The mysteries of anatomy: how many neurons are in the human brain?

The great detective Sherlock Holmes once and for all convinced people that the sharpness of mind and intelligence can delight others no less than a charming appearance. The abilities of the human mind directly affect his whole life. However, with the advent of alcohol, people split into two irreconcilable camps - some believe that alcohol destroys our brain and health, while others joyfully accepted its presence in their lives. So who is right?

About neurons and their benefits

Human imagination

How many decades is the war β€œZOZhnikov” against people who drink alcohol, can not be counted. But you can find out how it all began.

The main mechanism in the human body is the brain. Someone may say that this is the heart, but it does not make decisions, does not set any action algorithms. It is in the brain that lives what is called consciousness, the center of reflection, understanding, response. The brain is made up of special nerve cells called neurons.

A neuron is a cell, which is a body, from which several "wire-channels" to other neurons depart. This forms neural connections through which impulses pass. They are set, like a computer, by the central nervous system (central nervous system), and these impulses are converted into certain mental and physical processes. In a word, neurons are human everything. If the connections between them weaken, diseases develop, due to which there is a loss of memory, coordination, impaired speech, loss of self in space and time. Unpleasant consequences for a person and a familiar lifestyle. If neurons are in the required number, and their connections are at the proper level, then the person not only does not experience the above problems, but, on the contrary, has excellent knowledge of memory, coordination and other functions of comfortable life. Therefore, small neurons are of such great importance to humans.

The cradle is not the beginning

Children say

According to scientists, 70% of human neurons die before his birth. This is due to the rapid development of the fetus from a tiny embryo to a full-fledged baby in just nine months. The same thing happens during the life of people - they constantly lose neurons, and every year those become fewer. It is very difficult to answer the question "how many neurons in the human brain at birth". It all depends on the individual characteristics of development, genetics. If we assume that on average by the age of three, the children's brain becomes 80% similar to the adult in volume, then the approximate number of neurons varies from 65–80 billion. It should also be noted that the strength of synapses (sites that connect neurons to each other) is constantly growing from the moment of birth.

How many neurons are in the human brain?

neural connections

The answer to this question does not contain any constant, because counting the number of neurons in each person is as impossible as counting the amount of hair on the head, because:

1. There are a lot of them. The bill will be long.

2. The account initially does not make sense, because some die every day, others get better.

3. The number, strength and health of neurons depend on many factors: genetics, quality of life, upbringing, education and even ... laziness. Its presence will not add either hair or neurons.

According to studies by a Brazilian neurologist, the average number of neurons in an adult is 86 billion. Previously, this figure was equal to 100 billion. Tangible difference, right?

Despite the decline, man remains the most intelligent creature on planet Earth and proves this every day, regardless of how many neurons are in the human brain.

Alcohol is the enemy of neurons ... Yes or no?

Few people know, but alcohol is always present in our bodies. Everyone has. It is released during the breakdown of glucose and is only 0.01%. To eliminate it, there are also certain enzymes that help a person cope with this substance in the body. The product of such enzymes is toxic to humans and causes poisoning in large quantities. So, after drinking alcohol, the body tries to remove it, but in return receives a dose of poisonous substances. Due to the fact that alcohol is highly soluble in fat and water, the human body easily takes a "high-degree" drink. But this is in the early stages.

Glasses with alcohol

Alcohol is a legal drug that helps to cause "dopamine" addiction: if you drink, it will become easier, the body will be relaxed; it became bad - to drink, so that it becomes good again ... And so on ad infinitum. More precisely, to the first signs of alcoholism. By the way, drinking in the morning so that the day begins easier is the first of their signs. Then, alcohol actively changes brain activity and human activity. Actually, the human appearance is also changing for the worse. As a result, it is difficult to calculate how many neurons in the human brain kill alcohol. Watching how a person consumes and in what doses. There is even an opinion that cell death does not occur, ethanol de simply destroys the connection between neurons and various parts of the brain. And these connections are reversible. As soon as a person abandons addiction, they will recover. Nevertheless, regular consumption (and even more so abuse) of alcohol-containing drinks can lead to diseases that destroy the brain. So there is still a certain amount of truth in the alleged myth that alcohol kills the brain.

Is it possible to return the lost?

As practice shows, it is better to protect all neurons (and the body as a whole) since youth. Over the years, communications have weakened, and it’s not right to give up, but to begin to strain the brain with information, train it, think, play logic games and charades, solve crosswords.

Definitely worth quitting bad habits. They prevent the body from developing at full strength and dull the severity of feelings. As well as a feeling of love, care, joy and so on.

You should not try to return the neurons by introducing stem cells. There will be an effect, but risky. How many neurons will return to the human brain is unknown, but the sad consequences are known. Let it be only experiments so far. Until now, doctors cannot find out why, when stem cells are introduced into animals, 30–40% of cases result in the development of malignant neoplasms.

Therefore, it is much more effective to work, to tune in to the best, and in everything, and, of course, to remember that a person is alone in himself. Who will help him, if not himself?

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