It seems unbelievable that two completely different words “cactus” and “dessert” can be directly related. Indeed, in some countries, the fruits of a plant of the cactus family are eaten daily instead of the usual fruits. However, you do not need to immediately taste the “thorns” from the windowsill. First you need to figure out which cactus fruits are edible, how they are useful for the body, how to properly clean them of needles and how to cook. We consider each question in more detail.
Types of Edible Cacti
Most edible cacti grow in Central and South America, as well as in Greece and Cyprus. This plant, growing in an arid climate, has repeatedly saved thirsty travelers from thirst and hunger. The composition of cactus fruits contains from 70 to 90% of water, so they are often compared in nutritional value with a cucumber or watermelon. Some of them are so juicy and fragrant that they are just suitable for making jam or compote.
Berry-like cactus fruits are eaten. Edible flesh and seeds before use exempt from the peel and subtle small spines - glochidia, which can be dangerous to humans. This is due to the fact that, in contact with the skin, the needle-like thorn causes severe swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane.
Edible cacti are of several types, and the most famous among them are:
- Prickly pear;.
- Mammillaria.
- Hilocereus.
- Schlumberger.
- Selenicereus.
All of the above plants bear juicy fleshy fruits of large and medium sizes.
The benefits and harms of edible cacti for the body
The benefits of cacti for the body was known to ancient civilizations. In the famine years, plants saved the inhabitants of the American continent from death.
The beneficial qualities of cacti are in their composition, thanks to which the plant:
- It is a source of life-giving moisture for the body, since it is almost completely composed of water.
- It has low calorie content, does not contain cholesterol and fat, which means that it can be included in your diet during the diet.
- Cacti contain a lot of calcium, magnesium, potassium and fiber. They are especially useful for the digestive and other body systems.
- Edible cacti have pronounced medicinal properties. Certain types of plants help in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, are used in the treatment of colds, effectively replace antibacterial drugs, and increase immunity.
- It is widely used in cooking, where vitamin compotes, healthy candied fruits and jellies are made from it.
Cacti, or rather their needle spines, can cause irreparable harm to the body if you eat the fruits in unpeeled form. If the needle touches the tongue, it causes swelling of the larynx, as a result of which asphyxiation occurs almost instantly.
Edible cactus fruits: prickly pear
The most common among edible cacti is prickly pear. This plant is especially revered in Mexico, where its image can be seen even on the national emblem of the country. In this country, there is a beautiful legend associated with the founding of the city of Mexico City - the capital of Mexico. Around the 14th century, the Aztec tribe, after exhausting wanderings in the desert, saw on the cactus an opuntia eagle tearing a snake caught. For the Mexican tribe, this was considered a very good omen. Therefore, it was at this place that they decided to found a city, which later became the capital of Mexico City.
Outwardly, prickly pear looks like a large bush (or even a tree) with large lop-eared leaves covered with thorns. The bush blooms from April to the end of summer. The first crop can be harvested in August.
The fruits of the
prickly pear cactus, the photo of which is presented above, are called the “Mexican pear", because they resemble this fruit in shape. When preparing dishes, prickly pear leaves are also used.
How to get rid of cactus spines
The prickly pear needles are small and thin, but cause the most painful sensations. Edible cactus fruits are therefore considered no less dangerous than poisonous ones. And even when buying a cactus in a store, you do not need to take it with your hands. To get rid of thorns at home, you can use one of the following methods.
- First rinse the cactus with water to get rid of small spines. After that, take a paper towel folded in several layers and wipe the prickly pear well. Spikes should remain on the towel that are not washed off by water.
- Pre-freeze the cactus for a couple of hours. After the specified time, the thorns from it will fall off themselves.
But regardless of the chosen option, all manipulations with the fruit must be carried out in rubber gloves.
After the thorns have been removed from the cactus, it must be peeled. To do this, cut off the tips of the fetus, cut the thick peel along and remove it, freeing the juicy pulp of raspberry color.
The taste of cactus prickly pear
Opuntia fruits have a sweet and sour taste. In ripe form, they are juicy and soft, have a bright color. Inside the fruit there are small bones, almost the same as in pomegranate or grape. Spitting them out is not necessary.
Opuntia leaves taste like sorrel or salad. Soups and main dishes are prepared from them, salads are cut, fried separately and in combination with meat. Given the taste, we can safely say that the leaves of the prickly pear plant (photo) are vegetables, and the fruits are fruits. Both are considered beneficial for the body.
How to eat cactus fruits
The main advantage of edible cacti is that they can be added to main dishes, as well as desserts. What foods do cactus fruits use in cooking?
Edible berries can be taken for compotes, jelly, marmalade, baked in the oven or eaten raw. No less tasty is the stew with the addition of prickly pears and other dishes.
Opuntia leaves are most often added to salads, but before cooking they must first be boiled. You should choose young leaves whose thickness is not more than 10 mm.