How to degrease the surface? How can you degrease the surface of the car before painting?

When you need to paint a fence or a metal pipe, it does not matter how and by what means this work will be done. But it’s a completely different matter when the question is about the car. Each owner in the process of painting the body is very important that the result is the highest quality. Therefore, the use of special tools can not do.

than degreasing surfaces
The first step before painting work is the preliminary preparation of the body. In the course of these works, old paint is removed from the car. Then the metal must be fat-free and then motorists are faced with problems. Let's try to figure out how to degrease surfaces on modern cars and how to do it correctly in order to get the highest quality result.

What are the means

Often, motorists use old-fashioned lint-free napkins treated with some kind of solvent to combat the greasy film on the body. Experts do not recommend performing this procedure in this way. This option is suitable only when it is necessary to process only some small area. If you look at the assortment of preparations for preparatory work, which are produced today, you can highlight a few tools that degrease the surface of the metal. These are various solvents and substances of organic origin, emulsions, as well as special solutions, which include synthetic detergents.

how to degrease the surface of the car
Experts recommend using the latter. These drugs successfully and confidently defeat not only the greasy film, but also fight dirt and the effects of corrosion no less effectively.

White Spirit

One of these organic solvents is the familiar white spirit. It is used at the initial stage of bodywork processing. Then, at finer stages, a mixture of alcohol with phosphoric acid is used. Such a solution will thoroughly wash away traces of fat from a metal surface. But there are other drugs that can degrease the surface of the car. One such remedy is trichlorethylene. This is the most famous representative of the group of organic solvents. It enters into an active reaction in contact with aluminum bodies. In this case, combustible substances are released during the reaction, which increase the risk of fire in case of accidents. Using it is highly undesirable.

how to degrease the plastic surface
If trichloethylene reacts with water, then a sticky mass will form on the body, which is not so easy to remove. If there is no other option than degreasing the surface of the car, then this drug is suitable. But it works only in the complete absence of moisture on the coating.

Special preparations for processing

Professionals who have been involved in car painting for a long time know and recommend the use of special tools - they do not cause fires, and also do not emit any chemical compounds harmful to humans.

how to degrease the surface of the car
But beginners often ignore tips and supposedly β€œknow” the better to degrease the surface of the car. Often, kerosene, gasoline, acetone, and even diesel fuel are used for this. In fact, all of the above can be used only when the nearest auto cosmetics store is about 100 km away.

Gasoline, diesel, acetone as an alternative to white spirit

People who have never before been involved in preparatory work for painting often confuse white spirit with other substances like gasoline, kerosene and diesel fuel - all of these liquids are very similar in smell.

how to degrease the surface before painting
But the functional difference between them is small. They are mixtures of hydrocarbons that are produced by distillation of petroleum fractions. All substances perfectly dissolve various mastics, stains of bitumen or fats. But diesel and kerosene are very difficult to wash off, although in principle they are suitable for degreasing. Kerosene is used in professional car washes, but specialized equipment is used there, which makes it easy to remove traces of substances and odor. In garage conditions, processing in this way will be harmful. With extreme caution, acetone, as well as solvents No. 646 or 645, can be used.


Antisilicon, than degreasing surfaces, are considered the best choice for all ordinary motorists who decide to prepare the body for painting with their own hands. Using these tools, you can not only remove greasy films from the surface. Anti-silicone is suitable for cleaning dirt and dust.

the better to degrease the surface of the car
The use of these funds is optimal even when it is planned to paint only local body painting. In addition to the fact that these products show an excellent degreasing effect, it also does not destroy metal or old paint.


How to degrease the plastic surface? Antistatic will be as safe as possible. The fact is that plastic has the ability to electrify and attracts dust. This can be a headache for the owner - in such conditions it is very difficult to remove the grease film. With the help of antistatic agents, this problem is solved very quickly and effectively. The composition will perfectly remove grease and dust.

Alkaline based products

This is another group of drugs that degrease surfaces when painting. Under these funds are known to everyone washing compounds in which there are alkalis. They help not only to perform degreasing with high efficiency, but also easily remove various contaminants. But use alkaline drugs with caution. When the treatment is finished, it is better to put the car in a closed clean and dry room where the body can dry well. In most of these mixtures, in addition to alkalis, various emulsifiers can be found. These substances interact with fatty foods at temperatures from 60 degrees. After the composition dries, the greasy film will remain on the metal - after which it can be easily removed.

how to degrease the surface of the car
If the car owner decided to deal with fatty films using this method, it is important to prevent strong foaming. Foam bubbles will not be able to provide suitable conditions for triggering interactions with fats. The desired effect will not be.

Electrochemical processing methods

This is another option for how to degrease the surface before painting. However, it is not suitable for those who own a garage or home workshop. For this process, electricity of industrial frequencies will be needed. An important point is the polarity. It is determined by the type of metal. The anode is connected for degreasing steel, and the cathode is used for non-ferrous metals.

Multi-stage cleaning

The first step is to process the body with white spirit. What if there are signs of corrosion on the surface? In this case, it is necessary to treat the surface using phosphoric acid with alcohols. This composition is a mixture of ethyl alcohol in a ratio of 15%. A part of water and phosphoric acid is also mixed in a ratio of 1 to 5. In addition, an emulsifier is used - an OP-7 wetting agent in an amount of 0.5%. 0.1% nitrobenzene is also needed. At home, getting this mixture is difficult enough - some substances are not on sale. It is also worth remembering that the composition is dangerous to health.


When answering the question of how to degrease the surface of a car, some parameters should be taken into account - the effectiveness of the product, its price and economy. The ideal option is one that satisfies all these requirements, but finding something similar on sale is very difficult. In addition to all these factors, it is necessary to take into account the harm that the product will have on the metal or on human health. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain maximum information about the drug. It will not be superfluous to purchase protective equipment for the respiratory tract - masks and respirators.

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