Rustic style wedding. Rustic style wedding decoration

It is no secret that every bride is waiting for her wedding date with bated breath. What is not surprising - she will remember such a magical day for her whole life, and so she wants the celebration to go perfectly! And for this you need to prepare for it in advance, because there is a lot of trouble.

You need to write a guest list, order a suitable restaurant and choose dishes from the menu, find a worthy photographer and videographer, print and send out invitations, buy a dress, rings ... However, first of all, you need to decide on the style of the wedding, because almost everything will depend on it: and the decoration of the hall , and table decoration, and the design of invitations, and dress items of the bride and groom, and flowers in a wedding bouquet. Today, one of the most fashionable areas is a rustic wedding. It is about him that we suggest talking below.

Interesting style

What is this - rustic wedding style? Translated from Latin, “rustic” means simple, rural, uncouth. But don’t think that this will be about a rollicking village wedding with tables and benches in the courtyard, with handwritten posters and rugs hanging everywhere and a tipsy neighbor as a toastmaster. No, a rustic-style wedding is an elegant, home-like event and incredibly beautiful! It just does not have traditional pomposity and excessive luxury.

rustic wedding
Here details play a big role, which make the holiday both warm and very elegant. So, designing a wedding in a rustic style involves the use of natural materials and wildflowers. The celebration requires a ceremony in the fresh air and celebration in a restaurant with a wooden interior and brings guests as close as possible to the pristine, magnificent in its perfection nature. And, of course, such a wedding should be played in the warm season.

However, we will not get ahead of ourselves and consider all the nuances in turn.


Let's start with the most, perhaps, the most important - with the outfit of the bride. So, what is hidden under the concept of a “dress in a rustic style”? It eliminates the abundance of lower skirts, dozens of hoops and should not look like a biscuit cake with cream. Rustic dress is simplicity and grace, flying airy fabrics such as crepe de chine, handmade lace. Its cut may even look like a sundress. The bride in this outfit looks sophisticated, weightless and innocent.

Rustic style wedding photo
Of course, shoes should be in harmony with the attire, so it’s better to choose simple shoes with low speed or simple ballet shoes. All kinds of rhinestones, stones and sequins are inappropriate here. Of course, the groom should also not be in a strict suit with a tie, gold cufflinks and patent leather shoes. His outfit for such a wedding is light light jeans and a shirt, even in combination with a vest, and moccasins are well suited as shoes.


Hairstyle of the bride implies simplicity and lightness. No frizzy curls and fanciful curls! It is better if the hair is loose, you can curl them slightly. Braids will look wonderful too. And, of course, instead of the once popular diadem strewn with “jewels,” you should take a beautiful weightless rim or weave fresh flowers into your hair, or even put on a real field wreath. But as accessories, vintage beads or a vintage necklace and the same earrings will do.


Now about the bride’s bouquet. A rustic wedding does not accept spoiled greenhouse plants. Neither orchids, nor roses, nor orange blossom are suitable. The bouquet must be composed of simple wildflowers : cornflowers, daisies, lilies of the valley, bluebells.

Rustic wedding decoration
You can use peonies and chrysanthemums, and as separate decorative elements - twigs with berries or stripes of moss. It is better to wrap the bouquet not with satin ribbon, but, for example, with twine or burlap. The only caveat is that wildflowers are not too persistent, so it’s better to immerse the bride’s bouquet every couple of hours in a container of cool water.

Rustic Invitations

A special approach is also needed here, because invitations should be harmoniously woven into the general direction of the wedding. Moreover, it is on them that the guests to whom they are intended will judge the style of celebration. It is good if the text is placed on paper in the form of birch bark or tree bark. And the ideal option is handmade invitations, decorated with burlap, wooden buttons, spikelets of wheat or rustic lace.


Of course, a wedding in a rustic style also implies a special decoration of the venue. It is best to spend it outdoors, choosing a rural landscape, for example, a meadow or a forest edge, haystacks, wildflowers and grasses ... But if this is not possible, this is not a reason for despair! A restaurant with its own landscaped area is also good.

rustic invitations
Just before ordering it, you need to make sure that the interior decoration of the halls is not too pathetic - for the rustic style, stucco columns with gilding, an abundance of drapery and red carpets are not suitable. Excellent if the rooms are decorated with wood or stone. There is also a certain color scheme, which must be adhered to when choosing a wedding in a rustic style.

Rustic Wedding Style
First of all, these are delicate shades: cream, light green, blue, pink ... It is also appropriate to use bright accents: yellow, red, cornflower blue. But remember that the priority is light colors, as they will help to recreate the atmosphere of naturalness. In the decoration of the hall to the full, you can use natural materials and some items of rural life. So, decorations made of birch bark, burlap, and chintz are well suited for entourage.

rustic dress
You can harmoniously fit into the interior a wooden barrel, old books, black and white photographs, ikebana from branches. But on shiny materials, gold and silver, bright fabrics - a taboo.

Design Tips

If an exit ceremony is planned , an arch made of branches and leaves is perfect for a rustic style, and the young ones will stand under them while pronouncing wedding vows. However, a picturesque spreading tree will also be great, to which a path decorated with pots or even jars of flowers on both sides will lead. A very original solution is to use bunches of straw carefully covered with chintz fabric with a fine floral print as "chairs" for guests.

It is better to put dishes with pastoral patterns on the tables in the restaurant, find napkins decorated with antique. Homemade cakes are perfect for sweets: shortbread cookies, grated pie, and stewed fruit and juices can be poured into lids, similar to those that used to be sour cream and milk in the villages.

As presents for guests, it would be nice to prepare small decorative jars of honey, jam or jam, tied at the neck with a ribbon or a piece of linen.

Little conclusion

That's probably all that a couple needs to know, who liked a rustic style wedding. Photos from such a holiday are shocking with their elegance and warm energy, and guests will certainly be stunned by the beauty of the ceremony. Therefore, dare, do not be afraid of experiments, show imagination, think over details, and your wedding will certainly pass perfectly and will be remembered for many years! We wish you success!

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