It often happens that it is almost impossible to remove dirt from clothing, especially if it is ink stains. Basically, they get dirty with people who deal with ballpoint pens. This article will inform you about methods that will help remove these contaminants. After all, as soon as you put an ink stain on your clothes, you need to know the initial steps to deal with it.
It is not enough to know how to remove stubborn stains, even if you have superfood at hand to remove them. Determining the type of tissue is considered mandatory, only then the stain removal process will be successful.
Some features of removing ink stains:
- The first thing you need to know is that any tissue should not be soaked for a long time in a product with an acidic composition. Keep in mind that citric acid and alcohol are very aggressive. If the contamination is on a colored fabric, then you can bleach it, making a spot of gray color. Be sure to listen to the tips and advice on whitening, so as not to spoil the thing.
- If you decide to remove the ink stain, it is important to remember that you can not do this with hot water. After all, it will only aggravate the excretion process, since it facilitates the penetration of the dye into the interior of the fabric.
Follow these simple rules, then it will be much easier for you to deal with the removal of ink pollution.
How to get rid of fresh ink blots?
If you stained the item with ink, first remove it. The following actions will help you remove the ink stain from your clothes:
- Initially, you need to remove the liquid ink layer. Attach a sheet of paper on the front and back side. Sheets can be any that fell under the arms, it can be like napkins, toilet paper or a regular notebook sheet.
- It is very important not to rub the stain, because then the situation will only worsen.
- After the paper has absorbed ink, wash the item in warm water. Use stain-removing powder or soap. But if there are none at hand, use any detergent.
Folk remedies
How to remove ink stains using various folk remedies, consider below:
- Toothpaste. Some believe that this method is effective. It is necessary to apply paste to the stain, it must be just white. And after 10-15 minutes, the fabric needs to be washed. This method is mainly suitable for white linen.
- Kefir. Ever wondered how to remove an ink stain with kefir? The answer is quite simple, because this method is very effective. It will not spoil clothes and can be suitable for absolutely any fabric. It is enough to apply kefir on the smeared area and wait about 30 minutes, after which the thing should be stained.
- Lemon. Also considered an effective remedy. Squeeze the lemon juice onto the ink stain. Then, until it has dried, pour salt, preferably small. Then leave for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed. Suitable for both white and colored items.
- Mustard. It helps to remove stains from the gel pen, but not all colors can be removed with it. For example, red and black mustard will be able to withdraw, but blue will not be subject to it. From a dry powder, make a paste like, diluting it with the required amount of water. Apply a little on the stain and leave for about 24 hours. After this time, remove the mustard, and then wash the thing.
Old ballpoint pen stain
If you put an ink stain, but couldn’t immediately wash it or just didn’t notice it initially, then removing it will not be so easy. Normal washing in this case will not help, but there are methods by which you can try to remove the stain at home yourself:
- Mix medical sleeps and turpentine in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply this mixture on a stain, wait about an hour, and then wash.
- Mix vinegar essence, plain water and alcohol in equal parts, pour this liquid on the dirt, wait about an hour, and then wash the thing well.
- Another effective method is to mix ammonia again (in equal parts) (10%) and medical alcohol. Apply this mixture on a stain and leave for an hour, then wash the item.
Of course, you can remove stains from a ballpoint pen with purchased products, the main thing is that before use, carefully study the instructions and find out if the product is suitable for your tissue.
How else to remove ink pen stains
It is generally accepted that a ballpoint pen may not so often leave a mark on clothing than ink. To remove stains from it, you can use the following tools:
- Polish for hair. This tool is a kind of ink solvent, especially if you apply it immediately. It is necessary to apply varnish to the ink stain so that the fabric is completely saturated with it. Then wait 10-15 minutes, then take a paper towel and blot the remaining varnish well with it. Rubbing is strictly prohibited. And after that wash the thing.
- Petrol. It is very important that it be cleaned. Dampen a cotton pad with gasoline, and then begin to rub the stain. Movements need to be done from the edges to the center. And in order not to wet all the clothes, put a paper towel under the bottom, which initially will need to be folded in several layers. Cotton pads should be replaced with clean ones as they smear in ink so that the stain does not become even larger. After these procedures, allow the product to dry and only then wash the item.
- Hydrogen peroxide with ethyl alcohol 1: 1. One of the effective methods for removing stains that were not removed on time is considered a mixture of these components. Blot clothes with it and leave it for about 50-60 minutes, after which things should be washed well with ordinary powder.
- Glycerin and alcohol. Combine these components in a ratio of 2: 5, then rub the resulting mixture into a stain, leave for several hours, and then wash the fabric.
Features of removing stains from different types of tissues
Each fabric is special in its own way, so it is important to consider this when removing an ink spot:
- Cotton fabric. It is recommended to remove contaminants from it with a solution of alcohol. You need to apply a small amount of this liquid to the stain, wait a bit until it brightens, and then wash the thing. If it is still visible, then the whole procedure must be repeated.
- Thick cotton. From it sew shirts or sundresses. In this case, it is better to use ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Combine these liquids in a 1: 1 ratio, then add water, about a glass. Apply this mixture to the item, wait a bit (about 15-20 minutes), then wash. You can also stretch it after washing with laundry soap, so the effect will be much better.
- Delicate and delicate fabrics. These include silk, wool and others. To remove the ink stain, it is recommended to use regular kefir. It should be applied for several hours, after which the thing will still need to be washed well.
- Jeans. To remove the handle from this fabric, you will need ordinary household soap. Make a foam on it with an old toothbrush, moisten it with water a little, then intensively start rubbing the contaminated area. But if the trace from the handle is too large, then first use an alcohol solution.
- Leather or suede. In order not to damage this fabric and effectively get rid of the stain, ordinary salt will help you. This fabric is very thick, therefore, methods of removing contamination will be long. Apply salt to the stain with a thick layer, leave it for several days. After that, shake it off and gently rub the stain with turpentine and a sponge. After that you need to polish the fabric well.
Get rid of stains with serum
This fermented milk product will help to cope with such pollution as an ink stain. But keep in mind that not all tissues can be applied with serum. Since this is considered a bleaching agent, colored fabric may fade. All you need to do is heat the serum and apply it to contamination. Wait a bit and stash the thing.
Vinegar Removal
How to remove ink stains from clothing using vinegar, we will describe further. Take warm water and vinegar, the ratio should be 1: 1. Soak a thing completely in this solution for about 30 minutes. After a certain period of time, stain the stain with a sponge dipped in warm and clean water. So the pollution will not disperse throughout the clothes. After the time, wash the thing, you can do it in an automatic machine.
Safety tips
Before you start working with one of the above tools, you need to familiarize yourself with some safety rules, so you will not harm your health and will be able to effectively clean the thing:
- The stain should be removed before washing. If the item has already been washed, then removing the pollution will become almost impossible.
- If you decide to clean your clothes with some caustic, be sure to wear gloves and a mask. And such solutions are preferably applied to the fabric with a cotton swab. You need to do this a bit so as not to spoil the thing.
- It is better to remove stains from the wrong side, and if you rub the solution, then, as mentioned earlier, you need to do this from the edges to the center.
- The ink stain has the ability to leave stains and do more to prevent this, soak a clean cloth around the blot with water, and then sprinkle with starch. So the spot will definitely not increase.
In this article, you have been introduced to the most effective ways to remove ink stains. Carefully study it before you begin to remove the blot.