Psalter for the Dead: Reading Rules and Features

For every Christian believer, reading the Psalms on the departed is a tribute to those who left this world. According to tradition, the Psalter is read continuously over the body of the deceased from the time of his death to burial.

The Psalter is a book that is part of the scriptures. Only 150 psalms are counted. Most of them were written by the biblical king David, the rest belong to the pen of other ancient Israeli rulers.

What is kathisma?

The Psalter itself is divided into twenty chapters or kathisma. Kathisma is a collection of several psalms (usually three or four), separated by three “Glories”. In other words, having read, for example, two psalms, the reader encounters the word “Glory” in the text. This means that in this place one should say: “Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” then other prayers are read sequentially and at the end it is said, “Now, and forever, and forever and ever.” Amen".

novice reading Psalms

Well-known Vladyka Athanasius believed that during the reading of the Psalms after the deceased, after each “Glory” and “Today,” a special memorial prayer should be made and five bowing should be made. Before and after reading the Psalms on the departed, it is necessary to read the funeral Canon.


The divided Psalter into kathisma is much easier to read, and the reading of the book itself can last only five hours. It is advisable to read the hymn to the deceased continuously, especially before burial. This can be done by the loved ones of the deceased, those who are able to do this.

In the text itself one can feel the hope of man for God's mercy. Thoughtful reading and listening to the Psalms comforts loved ones and a relative of the deceased.

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Not only allowed, but also encouraged to read the Psalter for the dead up to 40 days. Often it is practiced reading the Psalms forty days before the date of death, and then the reading is repeated for another forty days. As a result, eighty days pass.

Seventeenth Kathisma

This book has long been included in the service books, since almost half of the text of the service of the All-Night Vigil and the Liturgy consists of fragments of it. The hymnal for the dead can be read while sitting, but not lying down. The Holy Fathers believe that prayers that are uttered without bothering the body do not bear worthy fruit. Only sick and infirm people are allowed to read the Psalm, the Gospel, the Old Testament and so on.

People who are far from the church, but who want to become true believers in the future, often ask: which Psalter is read on the deceased at home? Indeed, it happens that the clergy bless not read the entire Psalter, but one of its kathisma. This is the seventeenth of kathisma. She was chosen, because the content of the Divine text is most suitable for expressing the feelings of the deceased.

The seventeenth of kathisma is not only the longest of all, but also the most beautiful. The reader is led by a difficult and honorable responsibility to remember the deceased, to work for him before God, which is why the Psalter, read by the dead, brings great benefit to the soul of the one who reads it.

How did the tradition to commemorate the departed?

The history after which the tradition to remember the dead appeared in the Old Testament, in the second book of the Maccabees. After Abraham showed deep devotion to God, the Most High promised the Jewish people that they would emerge victorious in all wars, even if the number of enemies would exceed several times, but only if they kept His Testament.

mother reading

Indeed, while the people kept the Divine covenant, written on the tablets, no one could defeat him in battle. However, the Old Testament military leader Judah once suffered a crushing defeat on the battlefield. This happened for the first time and the remaining soldiers, led by the military leader, were at a loss, realizing that the Most High had abandoned His word. The alarmed warriors decided to inspect the bodies of their deceased friends in order to send some of their clothes to their families. On some, they found pagan amulets and other signs of idol worship. This opened their eyes to the wrath of God.

Judas gathered the surviving warriors, and they all stood up to prayer, after thanking the Creator for not hiding the truth from them. In an appeal to God, pious warriors asked for forgiveness for the lost brothers who departed from His covenant. The Lord accepted their prayer and praised Judas.

There are several Old Testament stories in which ancient people took care of the departed.

Why should you read the Psalter?

Even before the Lord Jesus Christ revealed himself to people and before the New Testament appeared, the Old Testament pious people read the Psalter. King David, who wrote it, was a man humble with a meek heart, which was unusual in those cruel times.

Holy book

Through his psalms or, in modern terms, songs, he showed the highest qualities of man, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. A collection of psalms, read for the soul of the deceased, protects it from the pursued evil spirits.

How to read the Psalter?

Usually it is read in Church Slavonic, which causes some bewilderment and inconvenience. The reader may not fully understand the meaning of words and expressions. There are two opinions on this score.

Some believe that reading the Psalter at home by the deceased is necessary in any case. It does not matter if the reader understands the text or not, because evil spirits still understand and tremble.

Another opinion is a thoughtful reading of psalms, with a statement of obscure words and a translation into Russian.

Of course, conscious reading is a priority, but the first option is acceptable. If you wish, you can find explanations for the collection of psalms both on the Internet and in books devoted to this topic, which are many in church shops.

reading psalms

It is useful to study the Holy Scriptures, both the New Testament and the Old Testament. The fiftieth psalm, most often used during the service, has its own explanation, which can be found in the Second Book of Kings. This repentant psalm, David wrote in a heavy contrition, therefore it is useful to know it by heart to repent of the soul.

If the Psalter is read in front of the coffin of the deceased, then the reader should stand at his feet with a burning candle. While reading the words of Scripture, it is necessary to pronounce with reverence, since the tongue twister of carelessly pronounced words is an insult to the sacred rite and the Word of God.

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