How to make a bottle cutter for plastic bottles

We have to buy many simple things that are necessary in the household. But you can do them yourself. This will save money, and a do-it-yourself thing is always better. A bottle cutter for cutting strips of various widths from plastic bottles can also be attributed to such things. Such a device is always useful in everyday life, because it gives an almost unlimited supply of plastic rope. In addition, using the bottle in this way, although we do a little bit, we make our ecology cleaner.

There are many different drawings and options that help make a bottle cutter with your own hands. How to make (the photo below is one of the options for a bottle cutter) such a device is described in this article. Consider two manufacturing methods.

How to make a bottle cutter for plastic bottles

What is a bottle cutter?

So how to make a bottle cutter yourself? At the heart of any design of such a device is a blade. Most often, this is a blade from a clerical knife. It is very sharp, inexpensive and does not need to be sharpened. In the construction, on one side of the blade, some space is left that defines the width of the cut ropes.

The bottle cutter can be made both manual and latching. Such a device makes it possible to cut PET containers from food products almost without problems. To cut the bottle, first cut the bottom. Then an incision is made and a tape is already cut on it. As a result, depending on the width of the cut rope, one to one hundred meters of material is obtained. And the bottle is consumed almost completely. There remains only the neck and bottom.

DIY bottle cutter how to take a photo

Simple option

How to make the bottle cutter the easiest? The simplest way to make such a device is as follows. The blade from the clerical knife is pressed with a clamp to the table or any other surface.

In order to get the desired width of the tape, under the knife, between him and the table, a piece of plywood, wood or some other flat material of a certain thickness is laid. Its thickness will determine the width of the future tape.

Between the blade and the clamp, it is also necessary to put a piece of similar material, since the blade can burst when compressed by the clamp. Yes, and when cutting the tape, the blade can slide over the metal and create difficulties in the process.

Thus, it is clear how to make a bottle cutter for plastic bottles in a couple of minutes. But simplicity has its drawbacks. Firstly, when cutting, the tape stretches with one hand, and with the second hand you have to hold the bottle. Secondly, the cut tape may not be completely even, since there is no reliable size fixation. And cutting a very thin fishing line on such a device will not work.

Versatile and comfortable model

How to make the bottle cutter more reliable and versatile? To do this, you need the following materials:

  • Aluminum corner or U-shaped profile.
  • Blade from a clerical knife.
  • A piece of hairpin with a diameter of 5 mm.
  • Two M5 nuts.

A through hole with a diameter of 5 mm is drilled in a corner or profile. A hairpin is inserted into it. A blade is put on it through the hole. Then the blade is tightly fixed with a nut.

Next, cuts are made from the angle of the profile of various lengths. Their length will determine the width of the cut tape. The second end of the blade is fixed with a clamp. If a U-shaped profile is used, then the second end of the blade can be fixed with a piece of board of suitable width, inserting it by surprise.

If you make a bottle cutter with your own hands in this way, then you do not have to hold the bottle. She just puts on a hairpin, and you can pull the cut rope with both hands. In addition, the cut strips will be even and will have a strictly selected width, and you will not have to rearrange the blade.

Application of PET tape

How to make a bottle cutter

How to make a bottle cutter is now clear. But where to use chopped tapes? They can be used to fix almost any thing. At the same time, if they are heated with a hairdryer, then PET will become tight and the connection will become more dense and reliable. Also, these strips can be used for weaving boxes, baskets, bags and furniture.

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