Among the methods of prevention from unwanted conception, one of the most reliable and safe is distinguished - the use of oral contraceptives. But over time, any girl has a desire to have a baby, and pills must be abandoned. In this case, the woman asks the question: "Is pregnancy possible immediately after the abolition of OK?".
In order to get an answer, you need to contact a gynecologist who, by examining and collecting the necessary tests, will be able to determine how likely it is to conceive after taking this type of contraceptive. This article will discuss whether pregnancy is possible after the abolition of OK. About it further.
The principle of action of oral contraceptives
The composition of such drugs includes several hormones at once, the task of which is to suppress ovulation in a woman, the formation of some mucus that inhibits the movement of spermatozoa and prevents their fusion with the egg.
OK are necessary to regulate the following processes:
- To avoid unwanted conception or when planning a child, when at a given moment in time, a woman is categorically impossible to become pregnant.
- If the regularity of the menstrual cycle fails.
- If during critical days a woman has copious discharge and severe pain.
- With gynecological diseases or bleeding in the uterus.
- With anemia, iron deficiency.
- For getting rid of acne, rash and other skin diseases.
Oral contraceptives are prescribed to prevent unwanted conception, as a treatment for some gynecological and skin diseases.
These drugs have side effects, but they are insignificant. No effect on the endocrine system.
Pregnancy probability
What is the probability of pregnancy after the abolition of OK? In some girls, conception comes as soon as they abandoned the drugs. And others for a long time can not know the joy of motherhood. It is very important that the woman does not self-medicate and does not take medicine not as prescribed by the doctor, but on the advice of her friends or by advertising the product. Unauthorized use can lead to irreparable consequences.
Planning a pregnancy after the abolition of OK requires the obligatory consultation of a gynecologist in order to determine the possibility of conception, the state of health of the woman, and select the necessary drug therapy if necessary, which will contribute to the rapid restoration of the woman's reproductive ability. The girl should understand that there is no need to be afraid to visit a specialist and get professional advice from him on this issue.
Factors That Affect Pregnancy
Pregnancy after the abolition of OK is affected by several factors:
- How old is the woman. Young girls can become pregnant much faster than ladies who are over 30 years old and have a longer recovery time after drug withdrawal will be much more difficult and longer (from 6 months to a year).
- How long did the girl use these drugs. The more time has passed since the start of administration, the longer the recovery time of the reproductive organs (ovaries) will be.
- Does the girl have a deficiency in the body of folic acid. Its deficiency can occur with improper nutrition, diseases of internal organs, or due to prolonged use of hormonal drugs.
It often happens that pregnancy occurs after the abolition of OK in the first month of sexual activity without contraceptives. This method can be used to treat uncomplicated stages of infertility in women, when they are prescribed contraceptives for a short course, and as soon as their intake is completed, the lady has the ability to quickly conceive.
Effect of drug discontinuation
Many women faced such a situation that as soon as they refused contraceptives, they immediately received two strips on the test. This effect may occur due to the fact that when taking oral contraceptives, the ovaries were suppressed, the secretion was stopped, but the sensitivity of the receptors to them increased sharply, and as soon as the course of the tablets was completed, much more hormones were secreted. Consequently, as soon as the woman stopped taking the drugs, she began pregnancy after the abolition of OK in the first cycle.
The production of a large number of hormones in the body significantly increases the chances of conception, because not one, but several eggs can mature at the same time. Due to their increased education, a multiple pregnancy occurs after the abolition of OK. But if conception does not happen after the girl stopped drinking pills, then the chances of becoming a mother of twins or triplets are minimized.
Pregnancy after cancellation OK: monthly cycle and its recovery
Due to the severe slowdown of the ovaries, even after stopping taking the drugs, they will need some time to restore the menstrual cycle. The genitals are in a mode of freezing, so the production of female hormones stops, and the body quickly adapts to this phenomenon.
Therefore, to return to the regimen that was before taking the pills, he also needs some amount of time to get used to.
How quickly the restoration of the menstrual cycle will occur depends on many factors:
- For how long have oral contraceptives been used. This can be judged by the duration of administration, the longer contraceptives were used, the slower the ovarian function will be restored. If OK was used for no more than a year, then it will take about three months to return the body to its usual mode of operation. Thus, the longer a woman has used contraceptives, the longer will be the period of recovery of the body and its adaptation to normal functioning.
- How often were the menstrual irregularities in the woman before taking oral contraceptives and whether they occurred at all. In case of irregular periods before the use of drugs, the situation can only get worse.
