Teeth restoration with veneers: advantages of the procedure, varieties of veneers, indications for installation, basic steps

Teeth restoration is an excellent solution for acquiring a beautiful smile. An excellent method that allows you to achieve the goal in the shortest possible time is the installation of veneers. What are such dental inlays? What are the benefits of the procedure? The answers to these questions, as well as the features of tooth restoration with veneers with a photo, will be considered further.

Veneers - what is it?

tooth restoration with veneered tabs

Veneers in dentistry are dental inserts of insignificant thickness, made on the basis of porcelain and composite materials. The thickness of such products is up to a maximum of 0.5 mm. The restoration of teeth with veneers takes place by fixing them on the outside of the enamel with dental cement. The solution contributes to the visual elimination of all kinds of defects, in particular, the creation of an attractive shade of teeth, maintaining their integrity, density, shape correction.

For the first time, the technique of aesthetic restoration of teeth by veneers was adopted by dentists in the 30s of the last century. The idea belongs to the American physician Charles Pincus. Initially, an expensive procedure was used by Hollywood stars, who needed a perfect smile when appearing in public. The veneers were fixed on the dentition using a weak adhesive mixture. Therefore, the pads were retained only for 2-3 days, after which they fell away.

The latest samples of veneers differ significantly from their "progenitors" according to the structure of the material and the principle of installation. At the same time, their main task was saved - achieving an impressive aesthetic effect in the shortest possible time.


dental restoration with composite veneers

Which is better - veneers or tooth restoration through the use of crowns? In favor of the first option says the following:

  1. With strict adherence to the recommendations of the dentist, careful attitude to artificial pads, the plates are able to please a person for 10 years or more. The manufacturing technology of such devices is improved from year to year. At the moment, dentists confidently declare that the strength indicators of modern veneers are much higher compared to ceramic crowns.
  2. Special pads look in the eyes of others like "native" teeth. Visually preserved natural appearance, like real enamel. Achieved a natural form. During the restoration of teeth with veneers, the shade is selected individually.
  3. One of the main advantages of installing such tabs is the reduction in the tendency to plaque formation. The products of the activity of microscopic organisms in the oral cavity simply do not linger on the surface of veneers.
  4. Materials for the manufacture of linings are resistant to dyes. Thanks to the installation of veneers, a smile is no longer able to harm cigarette smoke, strong tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, wine. Products retain their original appearance during the entire service life.

Comparative Cons of Veneers

teeth restoration with veneers

Dental pads have several relative disadvantages. The main thing is the high cost of the procedure for the bulk of interested parties. The cost of installing veneers in most cases exceeds the cost of a cermet crown.

A product made of high-strength materials can injure the gums. This happens when the rather sharp edges of the veneer come into close contact with the soft tissues in the oral cavity.

Pads are often subjected to chips. This can be observed after passing several years from the moment of installation. Often the cause is the destruction of the edges of the real tooth, on which the pad is fixed.


aesthetic restoration of teeth veneers

Nowadays, the installation of the following veneer samples is available to patients of dental clinics:

  1. Ceramic made using durable porcelain. The material provides the appearance closest to natural enamel. Such veneers are translucent, do not change shade for many years.
  2. Zirconium have the highest strength. The basis is zirconia coated with a ceramic layer. The advantage of the products is reliability and color stability. Among the minuses, it is worth noting the high cost and complexity of the installation.
  3. Composite are made from filling materials. Tooth restoration with composite veneers is usually used when correction of chewing surfaces is required.
  4. Lumineers are porcelain plates of the smallest thickness. Products are glued around the entire perimeter of the tooth, after its preliminary grinding. The structure contains an abundance of fluorine, which positively affects the state of natural enamel.

Indications for installation

restoration of front teeth with veneers

In most cases, dentists offer patients the option of restoring teeth with veneers, when the enamel whitening method does not give the expected results. In addition to the low efficiency of clarification, indications for the procedure are:

  • The occurrence of chips on the surface of the front teeth.
  • The appearance of age spots covering the enamel.
  • The presence of gaps between the teeth that make the smile unattractive.
  • Dental defects not caused by the development of dental diseases.
  • Exposure of the necks of the tooth due to the lowering of the gums.

Preliminary preparation for the installation of veneers

what is better veneers or tooth restoration

Before resorting directly to the restoration of teeth with veneers, the dentist must eliminate the patient’s signs of caries and cure the gums. If there is a subsidence of old fillings, the material is replaced with a new one. Since the linings are much better kept on a fresh basis.

Before tooth restoration with veneer inserts, the doctor removes the top layer of enamel up to one mm thick. Next is a cast of future products. So that the turned teeth do not cause physical and aesthetic discomfort, temporary plates are installed on top.

Restoration procedure

tooth restoration with veneers photo

The primary stage in the restoration of anterior teeth by veneers is the manufacture of the pads themselves. Several solutions can be applied here. A popular way is to apply plastic mass from porcelain to enamel in layers. The technique ensures the achievement of the most natural shade and shape of the products, in accordance with the nature of the patient’s natural teeth.

Another way is pressing veneers under pressure and high temperatures. Thanks to the solution, the overlay is more durable and less prone to destruction under impressive physical exertion. The choice of a particular method depends on the qualifications of the dentist, the technical equipment of the clinic and the preferences of the patient.

In the manufacture of veneers, a three-dimensional computer model is formed. Data is loaded into a high-tech milling machine program. The unit grinds the linings in automatic mode. Due to the need to achieve high precision products on the preparation of veneers takes about 2 weeks.

The final chord is the fixation of the plates on the patient's enamel. In order to ensure a good connection, the dentist resorts to using special cement pastes. The main task of the doctor is the quick and most accurate location of the pads in the right positions. If the specialist made no mistakes, the patient can fully count on the long life of the veneers.


The main point that matters to visitors to dental offices who wish to install veneers is the acquisition of a smile of aesthetic appeal. The choice of individual types of pads is often due to a compromise between the cost of the procedure and the desired results. Ceramic products are preferred when the teeth have a repulsive appearance. Zirconium veneers are installed in case of low strength and defective enamel. Composite linings do not have pronounced whiteness. Therefore, their installation is suitable for strengthening the posterior teeth.

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