What does an x-ray of a tooth show?

When visiting a dental clinic, many doctors insist that their patients take an x-ray of the tooth. This is necessary to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. However, this mysterious dark photo report is understood exclusively by specialists. An untrained person will not see anything on it. He will tell doctors a lot, for example, whether the nerve is damaged and whether it is worth removing it. So what does this image show?

tooth x-ray

X-ray Overview

An x-ray of a tooth is a kind of photograph of the oral cavity, gums and teeth. It is performed using a special apparatus, which provides a concentrated emission of x-rays. They, in turn, are one of the varieties of the electromagnetic pulse, but a smaller spectrum of action.

Due to its unique qualities, these types of radiation allow you to enlighten the tooth, bypassing the tissue and skin.

tooth cyst in x-ray

Photographic film and display on it

After the irradiation necessary for the analysis of the site has occurred, the x-ray machine takes a picture and displays it on a special film. It is she who is given to the patient in her arms for further presentation to the doctor. Typically, such an x-ray of a tooth cover in a special protective cover or cover with a small piece of paper.

When are they referred to the procedure and why?

An X-ray of the tooth needs to be done only if the problem that the patient has contacted cannot be solved solely by visual inspection.

In other words, the doctor is not able to identify the cause, for example, acute toothache by examining the oral cavity. For example, cases are common when a patient comes to the doctor with a toothache. Moreover, due to incomprehensible sensations and the so-called echo or spraying pain (reflected not in one place, but in several at once), it is difficult for him to determine which particular tooth is affected. Then an x-ray comes to the rescue. The same applies to checking wisdom teeth, diagnosing some gum diseases. Sometimes the dentist needs to look at the structure of the tissues of the oral cavity in the gum and tooth roots.

take an x-ray of a tooth

What colors are present and their meaning?

Make X-ray of a tooth is possible exclusively in black and white. Moreover, each color and even shade in such a peculiar photo has its own meaning. For example, if you have crowns, metal bridges and fillings, then in the picture they will be highlighted in white. This is due to the fact that such solids have a foreign, unnatural composition and, unlike natural tissues, they do not shine through to the end.

The cavities and openings between the teeth are usually dark. In the pictures they are painted black. Tissues and fluids, according to doctors, also stand out in the picture, but in gray shades.

description of x-rays of teeth

What problems does it solve?

Using x-rays, you can solve the following problems:

  • Determine the location and depth of carious lesions of the teeth.
  • Diagnose any type of jaw fracture.
  • To see teeth cutting through but not yet appearing on the surface.
  • Determine the presence of a malocclusion and other abnormal abnormalities with teeth, gums, roots.
  • See the accumulation of pus and progressive inflammatory processes.
  • To notice irregularities and unnatural abnormalities in the oral cavity (for example, this is how a tooth cyst is determined: on an x-ray it looks like a small darkened spot in the root area).

An x-ray is often used to remove a nerve. With it, the doctor can check how well it was possible to clean one or another channel.

how to read x-rays of teeth

What types are there?

Description of x-rays of teeth directly depends on the technique of the procedure itself. The following types of images are distinguished:

  • Bite.
  • Periapical.
  • Panoramic.
  • Occlusal.

Which one to use is determined by the dentist, because here it is first of all important which part of the oral cavity or jaw is to be examined.

So, a bite type of radiography is used to determine the exact image of a dental crown. With its help, the doctor manages to diagnose the early stages of periodontitis and caries. To obtain such a picture, the patient is offered to bite and gently brush a small piece of a special film with his teeth. According to experts, this method is used quite often.

A periapical x-ray of the tooth (deciphering it requires special care) makes it possible to simultaneously examine several teeth at once, including their roots and periosteal tissues. This technique allows you to determine the presence of a tumor in time, the onset of the inflammatory process in the gum and root, to see a cyst.

The panoramic picture, as its name implies, gives an excellent overview of the entire jaw. It is usually used when inserting pins, with full or partial implantation of teeth. With its help you can find wisdom teeth that have not yet appeared on the surface, see obvious deviations and lesions of bone tissue.

And finally, an occlusal or palatal x-ray allows you to capture both jaws in one photo.

There is another research option called computed tomography. Pictures of such a plan are also taken in the X-ray room. But, unlike the classic options, a special computer scan is provided here. With its help, the doctor manages to get the clearest picture of the jaw and oral cavity. Moreover, the computer performs additional calculations, which make it possible to determine the exact size and structure of the tooth, to see the nerve and canals, and the maxillary sinus.

Computed tomography of this type allows you to get a full panoramic picture of the jaw in order to identify, for example, the place for installation of the implant. Using this technology, it is possible to identify tumor and inflammatory processes occurring in the oral cavity. Next, we will talk about how to read x-rays of teeth.

as seen in the x-ray of the teeth

How can I interpret the picture in the photo?

If you pay attention to the picture, then you can draw certain conclusions. So, according to experts, a healthy tooth has a natural void. It is in it that the nerve of the tooth is located. When examining the image, the doctor reveals healthy teeth, and then compares them with those in which there are certain deviations. Having received a complete picture of healthy and diseased teeth, the physician draws up a treatment plan.

What is visible in the x-ray of the teeth: an example with a cyst

As we have already said, when viewing a radiograph, a specialist conducts a visual analysis of the patient’s oral cavity, reveals healthy and diseased teeth. There are frequent cases when the patient goes to the doctor, for example, in order to install a crown on one or another tooth.

However, when taking a panoramic picture, he has inflammation or a cyst. It is her that shows an x-ray in the area of ​​one of the roots of the tooth. In the picture, it looks like a little dimming.

For those who are not in the know: a cyst looks like a kind of pouch that attaches to the very top of the root. Moreover, its cavity is sometimes filled with purulent contents. Usually a cyst does not bring discomfort to its owner. It causes only rare discomfort that occurs when pressing on a tooth or chewing solid food.

Referring to the fact that the tooth does not hurt, the patient usually refuses to remove the cyst. And he does this in vain, because this purulent sac can increase in size. Sometimes, against the background of the growth of the cyst, severe pain appears, and body temperature can increase sharply. When the radiograph is repeated in such a situation, the doctor will definitely see an increase in the dark spot in the root area. This will mean only one thing - the cyst is growing and needs urgent elimination.

X-ray tooth decryption

What can complicate reading a picture?

Reading a picture will be difficult only if it is made poorly. No specialist, even a very good one, would agree to make a diagnosis if an X-ray was performed with poor focus and contrast, and the picture is fuzzy or contains distortions. In such cases, doctors advise a follow-up x-ray.

Is such radiation dangerous?

According to experts, the x-ray is not at all dangerous. The radiation itself is not so powerful, so the procedure is almost harmless. In addition, when taking a picture, the whole body of the patient is dressed in a special protective apron. Therefore, x-rays are not harmful to health.

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