Symptoms of menopause in women after 45 years. Gynecologist's advice, drugs

Sooner or later, in the life of every representative of the fair sex comes menopause. Symptoms of menopause in women after 45 years are diverse, they all cause a lot of inconvenience. However, there are various drugs that significantly alleviate the condition.

Why is female โ€œautumnโ€ coming

The nature of the female body is such that when a certain age is reached, the reproductive system undergoes changes: the level of female hormones decreases, menstruation comes less and less, the functionality of the ovaries fades. Since all organs in the body are interconnected, menopause also affects their work (take, for example, the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous systems). Changes occur in the musculoskeletal system - bone tissue is thinning significantly, the risk of fractures increases. Many are interested in the question: "At what age should menopause be expected?" As a rule, the functionality of the ovaries fades in the region of 45 years. But there are frequent cases of both early menopause (36-40 years), and quite late (after 52 years).

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Factors That Affect Menopause

First of all, it is worth noting that factors such as age at the first menstruation, number of children, and sexual activity are not affected by menopause (more precisely, its onset). However, there are a number of points, the presence of which can accelerate the process of the onset of women's "autumn". A very significant influence has a hereditary factor. If the mom, the grandmother, climax came earlier than the prescribed time, then, most likely, the daughter will face a similar situation. Climax can accelerate (at age 40 or earlier) poor social conditions, the presence of certain diseases. Untreated genital tract infections increase the chances of menopause. The psychological factor is also important. Constant stresses can take away several years of female youth.

Early onset of menopause. Reasons and consequences

If symptoms of menopause in women after 45 years appear, then this is considered a physiological norm. However, menopause can occur up to 40 years. This situation is the reason for an immediate appeal to a specialist. The following causes of early menopause are possible: X-chromosome defect, Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, other genetic disorders. Often, problems with the thyroid gland, excess weight, chemotherapy, and exhaustion of the body have an effect on the extinction of the functionality of the ovaries . This situation is quite dangerous for health. A woman after menopause, which has come at an early age, is at risk of acquiring hormonal diseases, metabolic disorders. Also, the risk of developing cancer is high. And, of course, you canโ€™t avoid the rapid aging of the skin, the appearance of age spots, weight gain.

Menopause time

The stages of menopause

The period during which the functionality of the ovaries gradually fades (up to their complete cessation) is called premenopause. It can last several years (up to 10). As a rule, at this time, menstrual bleeding can be either profuse or rather scarce. In addition, the cycle is irregular. Due to fluctuations in estrogen levels, discomfort in the chest is possible. After a year has passed since the last menstruation, we can talk about the onset of menopause. The next stage is postmenopause (until the end of life). During this period, the production of sex hormones is completely stopped, the skin and mammary glands change.

The main symptoms of menopause in women after 45 years. Hot flashes

Almost every woman during menopause experiences hot flashes. So they call a sudden sensation of heat in the chest, head. In this case, increased sweating occurs. The tide lasts up to 1 minute. This is the most common symptom characterized by menopause. Reviews of women indicate that during the tides there is a weakness, thoughts slow down, consciousness is as if clouded. The frequency of such manifestations is individual. In some women, hot flashes are quite rare, while others suffer more - they happen up to 60 times a day. This symptom can also affect sleep. As a result, in the morning the woman looks tired, not rested, she is annoyed. Tides and not the cardiovascular system have a negative effect. The cause of this symptom is the reaction of the pituitary gland to a decrease in the amount of estrogen. The production of luteinizing hormone is increasing, which causes a sharp increase in body temperature. Almost always tides are accompanied by excessive sweating. Moreover, it can reach such proportions that it is necessary simply to change clothes. Drops of sweat just run down your face. At night, this condition may not stop, but only intensify.

Symptoms of menopause in women after 45 years

Headache, lack of air as menopause symptoms

Along with the tides, menopause symptoms in women after 45 years of age, such as headaches, are also observed. These unpleasant phenomena have an explanation. So, a headache can be a consequence of both tension in the muscles of the neck, head, and the result of an unstable psychological and emotional state. There are sharp attacks (it hurts in the temples, forehead). They are similar to signs of migraine. Often, headaches provoke some medications. Many women complain of dizziness, lack of air. Sometimes this condition is accompanied by ringing in the ears, nausea and even vomiting.

Blood pressure spasms, muscle cramps

Menopause is often accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. In this case, the head begins to hurt, the heart rate is disturbed, tachycardia appears. If the pressure exceeds 200 mmHg. Art., you should immediately seek help. Ignoring the problem can result in a hypertensive crisis and even myocardial infarction. Another symptom of menopause is numbness of the limbs, fingers, muscle and joint pain. Against the background of hormonal changes, diseases such as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis can develop. Muscle tone weakens, ligaments lose their elasticity. These factors provoke the development of pain in the back. Many women say that during menopause they constantly feel a lump in their throat. This symptom is especially annoying at night. However, such sensations pass by themselves throughout the year. It will not be superfluous to consult an endocrinologist to exclude problems with the thyroid gland.

