MSLU them. Maurice Toreza: description, specialties, passing score and reviews

MSLU them. Maurice Toreza is a world-famous university that has long become one of the symbols of Russia. The university provides education in many programs and areas, but the most fundamental and high-quality knowledge is acquired in the faculties of foreign languages ​​and translators.


MSLU them. Maurice Thorez dates his story from the moment French courses were organized in 1906. By 1926, the courses were already a state institution with the name "Higher Courses of Foreign Languages", the training was conducted at the Library of Foreign Literature. At that time, the flow of students was great - more than 1 thousand translators for state organizations received education annually.

The expansion of courses and their relevance became objective reasons for the transformation of the educational structure into an institute, which happened in 1930. The new university included three language departments (German, French, English), which taught in the translation and pedagogical areas of education.

In the thirties, the faculty of distance learning and preparatory courses appeared at the institute. In 1935, the educational institution was named Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(MGPII). The full course of studying subjects was 4 years, teaching was carried out at the faculties of the main languages. Most groups were overloaded with students whose ages ranged from 20 to 40 years.

In 1939, Moscow State Linguistic University (formerly Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Maurice Torez) received its own building on Ostozhenka for permanent placement. In the same period, the first textbooks began to appear, research work started, the university received the right to defend candidate dissertations. The plans were large and saturated with fruitful work, but the war began.

haze of M. Maurice Thorez

War and post-war transformations

In the summer of 1941, with the outbreak of hostilities, more than 700 students and teachers went to the front as volunteers, and the 5th Frunze militia division was created on the basis of the institute. Despite the hardships and significant limitations, the educational process did not stop at the Maurice Thorez MSLU. The front needed qualified translators to work with prisoners of war, conduct reconnaissance and subversive work behind enemy lines, and organize propaganda activities. The answer to the request of time was the foundation in 1948 of the faculty of translators-referents.

Students and teachers of the Moscow State Linguistic University named after Maurice Thorez with the victory in the Great Patriotic War acted as translators in the processes of condemning Nazism in Nuremberg, and later in Tokyo. In 1946, on the basis of the French language faculty, the faculty of Romance languages ​​was formed, where French, Spanish, Italian languages ​​were taught.

Since 1950 at the Moscow State Linguistic University named after Maurice Toreza's full-time education is five years. In the late fifties, the faculty of translators introduces an innovation for students - the mandatory development of two foreign languages. The VI World Festival of Youth and Students, held in Moscow in 1957, became a rich field for acquiring live communication skills and applying knowledge. Since 1961, the UN courses of translators began to work at the Institute.

In 1964, the institution receives the name of Maurice Thorez, and from that moment the name of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​in Moscow becomes recognizable in the international arena. The status of the university was obtained in 1990, when global economic and political changes took place in the country. In the wake of the changes at the university, new areas of study were opened - economics, political science, law, cultural studies, and many others. In 2000, Moscow State Linguistic University named after Maurice Toreza gains the status of a basic organization for the languages ​​and culture of the CIS countries.


At the present stage in Moscow State Linguistic University named after Maurice Toreza is teaching 36 languages; cultural centers of the countries of the languages ​​studied are functioning. Most of the teaching staff has degrees and numerous scientific works in the field of linguistics and foreign languages. The university prepares and publishes more than 200 textbooks, manuals, monographs during the year for universities and schools of the Russian Federation.

MSLU researchers have developed a series of training complexes that have demonstrated their effectiveness in widespread use (Lingua, Signal-Inyaz, Intonograph, and many others).

The educational institution has a system of multilevel lifelong education, based on a chain of continuity of the levels of study: "Lyceum - University - Advanced Training". MSLU them. Maurice Toreza collaborates with 70 universities from 25 countries, where students can take an internship or get a second diploma. The university implements the education of undergraduate and graduate levels.

haze named after Maurice Thorez

Structural units

The structure of MSLU named after M. Torez includes institutes, departments, faculties :

  • Applied and Mathematical Linguistics (Institute).
  • Foreign languages ​​to them. Maurice Toreza (Institute).
  • University departments.
  • International relations and socio-political sciences (institute).
  • Humanities (faculty).
  • Translation faculty.
  • International Information Security (Faculty).
  • Humanities (faculty).
  • Law (faculty).
  • Faculties of correspondence, continuing education.
  • Faculty for foreign citizens.

The leading divisions of training and scientific work remain institutions and faculties focused on linguistics, translation activities and the study of foreign languages.

haze former mgpiia morisa toreza

First among equals

The Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages is the oldest division of the university. It consists of three faculties and departments:

  • Of English language.
  • German language.
  • French language.
  • Department of the second foreign language for pedagogical faculties.
  • Department of Linguodidactics.

