Types of image: fundamentals, concepts and characteristics. Evolution and development.

The symbolic image of an object, which is based on information processing, is the concept of image. Every year, the role of image in the process of influencing the consciousness of society is only growing. Mass consciousness is influenced only through communicative units. Image types are based on a variety of secondary factors.

Main components

Any image is characterized by established features that can be divided into:

  • Biological.
  • Communicative.
  • Social.
  • Mythological.
  • Professional.
  • Contextual.

Each of the signs has its own characteristics and characterizes various areas of the image. Such factors as the evolution of image types and clothing, subconsciousness, behavior, appearance and so on are interconnected in the modern world.

organization image

PR specialists

The PR specialists are working on creating the image. Their task is to realize all the characteristics in all spheres of activity, as if in a verbal, visual, event sphere. Professionals should know what the concept of image, types of image and image of the organization is. Each of these aspects are closely interconnected.


This type of image is an image of a person, a set of characteristics that are perceived by others. The formation and development of the image depends on the following factors, on which any perception of a person by others is based. The main ones are:

  • External data, which include physiognomy, facial expressions, motor skills, timbre.
  • Behavior, the basis of which is the manner and style of speech, clothing, gait and everything that affects a person’s first impression.
  • Characteristics based on social status, education and professional qualities.
  • The most important factor is self-perception. The general image and acceptance of a person by society in many respects depends on how the person perceives himself.
  • The image created by intermediaries, which include the media. This image focuses on the target audience, direct interaction with which is not expected.

The image of a person depends on many additional and accompanying factors.

image technique

Typology of image

Science knows three typologies of image: functional, contextual and comparative. Each typology is based on its inherent characteristics. It is time to make out the basic types of image.

Functional approach

This typology is based on functioning and includes the following varieties:

  • The mirror type is based on self-perception and our own idea of ​​ourselves and our qualities.
  • The current one is based on how others perceive the image, the so-called side view. This area is of paramount importance in PR, since a lack of awareness of the target audience and the wrong impression affect the image no less than the actions and real actions of a person. The basis of the current image is a situationally correct type.
  • Desired is a reflection of our aspirations and goals. A visual demonstration of this type is a description of organizations and parties. Often such self-descriptions reflect what needs to be achieved in the future.
  • The image of the organization is corporate. It is based on reputation, success and achievements, stability and goal-setting.
  • The multiple image begins its work in the presence of several independent structures and organizations. For example, it can be airlines, whose activities cover many countries and are supported by uniform symbols, uniforms of employees, and colors.

These factors are the basis of a functional typology.

make an impression

Comparative Image

Such technology is used to conduct a comparative analysis of the image characteristics of several objects at once. The matching method allows you to identify the most influential characteristics of the type of image.

Context approach

It is complex, each of the elements is consistent with each other. Each characteristic should not conflict with each other.

A typology within the context approach may be as follows:

  • The mythological type is based on the leader following any established myths and traditions in society.
  • The strategic type, which is also called modeled, involves the creation of an ideal image by image makers.
  • A closed image involves prescribing by the consumer those features to the leader that he himself considers necessary. This type of image has been used for centuries by leaders.

Personal or individual image is inherent to politicians, artists, businessmen, opinion leaders.

image of a person

Corporate image - companies, firms, enterprises, parties and so on. It is divided into internal and external. The latter is an idea of ​​the organization of the target audience, the surrounding society and in the minds of customers, competitors, the media, and so on. This image is composed of a visual, aesthetic expression. The effect of the external image is aimed at those with whom direct or indirect contact is established.

Typology of personal image E. Sampson

The researcher identifies three types in her personal image, which are based on a combination of external and internal factors. The types of image are distinguished: self-image, required and perceived. This typology depends not only on the attitude to one's own “I”, to oneself, as to a person, but also the attitude from other people, both in reality and in the desired manifestation.

Perceived Image

This type reflects how people around us treat us. This characteristic is considered very subjective. Often it is not known what people around us think. It is always difficult to say how society relates to a person in reality, what they say in real life.

current image

Image Required

This type is quite important, since each profession, any direction of activity requires its representatives, certain image characteristics, a certain behavior model. An important role is played even by clothes. For example, the uniform of the military, judicial robes, crowns of kings - these elements of clothing indicate a person’s attitude to a particular profession, oblige to fulfill a specific social role. And each of these professions has the required set of rules of behavior, symbols. This is the essence of the required image.

Charismatic image

Max Weber can be considered the founder of this direction in the definition, it was he who introduced such concepts as charisma into circulation. He believed that charismatic leaders obey because they believe in them, while the “leader” must live by what he does. He must have followers and loyal followers. The leader must be thirsty to “do his work”, otherwise he is a vain upstart. In the modern world, the situation is complicated by the media, and especially the Internet and television. Preserving charisma is difficult enough. Now they give charisma to the leader if he is as open as possible to his public. However, any error can be detrimental. A great example is the president or pop stars.

the target audience

Closed image

This type was especially popular during the Soviet Union. Each person could come up with those traits that he considered convincing for himself. Like a bottomless hole, he could take anything into himself. And, as practice has shown, if the audience has less information, then the leader in their eyes looks more significant and more weighty. This type of image of a person is already losing its influence and giving way to openness.

image influence

Typology by field of activity

An important area of ​​image sharing is an activity that depends on the different social context in which the image is formed. The following types are distinguished:

  • Political.
  • Business image.
  • Media.
  • Image of organizations.
  • The image of the country.

Each of them has its own content, the mechanism of formation and impact, as well as various forms of manifestation.

Unfortunately, not all managers, organizations and employees do not realize the importance and influence of image. And, as a result, they lose in the competition. “Image is nothing, thirst is everything” is a fundamentally wrong approach to successful activity.

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