Woman after menopause

How does menopause affect the emotional state of a woman

Many note the fact that during menopause excessive anxiety appears. The mood jumps, memory deteriorates, it is difficult to concentrate. In addition to all this, significant changes occur in the body. All this can not only worsen the mental state, but also provoke the development of depression. It seems to the woman that she is losing her former attractiveness, she is haunted by thoughts of serious illnesses. Insomnia, hot flashes, pain have an extremely negative effect on the body. However, you need to know that modern medicine offers various remedies for menopause. They not only alleviate the symptoms, but also allow you to return to your normal routine of life.

Herbal preparations for menopause

With the symptoms of menopause, drugs based on plant extracts help to cope. They contain substances that are similar to female sex hormones (phytoestrogens). Such substances to some extent assume the function of estrogen. Experts recommend such herbs for menopause: hawthorn, sage, mountain ash, clover. Decoctions and all kinds of tinctures are prepared from them. Sage helps a lot with increased secretion of sweat glands. In addition, this plant strengthens the nervous system. Dry grass is steamed with boiling water and drunk like regular tea. The duration of the course is two weeks, then you should take a break. Another remedy for excessive sweating is hyssop infusion. Judging by the reviews, hawthorn will help to cope with the tides and high blood pressure. It is taken both in the form of tincture and medicinal tea is prepared. It also includes other herbs (with menopause effective collection of some plants): motherwort, chamomile, dried mash. To strengthen sleep, it is recommended to use a drink from thyme, lemon balm. In pharmacies, you can also purchase special homeopathic medicines that contain extracts from medicinal plants. One such tool is Inoclim. It is based on soybean extract. The drug helps to cope with the tides, and with emotional instability.

Herbs with menopause

The drug "Remens": the effect on the body of a woman

For disorders of the menstrual cycle, some diseases of the reproductive system and during menopause, specialists often prescribe Remens. This drug can be in the form of drops, and in tablet form. The main components are racemose tsimitsifuga, sanguinaria, pilocarpus. The composition also includes snake venom, a secret from the gland of cuttlefish. The drug "Remens" (the price of drops - about 650 rubles) has a complex effect. It stabilizes the emotional state, helps to reduce hot flashes, and reduces manifestations of hyperhidrosis. In addition, after administration, metabolic processes improve, there is no increase in fat mass. Another positive feature of the drug is the restoration of microcirculation in the pelvic organs. Remens tablets (their price is not so high - from 200 rubles) also have an anti-inflammatory effect on ovarian tissue. The duration of such therapy with menopause is approximately six months. As a rule, the drug is well tolerated and has no particular contraindications. The only caveat is individual sensitivity to its components.

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Hormone therapy

To date, a special technique has been developed that allows a woman to tolerate menopause much easier. The so-called hormone replacement therapy can protect against cardiovascular diseases, reduce irritability, nervousness, and establish sleep. Hormones help preserve bone tissue, the number of fractures with this therapy is significantly reduced. Another undoubted advantage is the preservation of youthful skin, improving the condition of the mucous membranes. Hormones with menopause ("Klimara", "Divina", "Klimen") can continue for some time and menstruation. In America and Europe, such treatment is more common than ours. Modern drugs have a reduced content of sex hormones (can be low-dose and micro-dose), they practically do not contribute to weight gain. However, such therapy also has contraindications. These include diabetes mellitus, the presence of malignant neoplasms, diseases of the liver, kidneys, endometriosis. And what side effects can hormones cause? With menopause, women already suffer from unpleasant phenomena. Therapy is designed to eliminate the symptoms, but, according to experts, hormonal drugs can sometimes not only not have the proper effect, but also exacerbate the situation: cause headaches, swelling, and provoke problems with the digestive tract. Therefore, the choice of a drug should be approached with all responsibility. And of course, purchase the product only after consulting a specialist.

Hormones with menopause

How to alleviate the manifestations of menopause. Female doctor's advice

First of all, you should remember that menopause is an inevitable condition, so it is best to know in advance those moments that will help alleviate the condition. Experts recommend reviewing your menu. It will not be superfluous to limit the consumption of spicy, salty foods, to minimize the amount of coffee and alcohol drunk. It is necessary to pay attention to foods rich in calcium, magnesium. These trace elements are found in dairy products, fish, and spinach. Infusions of herbs can also significantly affect well-being. Women are recommended feasible physical activity, fitness. They are not only able to cheer up, but also help maintain their previous shape and avoid excess body fat. It is known that during menopause the risk of developing various diseases increases, so visits to specialists should be regular. Particular attention should be paid to the pelvic organs and mammary glands. Good mood, healthy sleep are the main factors that ensure a harmonious life for a woman in such a difficult period. If you canโ€™t cope with the approaching depression on your own, you need to ask the doctor to choose drugs that have calming properties.

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