Famous personalities of Ukraine: Tatyana Montyan

It is said that the revolution opens up prospects for growth. It scares some. There are also such citizens for whom the unrest is the basis for personal growth. Tatyana Montyan became known thanks to the events unfolding in Kiev in 2013-2014. The name of this woman is now on the lips of residents of Ukraine, and of neighboring states. Let's get to know her.

tatyana montyan

Tatyana Montyan: biography

A famous person was born in 1972. Until the age of twelve, she lived in Crimea (Kerch). Then, together with her parents, she moved to Kherson. There she went to a specialized gymnasium with intensive study of foreign languages. Received higher education at Moscow State University. For a career, she chose a legal direction, studied constitutional law. Tatyana Montyan managed to do a little work at the MUR (she went through practice). She returned to Ukraine after graduation (1994). I decided to settle in Kiev, where she lives today. Engaged in law practice. Tatyana Montyan is known for taking on the most complicated and complicated things. For example, in 2002 she defended the members of UNA-UNSO. In March 2001, nineteen people took part in the action “Ukraine without Kuchma”. SBU opened a criminal case. The organization’s leader, Andrei Shkil, was charged under article 71 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. An active and responsible attitude to professional duties led to the fact that a criminal case was opened against Tatyana herself, which was closed three years later after the statute of limitations. Her husband was engaged in protection - Yuri Vasilenko.

Tatiana Montian biography

Social work

Legal knowledge and solid character did not go unnoticed. Tatyana Nikolaevna Montyan received an offer to take part in the 2004 election campaign . It was a very difficult time for society. Everyone remembers the three rounds of the presidential election. Tatyana was engaged in counteraction of falsifications at the time of a plebiscite in the Nikolaev area. And attempts to pull the blanket over were on both sides. That is, there was a lot of work, and it was necessary to carry out it in difficult conditions. However, this page has already been turned upside down with not the best result for Ukraine.

The year 2004 launched an open confrontation in the local community. Tatyana Montyan, as you know, chose her side back then. Despite the fact that she is considered an excellent lawyer, her popularity grew out of a different talent. Lawyer Montian is an excellent conversationalist. She has a simple communication style. She says things that everyone understands frankly, without smoothing corners, without obscuring reality. That is why the audience loves her.


Tatyana did not hide her views. She constantly expressed claims against the current government. Moreover, her education and work experience allow her to criticize the government and the president professionally. But Maidan, according to her, cannot bring Ukraine prosperity. She tried to explain this simple truth to people in numerous speeches, interviews and videos. According to the lawyer, now the statehood is being destroyed, which will lead the country to disaster.

tatyana nikolaevna montyan

Attempts to push conflicting parties towards reconciliation

Tatyana frankly calls Euromaidan “an oligarchic rebellion”. She is sure that this event will only complicate the existence of people. According to her, back in 2013, calls were made for citizens to leave the streets. After all, their gullibility is used by the powers that be for solving their own problems.

When the war broke out in the country, Tatyana considered it necessary to engage in educational activities. She traveled through the cities, speaking to fellow citizens, trying to show them the essence of the events. She also visited settlements under the rule of the separatists. There she also tried to convey to the people a simple thought about the need to build a peaceful life. The war has not yet brought happiness to anyone. “People, change your mind!” Tatyana calls. Why shoot each other? After all, those who sit on the sidelines will most likely receive dividends abroad. It is they who are guilty of fomenting an armed conflict that has lasted for more than a year. Tatyana criticizes all participants in the confrontation and recommends that people approach the situation pragmatically. You should think about your fate, she believes.

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