Spirituality is a problem about which much is said in modern society today. Especially from the older generation, one can often hear the opinion of a general decline in morals and a substitution of values.
Spirituality is ...
First of all, you need to understand what semantic load carries this word. If we consider the concept not from the point of view of religion, but from the point of view of secular society, then spirituality is the definition that characterizes primarily the impoverishment of spiritual values or their complete absence, as well as the loss of moral ideals, which in turn leads to the loss of humanity .
The reasons for the loss of spirituality
In the century when the emergence and mass distribution of new media was made, it became easier to influence people. Television, radio, fashion magazines and, for the most part, the Internet form mass consciousness. People are given a specific template and scenario for their lives. Dictations of what is needed in order to be happy and successful are dictated: what kind of work should be, what brand of clothing should be worn, what external attributes is necessary for a successful person in society, how many floors should be in the house, and what brand of cereals should be on breakfast.
The goal of modern communication channels is to make people buy more and more often. Imaginary values imposed by the media about the material component of happiness are the primary reason for the spread of spirituality among people. It can be concluded that spirituality is primarily a concentration on material things and the loss of moral guidelines.
The influence of values promoted in society on the development of the spirituality of young generations
If you sit down and think for a moment about the value orientations of modern society, you will notice that everything revolves around material things. Friendship, fidelity, honesty, sincerity, empathy with other people - all this goes by the wayside, giving way to the pursuit of a place in the sun, and this place, as you know, requires a person who wants to become its happy owner a huge time outlay. In pursuit there is no room for truly important things. When a person convinces himself that the ideals imposed on him by television, cinema and numerous advertisements will make him happy, he is very mistaken.
The young generation is most affected . Not everyone has been taught spiritual values since childhood. Most of the time parents spend at work, and children draw information from outside - from the Internet, where the imposition of material guidelines is felt most. The result is the replacement of traditional values with consumer goods, and the surrounding reality is increasingly subject to the laws of the jungle, where the right of the strong or the rich acts. Social networks have become more important than sincere evenings with loved ones, and the Internet has become an integral part of the everyday life of most young people.
The effect of advertising on the loss of spirituality
In the age of mass media and pop culture, advertising has become widespread. What do we see when we leave the house? Advertising banners, posting announcements at bus stops, transit advertising, advertising in shopping centers, grocery stores, leaflets, radio and television ads - all offer us something to buy.
Advertising convinces us that the purchase of a product will certainly make us happier. Everything that we see in it on television and in other mass media inspires us that without possessing a certain set of things we cannot be successful, beautiful, healthy, etc. People begin to join in a frantic race, earning and buying everything new and new things. But it’s not with money that they pay for the purchase of new products that, by the way, they didn’t need — they pay with their time, which they could spend on more important things: creating a family, spending time with loved ones, building up. All this, like sand, slipping through your fingers.
Of course, in the modern world, money is the key to confidence in the future, and there is no point in saying that such a phenomenon as downshifting will bring more happiness. But the fact that with the advent of the era of mass consumption, the concept of spirituality became widespread, there is no arguing. Under the influence of ongoing advertising campaigns, people are increasingly buying unnecessary things in order to fill the void inside. The purchase gives only the illusion of happiness and has a very short-lived effect, so in a desire to extend this feeling, the person again goes to the store. True, few people understand that material things cannot fill the void in the soul.
The impact of the loss of moral values on the internal state of man
Are there many truly happy people among us? Why now are the services of personal psychologists more and more popular? Everything that people need for happiness, they have. Stopping for a moment, a person sees what he has achieved throughout his life's race: there is work, an apartment, new-fangled gadgets, but the feeling of emptiness does not disappear anywhere. It becomes clear that the internal state does not depend on the acquired items, happiness lies elsewhere.
Happiness lies in the spiritual fulfillment of our lives. It is truly close relationships with friends, fidelity in love relationships, contemplation of the beauty of the world and the family that make us happy. Not cars and apartments, but relationships for which not everyone finds the time to work on. Happiness lies in the little things - in the little things that many today neglect.
How to solve the problem of lack of spirituality in society
What needs to be done to restore moral values? Like any other problem, the problem of the lack of spirituality of people will help to solve only its awareness. Many find the reason for their dissatisfaction with life at a more conscious age, but someone does not find at all. Now it is important to develop morality and instill spiritual values in future generations.