Ovarian Depletion Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Female infertility is an urgent problem today, as it is diagnosed more and more often. Among its main causes, doctors distinguish inflammatory and endocrine diseases, adhesions in the pelvis. The impossibility of conception may be associated with ovarian exhaustion syndrome. This is a disorder in which the sex glands cease to produce eggs. It is not the norm and requires medical attention.

Medical certificate

The ovaries are a paired organ, which is an integral part of the woman's reproductive system. In them, the synthesis of sex hormones and the maturation of ova take place. Their work largely determines the well-being of a woman, her appearance. The production of a certain amount of hormones occurs in the ovaries throughout life. Peak activity is observed in childbearing age.

Then comes the menopause. It is accompanied by a natural extinction of the reproductive function of the ovaries. Such changes in the body occur quite naturally. Over time, not only the body ages, but also the genetic material itself. Age-related changes occurring in germ cells provoke numerous errors in DNA. Therefore, the probability of having a baby with Down syndrome after 40 years increases exponentially.

Ovarian depletion syndrome is a pathology in which menopause occurs much earlier than the body's natural aging process. It is usually diagnosed in women under 40 years old. The syndrome is quite rare. According to statistics, an early involutional process is found in one out of a hundred women.

ovarian function

Why does a disorder develop?

Some causes of ovarian exhaustion syndrome have been scientifically identified and practically confirmed. Pathology in most cases is detected in women who have a hereditary predisposition to it. Almost 25% of the fair sex who went to the doctor with a suspicion of an ailment had older relatives who had a history of early menopause or later menarche.

Another and no less common cause of the syndrome is a congenital genetic abnormality. This is a syndrome of three X chromosomes. Mutations at the genetic level lead to it, the development of which begins in the prenatal period. If a woman during pregnancy abused alcohol or drugs, suffered serious illnesses, the likelihood of an early menopause in her daughter increases several times.

Sometimes pathology is a consequence of autoimmune processes in the body. In this case, antibodies begin to attack the tissues of the ovaries, mistaking them for foreign bodies. We are talking about diseases such as lupus erythematosus and autoimmune generalized diathesis.

There are other possible causes of premature extinction of reproductive function:

  • chronic intoxication, including drugs;
  • prolonged radiation exposure;
  • previous infectious diseases (mumps, flu, rubella);
  • metabolic disease;
  • exhaustion of the body, anorexia;
  • ovarian resection to remove a tumor or cyst.

Against the background of the dying functions of the ovaries, the release of gonadotropins increases, creating the prerequisites for the cessation of menstruation.

Clinical picture

The primary symptoms of the syndrome may appear as early as 37-38 years. At this age, the hypothalamic-pituitary system is still fully functioning, and the ovaries are no longer working as necessary.

The onset of the pathological process can be recognized by menstrual irregularities. Allocations become scarce and gradually disappear altogether. If ovulation does not occur, then menstruation is also absent. However, a violation of the female cycle may be associated with pregnancy, hormonal failure, or inflammation. Therefore, the final diagnosis should be made by the gynecologist from the antenatal clinic.

A few months after the cessation of menstruation, symptoms characteristic of menopause appear:

  1. Hot flashes and sweating. Discomfort occurs suddenly. Most often, it is preceded by stress or a change in ambient temperature.
  2. Change in the psycho-emotional background. A woman becomes overly tearful and irritable. Libido also decreases, sleep is disturbed, a tendency to depressive thoughts appears.
  3. Problems with the urogenital tract. Estrogen deficiency in the body entails atrophy of the vaginal mucosa and vulva. Sexual life becomes unpleasant due to constant dryness and itching in the intimate area. An exacerbation of chronic pathologies (colpitis, vulvitis, urethritis) is not excluded.
  4. Skin aging. Derma very quickly loses its former elasticity, thins. Multiple wrinkles appear on the face and hands. Hair becomes dull and begins to fall out severely.
  5. Metabolic disease. In the blood, the concentration of not only sex hormones changes. Often premature ovarian exhaustion is accompanied by thyroid insufficiency. Type II diabetes sometimes develops. In some women, hyperandrogenism is detected - a change in the body according to the male type due to the increased amount of testosterone in the body.

Without appropriate therapy, the symptoms of pathology progress quickly, complicating the woman's life and her usual activity.

early menopause

Chance to get pregnant

Many women with ovarian exhaustion syndrome are worried about the possibility of becoming pregnant with this diagnosis. It is definitely impossible to answer it, because it all depends on the cause of the pathology.

If the eggs are left in the ovaries, there is little chance of future conception. To do this, they stimulate ovulation, and then resort to IVF. If there are no eggs, it is not possible to become pregnant and give birth to a biologically native child. However, early menopause is not an obstacle to conception today. In this case, the woman is prescribed the IVF procedure, but with the donor egg in the protocol.

The need for cryopreservation

Ovarian depletion syndrome is sometimes diagnosed in young girls. Parents start to sound the alarm, because the menstrual cycle is not established. As a result of an examination of the girl’s body, the doctor may suspect this pathology or suggest its appearance in the future.

