Mobilization in the economy is ... Definition of a concept, essence, content

For the first time in history, a concept such as mobilization in the economy, spoke Seymour Harris. He believed that this is one of the most effective tools in the fight against the economic crisis. Although there are many different opinions on this issue. Opponents of this theory believe that the concentration of all efforts in one area brings only problems to the economy, and such actions are only the product of the command-administrative system of state administration and have nothing to do with a market economy.

Essence of the question

To date, there are many interpretations of the term. The universally recognized states: "Mobilization in the economy is a set of measures at the level of a particular state, which are aimed at using all available resources in order to overcome the crisis that already exists in the country."

economic mobilization

In fact, anti-crisis measures are aimed at the full use of production capacities to overcome an emergency.

Signs and principles

One of the main signs that mobilization in the economy is required is the threat of a split in society or the collapse of the country's integrity, international isolation.

There are also a number of principles:

"The main link"

This principle assumes that resource concentration occurs in those sectors of the economy that can affect the planned activities. However, politics in this case involves infringement on other sectors of the economy.

"At any price"

In this case, the government of the country has a strong impact on those economic entities that affect the speed of achieving goals.


All economic entities that affect the speed of the task are combined into a single team.


All measures are limited to a certain period of time, otherwise the country's economy will decline even faster.


In a difficult situation, the country requires all economic entities and citizens to fully concentrate their efforts and understand that it will even be necessary to make sacrifices for the common good.

general characteristics

Mobilization in the economy is, first of all, a high rate of accumulation. In fact, most of the resources are invested in manufacturing. Another part of the effort is to protect against external factors. This could be an internal defense against trade wars or against rising oil prices.

mobilization policy

One of the characteristic features is also a strong state intervention in the economy. To concentrate efforts, long-term and strategic forecasting and planning are carried out.

Under what conditions is the program implemented?

The definition of "mobilization" is, first of all, the presence of a country's raw material and resource base, which will allow the formation of a high-performance production system. In addition, the state should have a sufficiently high level of development of production capacities and forces, that is, it should be possible to make an economic breakthrough. The country must have the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress.

what is mobilization

It should also be understood that no state can compete in the global market if there is no effective economic model within the country itself.

The mobilization of the Japanese economy in the Meiji era

This is the most striking example in history when the state was able, under the pressure of a number of factors, to build an effective economy within the state.

Back in the 19th century, Japan was almost the Middle Ages, where the bow was considered the most effective weapon. And here comes the threat of American occupation. After some time, the power of the Shogunate was overthrown and a new emperor becomes at the helm.

This man in a few years was able to completely reconstruct the country. Feudal principalities were abolished, and prefectures and central authority appeared in their place. Already in 1871, peasants had the right to independently choose what they would grow, and a year later free trade was already allowed. A single monetary unit appears in the country, and internal duties are canceled.

In this case, we can say that the process of forming a new model of society and economic relations is a synonym for mobilization. In fact, the land was given into the ownership of precisely those persons who actually cultivated it. This is what gave a huge impetus to the development of the agricultural sector. Another incentive for the development of the agrarian economy was the abolition of the poll tax, that is, the peasants had more money left in their hands and, accordingly, they tried to grow a good harvest, knowing that they would have more money then.

Meiji Revolution

Samurai and princes (daima) were given a “compensatory pension”, which was the impetus for the development of the banking sector. They were the first investors in the banking sector. Most of the samurai after receiving payments from the state began to engage in medium and small business, and they actually formed the middle class of the state. They founded banks, opened industrial enterprises and acquired land. They were also attracted to the state administration apparatus and the construction of state institutions and enterprises.

The Meiji revolution is a mobilization in history that allows us to take as a basis the model for building a strong state. After all, by the beginning of the last century, Japan was becoming an industrial giant. And the war with the USSR allows us to say that even such a small country may not suffer from a military conflict and dominate the sea.

The relevance of the issue for Russia

No one will argue that in relation to the Russian Federation, an economic war has been waged for several years by the Western countries. The crisis is gradually growing, so the country's government is faced with the question of choosing which way to go now.

what to do russia

Today it is already clear that these are only the first stages of a protracted war, that is, Russia needs to look for internal resources to overcome the crisis, create an independent financial system and reduce the degree of dissatisfaction on the part of citizens.

Where can I start?

First of all, mobilization in the economy is a state influence on the country's economy. That is, the government should return to the economy and take a direct part in resolving anti-crisis tasks. You should not regard such a step as anti-market, it is simply impossible to overcome a crisis of such a scale in a different way.

The government should take a number of measures at the legislative level to protect economic entities from growing anarchy and corruption. Moreover, it is known from history that many states began with this, the same Japan and America, the USSR and Singapore.

increase in production

Along with the material base of private enterprises, a state base should be built that will create economic security for the whole country and protect the population.

Possible priority measures

One of the synonyms for resource mobilization is the modernization of state power, that is, the following steps are required from the government:

  1. Return to mandatory state orders at enterprises. It is necessary that strategic goods be produced domestically and by order of the state. These are cars, computer equipment, aviation, sea, river vessels and so on. The government should adhere to the policy of import substitution, which will protect against external threats and ensure economic growth within the country.
  2. Attraction of labor resources. In this case, we are not talking about labor service, we mean that every person in a crisis should not only have the right to work, but also duty. According to some reports, out of 86 million able-bodied people, 38 million do not know what they are doing, it cannot go on like this. You can even endow all with land for personal subsidiary plots. It is known from history that it was precisely such farms that allowed people to survive during a war or economic recession. Vocational education and military duty should also be restored. It is necessary to involve homeless people and drug addicts in socially significant work.
  3. The third step that needs to be taken is to change financial management. This means that a ban on the withdrawal of financial resources from the state should be declared. If the company sells raw materials obtained from the bowels of the earth, then they must pay at least 50% of export earnings in favor of the state. It is also necessary to minimize reserve and currency funds, that is, to withdraw money from foreign banks and direct them to invest in industry and lend to really working enterprises for the good of the country.

It is clear that these methods are not exhaustive, but the main thing is for the government to understand that Russia should already follow the path of mobilizing the economy, when there is international isolation without the prospect of a quick end.

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