Sledges are ... Sledges are sled. Dog Sled Racing

The drags probably came up with wheels earlier. Sledges are a kind of improved version of such a device. Quite simply sledges can be described as follows: wooden flooring on a pair of long skis, tied to dogs or deer. It was these animals that the indigenous peoples of the North were the main draft force.

Sledges for dogs, as well as for deer, were widely used in the daily life of the Chukchi, Eskimos, Evenks. Uncomplicated household utensils were transported on them , roaming with herds of deer along the tundra, used for hunting, fishing and even in military affairs.

sled is

Dog transport is indispensable in total off-road conditions. Dogs, eating local feed (fish, meat), possessing amazing endurance and unpretentiousness to the harsh conditions of the North, have no competitors in draft work. A dog sled can go light up to 200 km per day. With a load of up to 500 kg, a team of ten dogs can go up to 80 km daily for several days in a row.

Deer cannot compete with them in places where the reindeer moss does not grow (their main food), and in the coastal zone - it is very difficult to move on them on ice.

To control the harness of reindeer deer, they used an ostol - a special pole for controlling sledges. With its help, you can slow down the sled, turn them, poke a lagging or lazy animal. In the parking lots, a nudge was stuck between the crossbars of the sled, using it as a hand brake.

A pole was also used for dogs to control sledges, but with a slightly improved design. Several metal rings were attached to its upper part. Tinkling them, the musher gave the direction of movement to the team, turning it in the right direction.


Difficult conditions of survival in the Far North and hard work required positive emotions. It was dog sled racing that was the perfect way to escape from everyday worries and see whose dogs are stronger and more resilient.

do-it-yourself sledges

The history of dog racing dates back more than one hundred years, but they were known only to residents of Canada, the USA and Russia. Mass and prevalence among the entire population of the Earth gave them a gold rush. In extremely difficult gold mining conditions, only dogs were the reliable draft power. The life of a huge number of people depended on their endurance, ability to pull a heavy load over long distances.

A strong dog team was worth its weight in gold and was the pride of its owner. Not all of these animals are capable of riding. The best breeds for racing are Siberian husky, Samoyed, Eskimo husky, Alaskan Malamute, Greenland, Chukchi sled dog and their cross.

Sled for dogs

An equally important element of such competitions are special racing sleds. Sleds for dogs can be purchased in specialized stores along with all the ammunition for animals. They are different in design, material of manufacture, weight, size. But for all models and types of racing sleds, there are mandatory elements:

dog team

  • runners - run parallel to the ground at a slight angle, which gives them stability;
  • an arc or a ram - the drover is holding onto it while riding;
  • legs-lances - are connected by crossbeams;
  • flooring for cargo or passenger.

A real musher (dog driver) makes sledges with his own hands. Size and design depend on the purpose and type of winter racing:

  • sprint class, speed racing for a short distance;
  • medium distances - up to 500 km;
  • over long distances - over 500 km;
  • multi-stage race - may consist of several types of distances;
  • freight - luggage transportation competitions;
  • with orientation to the terrain - a team of two people passes the track with checkpoints.

Riding sledges can be designed for long or short distances, for one dog or harness up to 16 goals.

Dog Harness Methods

Two types of dog harnessing are known: fan and train. A train harness is considered more ancient and convenient. Dogs fasten to a long central pull belt. There are two ways: they tie dogs in pairs or alternately "herringbone". With this method, animals catch on short straps at the same distance from each other, in turn, to the right and left.

With a train harness, leaders are placed in front. As a rule, these are strong dogs, capable of punching the road in deep snow. The convenience of such a harness is that you can quickly replace a tired front pair and continue driving without losing speed. In racing dogs harnessed by a train.

The fan version of the harness involves the location of the animals in an arc relative to the sled. Here, too, have their own nuances, the fan happens:

  • full - dogs are on the same line;
  • along a slightly curved arc;
  • ledge - dogs harness in the form of a wedge.

With different versions of the fan harness, the location of the leaders may be in the center or on the sides. An odd number of dogs are harnessed. For racing, this method is not used.

Modern sledges

Progress has stepped forward a long time ago, but on a snow plain, sledges are still relevant transport. Dogs were replaced by snowmobiles. They improved the sledges themselves. These are specialized models of trailers designed for different purposes. For their production using the most modern materials and advanced technologies.

Snowmobiles firmly entered the life of today's hunters, fishermen, tourists, participants in various expeditions, outdoor enthusiasts and ordinary residents of the northern latitudes. Full rest or work requires some kind of equipment. They did not invent a bicycle for its transportation, but improved the ancient means of transportation - sledges.

Types of sledges

Depending on the purpose of the sled, it is both a cargo area and a means for transporting passengers. There are options for closed and open type. They can transport hundreds of kilograms of cargo and comfortably carry passengers. According to the design features, sledges can be very conditionally divided into four groups.


Draggers are the simplest and most affordable model. It looks like a deep trough with a trailed drawbar for a snowmobile. In addition to low cost, drag drag has the following advantages:

sled pole

- very simple design;

- little weight;

- they practically do not freeze in a sludge;

- they are conveniently stowed with luggage;

- have a low center of gravity, which prevents overturning;

- floating on the water.

There are significant drawbacks, the most important of which is the absolute lack of comfortable conditions for the transportation of passengers. They, in their entire area, are in contact with the surface of the earth, so there is no suspension shock absorber here. Any irregularity, stone, log or stump will noticeably hit the drag, the plastic may not withstand such loads and crack. Because of this, they are preferably used in the snow.

Another frequent failure is the destruction of the drawbar during a strong blow, for example against a tree. Small load capacity, wetting of cargo during transportation by water or along the slope, instability on the slopes can also be written in the negative characteristics of the drag.


Cargo sleds, unlike drags, are equipped with skis for sliding on the surface. Often models are equipped with shock absorbers. Benefits:

- big loading capacity;

sleds for dogs

- Widely set skis provide stability, and the presence of skates does not allow them to roll over on the slopes;

- more comfortable, compared with drag drag, passenger transportation;

- water, even if it falls on a sled, does not accumulate on them;

- sleigh-boxes provide complete safety of cargo and easy baggage storage.

At the same time, there are also some problem points, first of all, this is the great weight of the sled itself. When transporting large or long loads, luggage should be carefully packed taking into account the optimal load balance for the entire length of the sled. Metal parts are frost-bitten, which causes additional troubles to their owners

Passenger sled

Passenger sleds for a snowmobile can be closed or open, with a capacity of 2 to 8 people. There are small, in the form of a plastic capsule with luggage, designed for 1-2 passengers.

A higher comfort option is possible. Four adults are comfortably accommodated in them, comfortably sitting on soft sofas. The level of comfort and equipment depends on the brand of the manufacturer and the class of sleigh. There are also open sledges for transporting fishermen, hunters or tourists.

snowmobile sledges


Do-it-yourself sledges make a huge number of people. First off, it's cheaper. Secondly, it is possible to make highly specialized sledges for a specific task. Only the experience and skill of the master depends on how suitable his sleigh will be for transporting heavy luggage or a comfortable trip for people. Well and most importantly, home-made sledges are an opportunity to realize interesting developments and own inventions.


When choosing a sled for a snowmobile, one should take into account not only the purpose of their use, but also the conditions under which the sled will have to be operated. Each design has its pros and cons. There is no universal option for all occasions.

In snowy areas, plastic models are appropriate. Low temperature requires high quality plastic. The rocky areas involve the use of metal skids, the transportation of people - the presence of shock absorbers, it is convenient to carry small cargo on short drags, for heavy and oversized baggage - to use cargo sledges.

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