What to do in this case? Usually, experts recommend cryopreservation of eggs. This procedure is the only way in the future to give birth to a genetically native baby. To date, techniques have been developed for freezing and thawing eggs, which allow them to be stored for several years. The process itself does not damage the structure of biological material, does not affect its function.

pregnancy with ovarian exhaustion syndrome

Recommended Medical Examination

Diagnosis of the syndrome falls under the competence of a gynecologist. Therefore, when symptoms appear that indicate a disorder, you need to contact a antenatal clinic.

The standard survey design consists of the following activities:

  1. Interviewing and studying the history of women. It is important for the doctor to know how the menstruation proceeds, their rhythm and duration. A history of childbirth and pregnancy is also taken into account.
  2. Inspection Externally, a woman with the extinction of reproductive function looks older than her age. She may have noticeable changes in skin and hair. On the gynecological chair , a decrease in the size of the uterus and dryness of the vagina are usually detected.
  3. Blood test for hormones. A decrease in progesterone and estrogen levels is usually determined. At the same time, the level of FSH, LH and prolactin in ovarian depletion syndrome is increased.
  4. Ultrasound In the course of an ultrasound examination for the syndrome, thinning of the endometrium, a decrease in the size of the ovaries, and the absence of follicles in them are determined.
  5. Diagnostic laparoscopy. In the course of this study, the specialist makes a biopsy of the ovary for the subsequent study of its soft tissues in the laboratory.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor confirms or refutes the preliminary diagnosis, and, if necessary, gives recommendations for treatment.

prolactin in ovarian wasting syndrome

Therapy Features

Treatment of ovarian exhaustion syndrome is carried out in only one way - hormonal drugs. Hormone replacement therapy is prescribed for all women under 50 years of age. At this age, menopause is already physiological in nature, so you can refuse to take medications.

All medications and their dosage are selected by the doctor, taking into account the general health of the patient. Self-medication is strictly contraindicated. Most hormonal drugs have serious side effects, which can only aggravate the course of the pathology. In addition, such treatment is not recommended for women with cancer.

Hormone replacement therapy involves taking drugs that have estrogen in their composition. Today, doctors are increasingly prescribing natural remedies in minimal dosages. Therefore, the likelihood of side effects is reduced to zero. Examples of such medications are: Divigel, Femoston, and Proginova.

Additionally, the doctor may recommend symptomatic treatment. For example, phytoestrogens can normalize the emotional background. For the same purpose, sedatives are prescribed. To avoid osteoporosis, bisphosphonates can be taken.

treatment of early menopause

Help traditional medicine

Treatment with folk remedies for ovarian exhaustion syndrome is chosen by many women. Properly selected herbal medicine allows you to gently restore the hormonal background through phytoestrogens. However, this treatment method cannot be considered a panacea, and resorting to its help should only be after consultation with a gynecologist.

When selecting recipes for therapy, it is recommended to pay attention to the following herbs: red brush, pine forest, sage. They include natural phytoestrogens, which are so necessary for the female body in early menopause. To prepare the broth, you need a spoonful of dry raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water, drain. The drink should be consumed during the day with meals.

Alternative medicine can also be used as a symptomatic treatment. For example, with frequent stress and nervous excitement, it is recommended to drink chamomile tea. At the same time, the amount of coffee or black tea should be reduced in the diet. No less useful beetroot juice with honey, broth of wild rose. These remedies help calm you down and improve your mood.

ovarian depletion syndrome treatment

Other treatments

In addition to the generally accepted medication methods for treating ovarian exhaustion syndrome, an important role in the healing process is played by:

  • Exercise therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • relaxing massages.

Physiotherapy has a restorative and stimulating effect. After a course of treatment, metabolism in the whole body, blood circulation in the pelvic organs improves. Exercise relieves pain and invigorates.

Possible complications

It is not worth neglecting treatment with this pathology. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences of the syndrome may occur. First of all, the body begins to rapidly grow old. Young patients are more likely to develop myocardial infarction, arrhythmias. However, infertility is considered the most dangerous complication.

Against the background of ovarian exhaustion syndrome, a violation of the process of assimilation of calcium occurs. As a result, bone fragility increases. The development of early menopause adversely affects the sexual life of a woman.

complications of ovarian exhaustion syndrome

Prevention Methods

Predicting the occurrence of ovarian exhaustion syndrome is almost impossible. Some women experience this diagnosis at a young age (about 25-30 years).

Pathology of a secondary nature most often develops against a background of diseases and exposure to negative factors that should be excluded:

  1. Avoid the effects of radiation and toxic substances on the body.
  2. It is not recommended to take medicines uncontrollably, to self-medicate.
  3. In case of menstrual irregularities, you should immediately consult a doctor and follow his therapeutic recommendations.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to diet and starve.

Women's health is largely subject to lifestyle. To prevent the development of early menopause, you need to reconsider nutrition. It is useful to exercise more often and have a good rest.

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