How to care for lips after tattooing: restoration rules and secrets

Every girl or woman wants to always be beautiful, so they resort to different ways to achieve what they want. As you know, now the trend is to do eyelash extensions, nails, eyebrows, lips and so on. In this article we will talk about how to care for your lips after a tattoo procedure.

The so-called indelible cosmetics allows you to save time in the morning, money and always be attractive. Tattooing of the lips eliminates the fact that you constantly need to tint them, correct and mask for the presence of scars. Also allows you to slightly increase the size. That is suitable for those who suffer from thin lips. If you dare to do this procedure, then find a good specialist. Because the layman can only do much harm.

Types and methods of lip tattooing

Currently, there are different types of tattooing techniques, it depends on what kind of lips you have and what result you want to achieve.


  1. Highlighting the contour of the lips. This method is used by those with lip contour changes with age. It is considered a fairly non-hazardous procedure.
  2. Highlight a full-color outline. This technique is used in order not to constantly paint the lips. You can use any color that the woman herself wishes.
  3. Tattoo of lips 3D. It is considered a difficult method, as it involves a combination of several shades. Visually enlarges the lips in volume, they become much brighter. Using this procedure, you can well mask the existing scars.
  4. Permanent lipstick. Lips become brighter and more expressive.
lip tattoo

The advantage of this procedure

Lip tattoo has several advantages. The most important thing is beauty, because girls and women decide on such a procedure precisely because of this. Secondly, it shortens the morning makeup process. Thirdly, it is saving finances. Because the tattoo lasts about 4 years. Another important factor is the masking of flaws on the lips. In addition, you can adjust the contour and add volume.


The disadvantages include the following:

  1. Pain during the procedure. Therefore, if you have a low pain threshold, think about whether it is worth doing it.
  2. The final result can not be seen immediately, but after the swelling of the lips has gone.
  3. Herpes may worsen.
  4. The dye sometimes causes an allergic reaction.
  5. This procedure will need to be repeated after the end of the tattoo.

In order to verify the correctness of your decision, find out all the pros and cons, take an interest in the salons, how to do it correctly, what kind of care you need, pick a good specialist. And remember that the price in this case is not the main thing, first of all think about your health.


how to care for lips after tattoo

Having studied all the advantages and disadvantages, you should familiarize yourself with contraindications. In the presence of diabetes, it is forbidden to carry out this manipulation with the face. Subsequently, herpes can worsen, a number of other diseases appear. It is worth abandoning tattooing:

  • with hypertension;
  • in case of epilepsy;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • with poor blood coagulability, as well as blood diseases;
  • with menstruation.

How does this procedure go?

how to care for your lips after tattooing to heal faster

The master must first listen to the wishes of the client regarding the shape and color of the lips. And then proceeds to the following actions:

  1. Draws the selected color sketch of the tattoo. Then draws a contour and shades, thereby filling everything with one color.
  2. Then the client looks and corrects the specialist if all wishes are not taken into account.
  3. A lineage specialist (tattooist) applies a disinfectant to the lips, and then an anesthetic cream.
  4. In the place of the sketch under the upper layer of skin, the master introduces pigment using a special apparatus equipped with a thin needle.
  5. At the end of the procedure, this area is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Lip tattoo - a cosmetic procedure, but it can be traumatic for the skin. Therefore, slight bleeding may be present. Do not be afraid of this, this is normal. And first of all, you should think about the master being a specialist in his field, so as not to harm you and your health.

how to care for lips after tattooing in the early days

How to care immediately after the lip tattoo procedure?

After the procedure, the lip area turns red and has a swollen appearance. Therefore, the lineage giver applies a special ointment. This is done in order to reduce sensitivity. Swelling goes away after a couple of hours. Lip care after tattooing in the early days is very important. In the reviews, the girls write that you should take into account that you can’t peel off the crust yourself. Because she has to get off herself. If you do this inadvertently, you may get the effect of an unpainted spot. Therefore, a specialist should explain how to care for lips after tattooing. It is worth noting that the process of their recovery will take about two weeks.

How to care for lips after tattoo so that they heal faster? It is very important not to harm them. Therefore, you need to know what is not worth doing. We will tell you this too. But first things first.

Antiviral drugs should be taken during the week before and after the procedure. This is in order to protect yourself from oral herpes.

What to do after the procedure?

We have already figured out how to care for your lips after tattooing in the early days. Now let's talk about prohibited actions. Do not do the following:

  • in the first days after tattooing, you should not visit tanning salons, baths and saunas;
  • use lip cosmetics;
  • kissing, it can injure the lips;
  • wash with soap;
  • to play sports - it is worth abandoning any physical exertion so that sweat does not roll down to the affected area;
  • drink hot drinks and alcohol;
  • to smoke;
  • do a facial cleansing;
  • eat salty, smoked, sour foods;
  • sunbathing in the sun;
  • wipe lips with wet wipes;
  • constantly touch the lips, especially with dirty hands;
  • wipe your lips with hydrogen peroxide;
  • peck wounds with a band-aid;
  • in case of itching, scratch them.

If you have any questions, go to your specialist immediately.

Rules for restorative lip care

how to care for your lips correctly

We have already said that the master should explain how to properly care for lips after tattooing, but there are still methods for proper restoration. Let's look at them.

  1. The first three days it is advisable not to come in contact with water, but to use neatly damp wipes. You can also wipe your face with tonic, avoiding the mouth area.
  2. Then you can wash only with boiled water at room temperature.
  3. Use only clean towels or napkins.
  4. Before brushing your teeth, first spread cream near the mouth area to prevent toothpaste.
  5. Drink through a straw.
    lip care after tattoo
  6. Eat only chilled food.
  7. For better care, use baby cream.
  8. Apply balms with vitamins A, E and D.
  9. Before going outside, moisturize your lips liberally so that they do not wind off.
  10. To reduce the risk of herpes, buy any antiviral medication. Be sure to check which one is best for you.
lip care after tattooing in the early days

After a week, contact your specialist to adjust the contour, and also to make sure that you are properly performing lip care after tattooing, and see how the healing process goes.

How long does tattoo last?

We have already figured out how to care after the lip tattoo procedure. Now let's talk about how much the result will hold. Much depends on the age of the patient, the shape of the lips, the type of skin, the color of the pigment you want to make.

In older people, tattoo lasts longer than in young girls, because metabolic processes in the body proceed more slowly. When choosing a pigment, consider the color - light and delicate shades last the least time.

On dry skin type tattoo lasts much longer than on skin prone to oily. All factors are individual. However, on average, lip tattoo lasts about 3-5 years, depending on the care. Then you can repeat this procedure.

Therefore, if you decide on this step, then initially weigh the pros and cons. Make sure that you are healthy, determine the shade, because it is not recommended to change it when you like. And be sure to find a specialist in your field, because it depends on him how the whole process will go. And do not save on your health, because a cheap procedure can come back to you with problems.

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