Education is carried out under the bachelor's program (4 years) and master's program (2 years). At each faculty, training is conducted in several profiles. One of the interesting projects of the French language faculty is the training of teachers and specialists of the Chinese language (undergraduate).

Linguistics and Mathematics

The Institute of Applied and Mathematical Linguistics is engaged in the preparation of students and a large amount of research work. The structure of the institution includes:

  • Departments: applied and experimental linguistics; linguistic semantics.
  • Forensic Science Laboratory.
  • Scientific and educational centers: "Determinant means of information protection" and speech (fundamental and applied).

Teaching students is aimed at training teachers in the following areas:

  • Linguistics (undergraduate, graduate).
  • Linguistics and literary criticism (graduate school).

reviews about the haze of im.Morisa Toreza


The Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences trains future professionals in the fields of journalism, political science, and sociology. It also provides training for PR specialists, specialists in the field of international relations, etc. Students are required to study two foreign languages, if desired, the number can be increased to three or four languages ​​studied.

The institute annually trains more than 1 thousand students, the practice is carried out in 151 language groups. The training program is implemented in the areas of undergraduate and graduate programs. Students have the opportunity to do internships at foreign universities.

The structure of the institute includes:

  • 3 departments of linguistics and professional communication in the fields of political sciences, media technologies, foreign regional studies.
  • Specialized departments: political science, public relations, sociology, journalism, theory of regional studies.
  • 2 centers: situational, ethnogenesis.

Translation faculty

The faculty for the training of translators appeared during the war years and for more than 70 years of activity graduated more than 6 thousand specialists. The training program implements two areas:

  • “Linguistics” with bachelor and master degrees.
  • “Translation and Translation Studies” (specialist in the military translator’s training profile).

haze them. morisa toreza

The educational structure of the faculty includes 13 departments, where 23 languages ​​are studied. Many graduates of the Moscow State Linguistic University of Maurice Torez of the Faculty of Translation became well-known statesmen, writers, translators. The writer Kir Kir Bulychev is known throughout the country , Mikhail Kozhukhov - journalist and host of television projects, ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs I.O. Schegolev, sports commentator V. Gusev and many others.


Any citizen of the Russian Federation can become a student at Moscow State Linguistic University. Maurice Thorez. The selection committee accepts documents of the corresponding sample, which indicate the results of the exam, according to which the initial selection of candidates takes place. The next step is to pass exams, which are held in the form of tests.

The requirements for knowledge of applicants are very high. According to the results of the past 2016, at the Moris Torez MSLU, the passing score is from 286 to 310 units. Those who are purposefully preparing for admission by systematically attending classes at the center of pre-university preparation are more likely to become a student.

According to the university, about 80% of students in the department of pre-university education successfully passed the exam and entrance examinations to the university. The training program provides for attending classes several times a week, at least 6 academic hours are allocated for training in foreign languages.

Everyone can attend additional classes - express training courses that start immediately before the start of the admission campaign. Training is carried out on a commercial basis.

haze of morisa toreza passing score

Language classes

In addition to training programs designed to prepare applicants, all interested persons are invited to study foreign languages, including English courses. MSLU Maurice Toreza is involved in the courses of the best university teachers, many of them have copyright programs designed to better master the subject.

In 2017, applications for foreign language courses will be accepted from August 21 to September 30. Teaching is conducted in the areas of - English, Spanish, German, Italian and French. Before starting classes, testing is carried out. The program includes several levels of mastery of knowledge from zero to advanced. At the end of the exams are held, a certificate is issued. The number of participants in one group does not exceed 12 people. The cost of training for one semester (4.5 months) is 30 thousand rubles.

graduates of the haze of moris toreza


Reviews about MSLU them. Maurice Thorez is generally positive. Students note a high level of teaching, rich curricula and the intensity of classes. A lot of tasks are issued, but thereby the quality of knowledge only improves. Many point out that in addition to standard lectures and practical exercises, there are a huge number of opportunities for additional education and advanced training.

Senior students in the reviews say that at the university foreign languages ​​were and remain the best areas for education, the remaining faculties cannot give a decent level of knowledge. In addition, for many it comes as a surprise when it turns out that at faculties where a foreign language is not a major, for its study it is necessary to pay an additional fee.

haze them. Maurice Toreza Admission Office


The high rating of the university and the quality of education tested by many generations make MSLU in demand. Maurice Thorez. The address of the main building of the University in Moscow is 38 Ostozhenka Street, Building 1.

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