who are engaged in literary creation, commercial activity, as well as for training. You can conclude contracts, sign contracts.
If the aspects are unfavorable, the connections can be vicious, destructive. With good aspects, the conception of a child may occur at this time. It may also be moving, a long stay in another city or country.
The transit passage of Venus in the 3rd house endows the period of life with flattery, a sense of humor and pleasant communication. There is a desire to strengthen ties, contacts. Communication with relatives, especially younger ones, can be improved. Social meetings, friendly gatherings, noisy parties will be successful, will bring a lot of positive emotions.
If the aspects of Venus are harmonious, you need to participate in society. New connections, contacts will bring profit, will reveal their potential. Under unfavorable aspects, changes in the environment are possible, which a person will not be happy. This period will end. After this connection can be restored.
What to do at this time?
When a transit Venus appears in life in the 3rd house, you need to communicate more. You can go on trips, conclude contracts with partners. A person shows tact and courtesy in communication. He attracts other people. It's nice to talk with him. Therefore, you need to extract profit from this period. Profitable contacts will help to improve the financial situation.
It is also worth doing art. Lessons in drawing, singing, theatrical art or other similar directions will bring a lot of joy, will reveal the potential of the individual. It is worth paying attention to your relatives. It is possible to establish good relations with them during this period.
Having examined the features of the position of Venus in the 3rd house, we can determine the strengths and weaknesses in the character of man. You can also make a forecast about future events.