The economic rating of the countries of the world: where to direct investments?

The most important indicator of economic growth is gross domestic product. GDP allows you to determine the market value of all goods and services produced in the state in all sectors of production, the economy of the countries of the world is almost always sensitive to this indicator. The rating of world economies can be compiled on the basis of this and many other macroeconomic indicators. In this article you can get acquainted with many aspects of the economic life of developed countries. The article also indicates the rating of the countries of the world in relation to the development and efficiency of the economy, including the "investment climate" of the countries of the world.

world rating

Top 5 countries: GDP

An objective indicator of the growth rate of the economy of any country is the annual increase in GDP. The rating of the countries of the world published by data researchers from The World Bank puts in the first place one of the most powerful economies in the world - the US economy.

  1. United States GDP was approximately $ 18 trillion at the end of 2015, and the rate of "economic growth", calculated as the annual increase in GDP, expressed as a percentage, is small. Over the past year, growth amounted to approximately 2.5%, which is 23.5% less than the growth of the economy of Ireland - a state that was not included in the top five.
  2. China's GDP amounted to 11 trillion US dollars. China is also characterized by accelerated economic growth over the past few years. GDP increased by 6% compared to the previous year.
  3. Japan's GDP turned out to be almost three times smaller (compared with the PRC) - only 4 trillion US dollars. Leading for Japan remain such industries as high technology, medicine and pharmaceuticals.

European countries

economies countries world ranking
4. German GDP in 2015 amounted to 3.36 trillion US dollars. Industrial production and the service sector remain for Germany the most profitable industries.

5. Finally, the top five economies in the world closes the UK. The GDP of this state in 2015 amounted to 2.86 trillion US dollars, and annual growth of about 2%. It is worth noting that the United Kingdom is a positive example (if not exemplary) in relation to state regulation of the economy, here it is practically minimal, which leads the country to high economic results.

Foreign investment

The "investment image" of the country consists of several important factors. Having considered the totality of these factors, global analytical agencies have created an investment rating of the countries of the world. First of all, macroeconomic indicators were considered, including GDP, as well as technology development and the standard of living of citizens. The basis for assessing the attractiveness of the country's economy for investment is the ratio of risks and possible profits.

Investor-friendly countries

The current rating of the countries of the world regarding foreign investments was compiled by the World Bank. Some results may surprise you.

investment rating of countries of the world

  1. The first place in the ranking in terms of foreign investment is China. With great economic potential and the owner of one of the fastest growing economies, this state justifiably attracts more than $ 347 billion a year.
  2. Second place goes to the United States of America. The total investment per year is approximately $ 295 billion. This is due to the large selection of real estate provided by the government and the private sector. In addition, the last few years are characterized by a decrease in prices for this type of property.
  3. Hong Kong receives the largest share of investments in construction. One of Hong Kong's main economic indicators - GDP totaled approximately $ 330 billion for 2015.

Nordic countries - a warm climate for investment

The economic rating of the countries of the world in terms of investments put Russia and Canada in fourth and fifth place, respectively. The investment attractiveness of these two states has had a significant upward trend over the past 10-15 years. In 2013, Russia more closely approached the first positions in the ranking in terms of foreign investment; only China and the USA were ahead of it. Russia is a country with a transition economy, which, despite all the risks associated with this transition (change of state regulation tools, etc.), was able to attract the largest number of investors. One way or another, investments in Russia have their own significant drawbacks, for example, the share of raising funds to invest from offshore is still high.

economic rating of the countries of the world
As for Canada - this country is considered a stable industrial power, investors feel safe by investing in the Canadian economy. Developed Canadian democracy and a rather low crime rate contribute to this. Real estate in Canada can be acquired by both nationals and foreigners. Canada's legal system also contributes to increasing the attractiveness of the economy for external investment year after year.

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