About loneliness statuses: why are they so popular?

Social networks have long been a part of our lives. We are used to communicate through correspondence, to share moments from life with the help of photos, and to express our mood with the help of statuses. Now almost all social networks have this feature.

A bit about statuses

Status is a small text message that is assigned to your page and each time you visit your profile, your guests and friends will be able to watch it until you change it or remove it altogether. Initially, statuses were intended to report on the mood of the owner of the page or what he was doing. So, in “Skype” the status means a small notification about whether the account owner is busy and whether he is in place. In the status of "Instagram" often enter information on how to contact the owner of the village, its details and where you can write on issues of cooperation. Thus, the status is filled with famous personalities, artists, models, photographers, makeup artists, hairdressers and others. A few years ago, statuses were set to talk about what the user is doing at the given time, for example: “I'm going to eat,” “I go to bed,” “I go out with friends,” “at work,” and so on. Now a special type of statuses has come into fashion - these are quotes from famous people, winged expressions or funny sayings. In social networks such as VKontakte or Facebook, there are many special communities with collections of the best quotes for statuses. Today we look at loneliness statuses. It is known that loneliness is the scourge of modernity, and many users of social networks suffer from it.

about loneliness statuses

About loneliness statuses

Statuses about loneliness are one of the most popular among fans of VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter or Odnoklassniki. The fact is that, fleeing the feeling of abandonment, many people are trying to find solace in one of these sites. They believe that it is there that they will find consolation, like-minded people and friends. For example, you can often meet the statuses: “People are lonely from the need to build bridges, not walls,” “Loneliness is when there is no one to share thoughts with” or “Loneliness is when you have a phone, and only the alarm rings " and so on.

loneliness statuses with meaning

Relationship and loneliness

Having set statuses about loneliness, users try to attract attention and show how badly they need communication and support. Such statuses are very popular among people that until recently were in a relationship, and now seek to prove to their soulmate that they suffer: "Our pride can make us completely lonely", "The warmth of our beloved hands and sincere communication is what every person lacks" . The calculation is made on the fact that sad status about loneliness will offend another partner, and he will again make himself felt. Or, on the contrary, after parting, one of the “halves” seeks to show the other that it’s wonderful to exist without it: “It’s better to have a life without a relationship than a relationship in which there is no life”, “My freedom is my precious, most powerful drug and supreme comfort. "

sad statuses about loneliness

Statuses on February 14th alone

No matter how popular loneliness statuses are in everyday life, a special peak of their popularity falls on February 14th. They are set for themselves by people who do not have a second half. Traditionally, Valentine's Day is celebrated with lovers. But those who have not yet found their chosen one feel quite awkward on this day, when couples in love wander around the city every now and then, and on social networks new posts constantly appear about how happy users are in their relationship, about their loved ones gave them for the holiday, or as they celebrated this day together.

Of course, any person without a couple in such an environment will feel awkward. Then there are statuses about loneliness with the meaning: “I will celebrate February 14 in the company of my beloved”, “I need to protect my love not only on February 14, but the rest 364 days”, “All Valentine's Day only helps card makers” or simple “I love only myself. " I would like to advise such people not to be discouraged and not to be skeptical about the holiday. If you have not found your soulmate - do not despair, because everything is ahead. Statuses of loneliness with meaning, of course, will raise interest in your personality, but only for a short time. You can go beyond social networks and then luck will surely smile at you!

statuses about February 14th alone

Loneliness statuses will help you share your emotions. But do not forget about real life, because it has a lot of interesting things!

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