Saint Ksenia of Petersburg. Praying to her is a powerful defense of family values

In the northern capital of Russia there are "their" especially beloved and revered saints - John of Kronstadt and Ksenia of Petersburg. By state significance, these two people are very far from each other. But they are both canonized and both enjoy the infinite trust and love of both the indigenous inhabitants of the city ​​and many visitors.

Ksenia St. Petersburg Prayer

Legends of Xenia

Ksenia enjoys special sympathy. This can be judged by the nickname given to her by the inhabitants of the city - Blessed Ksenia. Saint Ksenia of Petersburg herself, the prayer and rituals associated with her - all this is an integral part of the life of the city. The feast in her honor falls on February 6, the time of severe colds, but the enormous lines to her chapel on this day are becoming more and more.

The legends associated with her name tell of the many deeds of blessed Xenia. She possessed an amazing gift of foresight, predicted the dates of death and the healing of terminally ill patients. Many believe that the true defender of St. Petersburg is her, Ksenia Petersburg. Prayer addressed to her with true faith and sincerity will certainly help in any, most difficult task. The amount of evidence of her wonderwork is infinitely many. In love for her and veneration, she can only be compared with Nicholas the Wonderworker and Seraphim of Sarov, the great saints of Orthodoxy.

Many people who survived the siege of Leningrad are sure that it was Ksenia of Petersburg who helped them survive. Prayer to her raised the fallen, gave faith in a speedy release, united people. The notes addressed to her then reached our days. To her, as a native, they addressed with any requests - from the victory over the Nazis to the increase in daily rations by a few grams.

Prayer of Ksenia of St. Petersburg

The path to canonization

From time immemorial, holy fools have been revered in Russia. Ksenyushka, who did not suffer the death of her beloved husband, who gave all his wealth to the poor, who accepted all the hardships of foolishness in the name of Christ, was especially loved. Gradually, the fame grew that all that she touched turned into good, even a meeting with her portended something good. Many were glad to provide her with a roof over her head and food, but Ksenia continued to torment herself with cold and hunger.

When they began to build the Smolensk Church, she wore stones at night, helping builders. Here, at the church, is her grave. The exact date of her death, as well as her birth, is unknown. It is believed that this is the very beginning of the XIX century. Over time, the wooden temporary chapel was replaced by a stone one. But both the grave and the memory of Ksenia were periodically subjected to prohibitions and persecutions. But even when the chapel was turned into a utility room and the memory was erased that Ksenia of Petersburg was buried here, a prayer was held at the tomb walls daily, and notes were sent to Ksenyushka every day in the crevices of the walls. Such letters have become a special type of communication between city residents and β€œtheir” saint.

In 1988, through the efforts of Father Victor, the head priest of the Smolensk church , the chapel was returned to the church, and Ksenia herself was canonized.

Ksenia Petersburg prayer for children

Preserved Ksenia of Petersburg for a strong marriage and child protection

According to legend, a couple about to get married should go around Ksenia’s chapel several times, and the family will never split up. Belief in the miraculous power of the saint among the Orthodox is endless, and the prayer of Ksenia of Pererburzhskaya takes the form of a panacea.

They pray to her about everything that forms the basis of human life: about his health and those close to you, about well-being. However, they especially pray for the family: for love, marriage, pregnancy. The saint is revered as the keeper of the hearth.

A special place is occupied by the prayer of Ksenia of Petersburg for children. In this city, which suffered the burden of unprecedented cruelty and cynicism of the enemy, the victims of which were primarily children, the request for them takes on special meaning. They pray for the giving of children, their upbringing and health, that all sorrows and adversities will pass away, that the terrible tragedy that befell the great city will never be repeated.

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