Bamboo toothbrush: natural bristles, spraying, properties, rules of use, advantages and disadvantages, customer reviews

Bamboo toothbrush is an environmentally friendly product that was created according to the patterns of the first Chinese brushes. They were a bamboo stick, which is split at the end. Modern products, of course, have a more complex structure, but the idea remains the same.

Brushes for the whole family


Bamboo toothbrush is distinguished by individual features, as it was created using a unique production technology and using natural raw materials. This is an excellent solution for the prevention of a huge number of inflammatory ailments of the oral cavity. The special design allows massage of the gums, and soft villi do not cause injury to the sensitive surface of the teeth. A bamboo toothbrush can be used without toothpaste, which is important for those who have intolerance to the components of the product. Such models are used even for periodontal disease.


This product has the following advantages:

  • The presence of thin and soft bristles. This is important for people with increased sensitivity of enamel, because they do not scratch the teeth and clean them as delicately as possible.
  • Disinfection. Bamboo has natural disinfectant properties. For example, in China it is included in many drugs. It is almost impossible to get infected from a bamboo toothbrush, even if it is stored in non-sterile conditions.
  • Massage. Each brush massages the gums, but this one will not hurt.
  • The absence of allergies. The product will not cause any allergic reactions.
  • Environmental friendliness. Once the bamboo toothbrush becomes unusable, it can be thrown away and not worry about causing harm to the environment, since it quickly decomposes.
  • Flexibility. Thin bristles penetrate into the most inaccessible places and well clean the dirt from there.
Light brush


Cons of a bamboo brush are subjective, most often note the following:

  • Too simple appearance. Users say that such products look boring and unpresentable. Although there are those who notice that their design is minimalist and attractive.
  • Ease. Such a flaw is completely controversial, but it is also called. If you hold the brush in your hand for a long time, it may seem that it can break at any moment.
  • Flexibility. A number of models have a handle that is too flexible, and some users do not like it.

Types of products

By combining various elements, manufacturers produce products with different specific properties:

  • Gold. Minimizes bleeding gums and eliminates pathogens.
  • Coal. Toothbrush with bamboo charcoal eliminates bad breath and bacterial plaque.
  • Silver. Reduces bleeding and improves trophism.
  • Tourmaline. Removes bacteria and prevents them from spreading further.
  • Nephritis. It improves blood circulation and immunity, inhibits the development of bacteria and preserves the freshness of breathing.

All substances are applied during production and retain their properties throughout the entire operational period. This also applies to bamboo salt toothbrushes.

bamboo brush

Indications for use

These products are recommended for use in the following cases:

  1. Prevention of inflammatory diseases. Almost all dental diseases are inflammations. That is why it is possible to use such a brush in order to prevent gingivitis, caries and similar diseases.
  2. Dental care. It is recommended to use a bamboo brush, because it strengthens the enamel, whitens, improves blood circulation and makes it possible to get rid of tartar. In addition, it will not cause pain, since it does not injure the surface of the teeth and gums.
  3. Bleeding gums. Operation of the brush will not provoke bleeding and will not introduce infection into the wounds.
  4. Enhanced sensitivity of enamel. If your teeth are sensitive to cold and hot, or even to the touch of a toothbrush, then a bamboo product is the perfect solution.
  5. Bad breath. Bamboo helps to get rid of stench forever, because the device cleans even the most inaccessible places.
  6. Yellow plaque. Coal spraying is able to cope with a bad coating, as a result, the teeth will acquire a natural white color. Toothbrushes with bamboo bristles are suitable even for smokers.
  7. Allergy to pastes and brushes. Bamboo has hypoallergenic properties, so you can not be afraid that suffocation or a rash will begin.

There are no contraindications to the use of such a brush. Bamboo can be used for various diseases, including allergies, and high sensitivity.

Types of brushes

Model Reviews

Manufacturers produce a huge number of variations of bamboo toothbrushes. There are some of the most common and recognized brands:

  • HozMA.

