You must admit that it is not easy to imagine a modern house without such a familiar device as a toilet. It should be as comfortable as possible in every way. After all, this is an indispensable thing that we use daily. Therefore, the choice of toilet requires a serious approach, especially since we usually buy it for more than one year. Today you can buy models of various configurations, colors and shapes. It is important for us to choose a product that is ergonomic, easy to care for and fits perfectly into the interior of the bathroom.
Types of toilets
Toilets in their design are divided into wall and floor. The first are mounted on the wall using a special reinforced frame, based on the floor and walls. Visually, it looks like a toilet hung on a wall. With this method of attachment, there are some limitations. Since the design must support not only its weight, but also the weight of a seated person, the maximum additional weight should not exceed 300 kg. These toilets are still not very common in Russia. Such models (and their installation) are obviously more expensive than floor counterparts. But if you decide to purchase a hinged structure, then significantly save on the workspace. Caring for such a toilet is much easier, because all the pipes and valves are mounted on the wall. All the advantages of a beautiful floor tile will be visible to your eye. However, in the neighborhood to such a model asks for expensive plumbing equipment. The design of the toilet depends on the size of your bathroom.
Floor toilets have been on the market for a long time and delight the picky buyer with a variety of designs. They differ in the drainage system. There are toilets with high suspension tanks, compacts, monoblocks.
Compacts are ordinary toilets known to us since childhood. They are very easy to install, so even non-professionals can mount them.
Monoblocks - toilet bowls that combine the tank and toilet bowl into one whole. Such a system absolutely eliminates the possibility of water leakage. However, the candy bar is impressive in size, so you can put such a model only in a fairly spacious bathroom or toilet room.
Admirers of retro style choose toilets with a high suspension tank. The cost of these structures is slightly higher than the prices of compacts and monoblocks. But they look unusually stylish and elegant against the background of mosaics or expensive ceramic tiles.
By type of flush, the toilet bowls are divided into direct, circular, cascading and showering options. Siphon systems have also been created that flush from above and absorb contents from below.
The choice of toilet bowl is significantly affected by the material from which it is made. It can be classic faience, plastic, steel, cast iron, glass, porcelain. Classic ceramic toilets have been tested over many years by combining lightness, durability and aesthetic value.
The choice of toilet bowl may also be determined by the principle of flushing device. Drain into the sewer can be as follows: oblique outlet, horizontal outlet, vertical outlet. The good old toilet (domestic) had an oblique release. A more modern system is toilets with a vertical outlet. This is a great choice for small rooms. Toilets with a horizontal outlet - the invention of recent years. As a rule, all new buildings are equipped with them.
One of the latest achievements is the discharge with a metered amount of water. There are two buttons on the lid of the drain tank, when you press one, a small amount of water is poured out, when you press the other, more. This system significantly saves water consumption, which is relevant for modern ecology.