- Lack of interruption in oral contraceptive use. Experts recommend several times a year to make a little "rest" for the body from contraceptives, or at least once not to drink these drugs. In that case, if a woman decided not to stop taking OK during the entire period of administration, then the ovaries get used to oppressed work, and the production of hormones does not recover for a long time. In this case, the return to the body of the usual rhythm will require much more time.
- How young is the patient. At the age of 20, the menstrual cycle can be restored after the abolition of OK can be much faster than after 30, at this age the therapy will take about a year, and this will not be associated with the duration of contraceptive use. The body is aging over the years and its functions naturally slow down, so it is much more difficult to return them to their usual rhythm than in young women.
The period of recovery of the menstrual cycle may depend on the individual characteristics of the girl, the presence of her chronic diseases, infections of the genital organs and disorders of the endocrine system.
Why there is a delay in menstruation
Many such contraceptives have a side effect that is caused by their long and continuous use. The consequences are scarce blood discharge during menstruation or in its complete absence. This effect does not occur often, only 3% of women may encounter such a problem.
Violation of the menstrual cycle in this case occurs in women who are over 30 years old, as well as in girls who are at an early stage of reproductive maturation.
Delayed menstruation can be associated with the onset of pregnancy, the occurrence of genital infections, the presence of chronic or oncological diseases in women.
In any case, a violation of the normal course of the menstrual cycle should alert the girl and become a good reason for contacting a gynecologist who will identify the cause of this problem and prescribe therapy to eliminate it.
First cycle
Is pregnancy possible in the first cycle after the abolition of OK? Usually, after stopping oral contraceptives, the conception of a child occurs quickly, and bearing a fetus does not cause any difficulties. In healthy and young women, pregnancy can begin in the first cycle after she stopped taking birth control. This phenomenon is absolutely normal, and occurs due to the production of a large number of hormones. For women over the age of 35, it is almost impossible to get pregnant right away. They need much more time to restore the body.
What do the doctor's say
Experts recommend planning a pregnancy after three months after discontinuation of drugs, then the risk of harming the health of the woman and her unborn child will be reduced. But there is another side, if conception has not occurred within 12 months, provided that attempts to conduct it have been undertaken regularly, it is necessary to seek the advice of a specialist. He will direct for examination to identify pathologies or infections.
After three months, a woman can become pregnant. Because such a time is necessary for the complete restoration of the hormonal background of the body and the cycle after OK. During this period, it is recommended to use condoms to prevent conception.
Why not get pregnant right away
Pregnancy in the first cycle after the abolition of OK is also impossible due to the fact that the womanβs body is deficient in folic acid, which is necessary for the proper formation and development of the fetus. It is better to start taking this enzyme three months before pregnancy or when the contraceptive course is completed. Thus, it is possible to ensure the full development of the unborn child.
Due to the lack of folic acid and possible complications, pregnancy in the first month after the abolition of OK is also not recommended. In the event that the conception nevertheless occurred at this time, constant monitoring of a specialist and strict observance of all his requirements is necessary, then a healthy baby can be taken out.
Pregnancy does not occur: possible causes
Why pregnancy does not occur after the abolition of OK? If a woman drank a course of oral contraceptives, waited three months, and conception did not happen, then there may be some reasons for this:
- For her age (from 35 years), more time is needed to restore reproductive functions.
- The woman did not take folic acid, in her body there is a severe deficiency.
- Oral contraceptives were independently prescribed, and incorrectly, which led to disruption of the genitals.
- The woman is barren.
- The partner of the girl cannot have children.
- She has a chronic or pathological disease.
- She is infected with a genital infection and does not know about it.
If a woman cannot become pregnant after the abolition of OK, then it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist to identify one of the listed reasons.
The consequences of taking oral contraceptives
All drugs have side effects. After taking OK, the following effects may occur:
- The appearance of acne on the skin.
- The lack of various vitamins and minerals in the body, as well as folic acid.
- Menstrual irregularities.
- Liver malfunction.
- Lack of iodine in the body.
- Blood clotting disorder.
Useful Tips
Doctors recommend that you follow some rules when taking OK and after canceling them:
- Start taking the vitamin complex while consuming birth control.
- Select contraceptives only in conjunction with a specialist.
- Do not plan conception immediately after canceling OK.
- For the onset of pregnancy, it is necessary to wait at least three months to fully restore reproductive function.
- Make love only with a regular partner, avoid promiscuous sex, to prevent infections.
- Refuse bad habits, lead an active lifestyle and eat right.
Using these tips, you can easily prepare for pregnancy after the abolition of oral contraceptives.