The fixtures are simple in design and have an ergonomic handle. The manufacturer uses milled bristles coated with bamboo charcoal. The villi of the product are characterized by black color and protect against the growth of pathogenic bacteria. The various lengths and small thicknesses of the villi - this is what allows them to penetrate into the most inaccessible places and clean them of plaque.

  1. White & Smile.

For the manufacture of such products, natural bamboo fiber is used, which helps to eliminate unpleasant odors and yellowness on the teeth. The villi have medium stiffness and fairly strong fineness. They penetrate perfectly into the space between the teeth and eliminate plaque. They also have antibacterial properties.

  • Tvin Lotus.

These products are manufactured by a Thai manufacturer. They are stylish and concise, and the case is made in black with purple inclusions. The surface of the villi is covered with bamboo charcoal. It is characterized by antibacterial properties. Due to the different length of the bristles, plaque is effectively removed from the enamel, and the gaps between the teeth are cleaned.

  • Kvelmi

These hygiene products are made only of bamboo. Many users note their nice design and ergonomic handle. They can be produced with one of two types of stiffness - soft with a light color and medium with dark villi. Regardless of the type, the brush copes with plaque on the teeth perfectly without scratching the enamel.

  • Bamboobrush.

These bamboo brushes are made in China. Their release is engaged in the EcoVivo company. Devices are made from natural bamboo fiber. They are equipped with fibers of medium hardness. Such models eliminate plaque on the teeth and do not damage the gums. Carbon-coated bamboo brushes are characterized by a deodorizing and antibacterial effect.

baby brushes

Nano Premium

If people start looking for bamboo brushes, then almost immediately they stumble upon such products called Nano Premium. And all because of the cost and quality they have no equal. Such models are sprayed with bamboo charcoal, so the villi are black. The pen is created in the shape of a personโ€™s hand, so it fits comfortably into it. On the back there is a tongue scraper. They use it with every brushing, removing an unpleasant coating from the inside of the cheeks and tongue. The length of the brush is 19.2 cm. There are no special care requirements. It is enough to rinse after using the bristles and store in a cool, dry place, without exposing them to direct sunlight.

Bamboo brushes

Features of use

Using a bamboo toothbrush from Japan is similar to synthetic counterparts. You need to use it twice a day, you only need to observe the following points:

  • Cleansing is performed by vertical movements starting from the outside, gradually moving to the inside. Particularly carefully processed interdental space.
  • If the teeth are very sensitive, then the product is placed in hot water for a couple of minutes, this will soften the villi.
  • After the procedure, the device is thoroughly washed and dried. You can not put it in a case without drying, otherwise bacteria will appear.


Some people think that because of the many advantages such brushes will cost at least a thousand rubles. However, the cheapest option is sold for 200 rubles. There is no spraying and tongue scraper in it, but it has soft and thin bristles. Two times more expensive is a model with a beautiful design, coal spraying, a tongue scraper. It will be as comfortable as possible in operation.

Useful Tips

Carbon-coated bamboo toothbrushes are not recommended for a long time. The bristles become tangled over time, as they are frayed due to the lost stiffness. As a result, they canโ€™t cope with the task. During use, pathogenic bacteria accumulate on the product and, despite the fact that bamboo has antibacterial properties, it does not have an unlimited shelf life. Dentists recommend changing products every 3 months.

The carbon bamboo toothbrush lasts longer than other types - up to 8 months, since the antibacterial qualities of coal are higher. If there were infectious diseases such as stomatitis or caries, you should immediately replace the brush, since pathogenic bacteria can remain on the bamboo fibers.

You should never share your toothbrush with others, because it is so easy to get infected with diseases of a different nature. Some experts say that even the fact that you can use bamboo brushes without toothpaste is not worth it. The maximum effect can be achieved only by combining all kinds of means and using everything to keep the oral cavity clean.

bamboo brushes


Reviews about bamboo toothbrushes are only positive. Despite the fact that they are considered a novelty, more and more people are using them. At the same time, their environmental friendliness, long service life, attractive design and convenience are noted. Such products help maintain healthy teeth and gums for years to come.

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