Cosmetics "Arnaud": reviews, assortment, features

The French-American beauty institute Arnaud presents a good brand of cosmetics for face and body care. The cost of these cosmetic products is quite high. To understand the issue of matching price and quality of Arnaud cosmetics, we have studied numerous reviews about the products of this institute and are ready to provide you with complete information about the products of this company.

French-American brand Arnaud

Initially, this brand was created in France by Dr. Arnaud, who dealt with issues of proper skin care. Subsequently, together with American partners, an entire institute was created to develop and promote high-quality cosmetics. The beauty institute was named after its creator - dermatologist Arno. The French word Arnaud sounds like Arno, but in Russia we are used to saying Arnaud.

Today, this company creates cosmetics for home care. But professional cosmetologists, according to reviews, Arnaud cosmetics are completely trusted.

arnaud cosmetics reviews face cream

Arnaud Cosmetics

The Arno Institute boasts a wide variety of face and body care products. In addition to women, the company also takes care of the beauty of men by creating a special line of care products for them.

All Institute products are divided into several series, depending on skin problems. Within each product line, you can find various cosmetic products, ranging from cleansing to nutrition.

arnaud cosmetics catalog

Features of the brand "Arno"

Like any good company, this institute has a list of certain features that Arno are proud of:

  • The company has its own research institute, where it develops new mechanisms to improve the skin.
  • The composition of cosmetics includes active ingredients, which as soon as possible positively affect the condition of the epidermis.
  • Before launching a new cosmetic product on the market, the Arno Institute thoroughly examines it, conducts numerous clinical trials and tests.
  • In addition to the company itself, all cosmetics are examined by independent laboratories to confirm its quality and the positive effect that products from Arno have on the skin.
  • The Institute at all stages of production strictly controls the quality of manufactured skin care products.

The composition of beauty

The Arno company is proud of the quality of its products. In the composition of the products you will not find harmful chemical compounds such as SLS, mineral oil or parabens. The products of this institute are quite safe and environmentally friendly.

Organic ingredients such as oils, beekeeping products, collagen, caviar and pearl extracts are used as ingredients.

company arnaud cosmetics reviews

Assortment of the Institute of Beauty "Arno"

In the catalog of cosmetics "Arnaud" there are many skin care products. To figure out which line of this brand is right for you, we have compiled a list of Arno series.

  1. Rituel Visage is a line for daily cleansing of the face and makeup. This includes cleansing gels and mousses, exfoliating products and creams. The products in this series are suitable for women of all ages.
  2. Hydra Absolu - a line of products designed to maximize hydration of the skin. There are creams, fluids, masks and serums that need to be carefully selected for your skin type.
  3. Sebo - these cosmetic products are suitable for young skin, which, in addition to usual care, requires acne treatment.
  4. Perle & HuilesPrecieuses are one of the premium oil-based care options. There are products for the skin of the face and body.
  5. Eclat Jeunesse - designed to care for young skin, from 25 years old to 35 years old. The products in this series give shine and prevent aging.
  6. Nutri Regenerante - this line of cosmetics is perfect for women older than 50 years. The skin will receive enough nourishing and regenerating components to smooth wrinkles. In addition to a nutritious night and day cream, the lineup includes restorative ampoules and cream for the skin around the eyes.
  7. Rituel Corps is a series for daily skin care.
  8. Perle & Caviar is one of the most expensive product lines in Arno. Suitable for women from 30 years as a VIP care. Caviar proteins perfectly restore the skin, and pearl extract smoothes the epidermis, making the face noticeably younger. You can buy creams for the contours of the eyes, neck and décolleté, for the skin of the face. Also ampoules for restoration and nutritious oil.
  9. Perle & Camelia - is also a VIP care for any skin type. Camellia and pearls act as antioxidants and smooth the skin. The range includes makeup oil, mask and micellar water.
  10. Beaute Pure is a special line of products for aging oily skin. It is preferable to use this series from 30 to 45 years. Means of the series fight aging, matte and brighten the skin.
  11. Oligoji 35 is a series of products designed for men. The main direction of this line is cleansing, elimination of toxins and rejuvenation after 35 years. This series includes scrubs, aftershave, deodorant, anti-aging creams for the skin around the eyes and face.
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Review of positive reviews about cosmetics "Arnaud"

It is worth noting that all the means of this brand are highly rated by users, and the reviews, for the most part, are good.

  • All products of this brand have a delicate, velvety structure.
  • Nice, very cute design that most shoppers like.
  • Quite reasonable price. Judging by the reviews, Arnaud cosmetics face cream has a higher cost than a similar product of Russian manufacturers, but still the price is affordable even in times of crisis.
  • The composition contains ingredients such as collagen and beeswax. Their effectiveness has long been proven by all kinds of tests.
  • According to Arnaud cosmetics reviews, the products of this company are quite effective. They effectively solve existing problems. The main thing is to choose the right care product that suits your skin type.
  • A wide range of products. There is everything you could wish for - creams, fluids, masks, scrubs, serums, cleansers and much more.
  • A lot of positive reviews about Arnaud cosmetics with anti-aging effect. Women note that wrinkles really become less noticeable after constant use of this company's cosmetics. Nevertheless, the French know a lot about skin care products.
  • Also, many good reviews can be found about the gel for washing this company.
  • Arnaud brand cosmetics are suitable even for allergy sufferers. Unpleasant skin reactions after using Arno are extremely rare.
  • These beauty products can be bought both in online stores and in ordinary chain hypermarkets, for example, in Letual.
  • There are often discounts on Arno brand makeup products. For example, a cream worth two thousand rubles can be bought at a sale for just one thousand.
  • All tubes have very convenient dispensers that do not jam and give out exactly as much as is necessary for a single use.
  • Care products can be used as a foundation for makeup. Cosmetics applied to the cream of this company do not spread on the skin of the face.
arnaud cosmetics

Review of negative reviews about Arnaud cosmetics

Despite the good reviews and high ratings of this brand as a whole, there are also negative reviews on the network.

  • Nevertheless, some drugs can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, the manufacturer recommends a sensitivity test before first use by applying the product to the elbow.
  • According to reviews, cosmetics "Aranaud" requires careful selection according to your skin type. If you choose the wrong tool, then the declared effect will not be.
  • Some customers note that products from this company may leave a greasy film on their face.
cosmetics arnaud reviews of cosmetologists

In conclusion, the Arnaud brand

No wonder France is a recognized leader in the field of beauty. Arnaud Institute cosmetics are direct evidence of the superiority of face and body skin care products in this country. Arno brand cosmetics are worth a try. Perhaps these tools will be ideal for you.

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