Kobido - Japanese facial massage. Technique, reviews

Kobido is a massage originally from Japan, which gives an amazing effect. Facial skin condition is markedly improved thanks to a carefully developed technique. Massage allows you to relieve tension from the muscles of the neck and face, as well as enhance regeneration at the cellular level. The skin will achieve inner radiance if you massage regularly. The result will not let anyone down; absolutely everyone will get a wonderful effect from the procedures. Therefore, you should not just sit and choose expensive creams for rejuvenation, it is time to learn the technique of Japanese massage and rather apply it!

kobido massage reviews

Japanese massage

The famous massage technique is used in various salons, and it simply has considerable popularity among ordinary people. After all, the main advantage is the fact that massage can be done not only with the help of other people, but also independently. Thanks to this, money is saved, and the skin of the face becomes more elastic and takes on a healthy look.

The technique itself interested not only women, but also men. In fact, both the fair sex and strong courageous individuals want to preserve youth. Japan is a beautiful country that has always been famous for its beautiful inhabitants. It is because of this that you can safely turn to the Japanese on rejuvenation issues. They really know a lot about true beauty and longevity.

facial massage kobido training

People have always paid attention to how Japanese girls look. It’s simply impossible to guess their age. The main secret is massage, which was invented a long time ago, although it began to be actively used relatively recently. The main task of Japanese facial massage is the effect on connective tissue and facial muscles. Such a scheme provides a miraculous effect in the end.

The session does not last too long, but during this time the human body manages to get enough energy for a long time, and the face gets rid of hated wrinkles and rejuvenates.


Until the very old age, the Japanese retain a beautiful appearance. To do this, they do not need to spend money on plastic surgery. After all, they get all this magical power only with the help of unique movements of the fingers. Also, the Japanese can boast that they are able to independently take care of their own body, without using any additional funds.

face massage kobido reviews

Simple skin care rules must be included in daily tasks, after which the person will receive immediate rejuvenation and feel freedom. The effect that can be obtained after the session will be amazing. When performing massage, you can achieve these goals:

  • get rid of puffiness;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • normalize the skin of the face;
  • gain freshness and brightness of complexion;
  • slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

Popular View - Kobido

The flowering appearance of the inhabitants of Japan can boast thanks to Kobido (facial massage, which is based on the practice of anma). This technique was developed specifically for geisha, and in translation the word "Kobido" means "traditional image of beauty." Not only geisha, but also samurai were happy to experience the effects of massage. Most often, sessions were held in the evening or early morning to replenish the internal energy reserve and get a good mood for a long time.

japanese kobido massage

The technique has become available to people for a long time. Throughout its existence, it has always remained popular with the Japanese. Even the great rulers tried to preserve the freshness and beautiful appearance of the skin using this method. Then Kobido began to be used in other countries, because the effect was noticeable after the first time.

An effective result will be achieved only if the movement is carried out correctly. In general, the technique consists of kneading, tingling, rubbing and stroking the skin of the face. Each action must be done very carefully so as not to damage the inner layers of the epithelium.

As you know, a person’s face is divided into lines responsible for certain organs. The Kobido technique focuses on the lines of the urinary system and the functioning of the large intestine. Thanks to this, the digestion process will be improved, and the body will be cleansed faster.

Well-being will improve significantly, and the tone of the face will return to normal. Massage is especially useful for people who spend quite a long time at work and lead an active lifestyle.

In addition to the main advantages of all Japanese performance techniques, this massage option has its advantages, which simply cannot be noted:

  1. During the session, the production of collagen and elastin is activated.
  2. As a result, the skin becomes the "owner" of the lifting effect.
  3. To perform unique movements, only three fingers must be involved (thumb, index and middle).
  4. Every millimeter of the skin of the face, as well as the neck and décolleté, is affected.

For people over 30, Kobido will provide a fresh complexion, and those who are already over 45, will return youth.

massage kobido training

Important points

Kobido - massage is quite simple, but it's still worth the time to study it in detail. The person who will perform the basic actions must know exactly where and how all the lines that need to be worked out are located.

Lymph nodes should not be massaged, as this can lead to adverse consequences. And the movements themselves should be softer so that the person does not feel discomfort.

Stages of execution

Many people want to experience the famous Japanese Kobido massage. Training is not so difficult, but without it it is forbidden to become a worker. In the execution technique, there are two main stages:

  1. Warming up. Here the skin is cleaned of previously applied cosmetics, while using special means (you can take a regular face gel). Then, using a hot towel, “open” the pores. Further, it is recommended to purchase a special scrub to cleanse the skin of keratinized parts and excess fat. And the last step at this stage will be the treatment of the face, neck and décolleté with a moisturizing cream.
  2. Active phase. In a circular motion, a warm-up is performed (at this time, the area to be massaged should be slightly numb). Next, with the pads of two or three fingers you need to slightly “shift” the skin. And only after that you can begin to massage individual lines.

kobido massage


Kobido (massage) is recommended if there are problems such as:

  • acne;
  • frequent depression;
  • dry / oily skin;
  • facial wrinkles.

The technique is often used as a prophylactic to keep the body toned and maintain external beauty. During the procedure, the patient should be relaxed. This will help to get the necessary energy and get rid of external irritations.


Kobido facial massage, the training of which is available for every person, also has contraindications:

  • infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • neck injuries;
  • period after cosmetic surgery.

To properly perform all the steps you need to use oil or a regular moisturizer. These funds can cause allergic reactions, so before the massage you should definitely make sure that no problems with the skin after this will arise.


Absolutely all patients are satisfied with the effect that Kobido massage gives. Reviews make it clear to people what results can be achieved if performed regularly. The contours of the face become more expressive, which is especially important for the fair sex. And men appreciate the aristocracy and accuracy of appearance after several sessions.

kobido facial massage

A lively look is noticeable in people who have tested on themselves a facial massage Kobido. Feedback on this benefit is also available. There are no longer any signs of fatigue on the face or eyes, only energy and positive emotions are noticeable. So do not put off preserving beauty and youth for tomorrow, take care of yourself today.

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